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So recently I was insanely blessed by someone I know.  A large amount of brand new Warhammer was given to me.  I first played 40K back in 2nd Edition.  I worked at a store and played heavily till 6th Edition.  Life got busy and I raised a family and have long wished and waited for the day I could dive back in.  Well that day has come.  I am eyeballs deep in Warhammer and am trying to figure out what all I have and how to use it.  The game has changed soooo much!  I would love some help trying to focus what I have for Space Marines into a 2,000 pt army.  This is what I have to use.  Please help me see a list here.  What units are a must use and which are blah... I'm a sucker for Land Raiders and Terminators as well as any speeders.  But I think that is the 1997 coming out in me.   Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


1 Imperial night crusader
10 infiltrators
10 intercessors
9 aggressors
3 suppressors
3 eliminators
10 Inferness
18 Incursors
3 Inceptors
2 Impulsors
5 Terminators
1 Terminator librarian
1 Tech Marine
1 Chaplin
1 Apothecary
3 Outriders
10 Intercessors
5 Heavy Intercessors
1 Storm Speeder
1 Landrader
3 Centurion assault squad
1 Invader ATV
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Based on what you have and what you said you'd like, I'd run something like this: (Some things in your list were a little vague, so the points might be slightly off, I will indicate where I had to guess on a couple things). I've also grouped together units I think would be used in tandem

Stormlance Task Force: 
(Allows any your units to charge even if they Advanced or Fell Back)


This is a very mobile force that like to get units in close fast, and is flexible enough to shift on a dime to react to various threats. 

Terminator Librarian: 75pts

Terminator Squad x5: 170pts (I'm assuming regular and not Assault as they are more points.) 


Chaplain: 60pts
Assault Intercessors x10: 150pts (You listed Intercessors twice, so I thought the other batch might be Assault Intercessors)


Enhancement: Portents of Wisdom: 15pts

(Allows a Character to re-roll advance rolls, you could use this on either/or.) 

Intercessors 2x5: 160pts
Impulsors x2: 160pts (These let you scoot your Intercessors around the board and sticky objectives.) 


Outriders x3 + ATV: 140pts
Storm Speeder.... Hammerstrike?: 125pts (Not sure which storm speeder you have, they cost different.)

Land Raider: 240pts (Assuming the normal Lascannon one) 
Agressors x6: 240pts


Agressors x3: 120pts

Assault Centurions x3: 150pts
Eliminators x3: 85pts

Infiltrators x5: 100pts


2000pts Total

Advance and Charge lets you close with a lot of your melee units, even ones not in Transports and you have lots of smaller units that can maneuver around and pick apart your enemy while still having the Land Raider be able to punch into a hard target, then drop a massive melee threat right in their face. 

Hope that helps, please let me know if you have any questions. 

Edited by Tawnis
41 minutes ago, Tawnis said:

Based on what you have and what you said you'd like, I'd run something like this: (Some things in your list were a little vague, so the points might be slightly off, I will indicate where I had to guess on a couple things). I've also grouped together units I think would be used in tandem

Stormlance Task Force: 
(Allows any your units to charge even if they Advanced or Fell Back)


This is a very mobile force that like to get units in close fast, and is flexible enough to shift on a dime to react to various threats. 

Terminator Librarian: 75pts

Terminator Squad x5: 170pts (I'm assuming regular and not Assault as they are more points.) 


Chaplain: 60pts
Assault Intercessors x10: 150pts (You listed Intercessors twice, so I thought the other batch might be Assault Intercessors)


Enhancement: Portents of Wisdom: 15pts

(Allows a Character to re-roll advance rolls, you could use this on either/or.) 

Intercessors 2x5: 160pts
Impulsors x2: 160pts (These let you scoot your Intercessors around the board and sticky objectives.) 


Outriders x3 + ATV: 140pts
Storm Speeder.... Hammerstrike?: 125pts (Not sure which storm speeder you have, they cost different.)

Land Raider: 240pts (Assuming the normal Lascannon one) 
Agressors x6: 240pts


Agressors x3: 120pts

Assault Centurions x3: 150pts
Eliminators x3: 85pts

Infiltrators x5: 100pts


2000pts Total

Advance and Charge lets you close with a lot of your melee units, even ones not in Transports and you have lots of smaller units that can maneuver around and pick apart your enemy while still having the Land Raider be able to punch into a hard target, then drop a massive melee threat right in their face. 

Hope that helps, please let me know if you have any questions. 

Wow this is a huge help!  And it's vague because they are all new and in box or on the sprue still.  I'm gonna look this over and make sure I understand everything you are saying. I'll let you know if I end up having questions.  Thank you so much that is so helpful!

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