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Hello there,


I'd like to introduce myself here. I am from Germany, so please excuse my English.


I started playing 40k in 3rd Edition with a small warband of Chaos Space Marines under Lord Sardreth (hence my name here), that served as Black Legion and later as Word Bearers. 


I stuck with 40k through 4th and 5th Edition until my gaming group gradually focused on other systems.


With the launch of 10th Edition me some friends got back into 40k. I started a Sisters of Battle Army, that I quite like although I have yet to win a game with them. I also got some GSC and Thousand Sons, because I like the models, but I still need to get them battle ready.


I did watch this fine forum here a while now and really enjoy reading the Blogs on here. And with my new-years-resolution being, that I want to focus more on my Sisters and 40k in general, I decided to join in on the fun and maybe get some feedback for the stuff I build and paint.

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Welcome to the B&C and welcome back to the hobby :biggrin: 


Feel free to join the 12 Months of the Hobby - it might help with your New Year's resolution. :smile: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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Welcome, Sardreth!  Your English is great.


We seem to have had the opposite progression - I too started in 3rd ed, when I played sisters (and also almost never won).  I too wandered out of the hobby (in 6th) to come back in 8th with Chaos, which I've been workind on pretty consitently since then.


Personally, I quite like 10th edition, and would recommend you pick up the Leviathan or Pariah Nexus mission  cards - they really add to the game, IMHO.


Anyway, I look forward to seeing you around and the progess of your army.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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