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thanks for having me.

So after a near 30 year break from the hobby I’ve decided the time is right to take a look again, so much has changed.


I had pretty much settled on joining the Waaagh with a Death Skull army, I remember when they first came out, but can’t help thinking about starting up my own Marine faction instead. Is this something people do? How do rules account for this with “buffs” etc, or doesn’t it matter anymore?


I have so many other questions which I will look to the different areas of the forum for.


thanks for reading



Death Skulls are a great looking ork army - the blue against the green is so great esthetically.


Doing one's own marine faction is most definitely something people do.  Can't speak specifically to the Space Marines Codex (don't own it, haven't read it) but my understanding is that it works like other modern codexes where detachments may be thematically linked to different GW subfactions (so, the CSM detachments are thematically linked to the different Chaos legions, but you don't have to play any particular detachment whatever your legion may be, and player created subfactions can likelwise play whatever detachment they want).  Now, there may be a greater limitation if you want to use the rules from one of the SM Codex supplements (for example, Blood Angels) but for that there is a time honoured tradition of fielding ones own created chapter as "counts as" Blood Angels or Space Wolves or whatever - using their rules but not their colour schemes or backgrounds.


On  related note, you can find information on a number of custom chapters created by B&C members here.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Welcome back to the hobby. 


Yeah, people make their own marine armies all the time, I have one myself. You can essentially use any marine rules you want with it, there's a bunch of generic options in the main codex, but you can also just play as a successor chapter of something like Blood Angels if you want to use their rules with your own fluff. 

Thanks for the feedback.  I didnt realise there was a whole section on peoples own factions, Some serious effort has gone into some of the lore and background of their factions to bring them to life, really impressive stuff.  I have to say I'm not ready in anyway to face the questions that other members ask when people put their factions up, maybe one day I will be, thought I was just going to put up a colour scheme and that would be that :)  (Throwback LA Rams, with horns on helmets).  I'll be making my first purchase of Orks and paints next week on pay day, hopefully get some pictures up sometime in the near future

Yeah, there is no need to go into that amount of detail with your own background - the link I provided you was simply a place for people to do that if they are so inclined.  Perfectly acceptable to just coming up with your own paint scheme and not really have any background at all - that's the case for the space marine chapter I painted for my friend a number of years ago.  Besides, if posting your own design, in response to questions as to what you've done and why, its always acceptable to say "I don't know" or "that's not how I want it to work" - at B&C, we are here to help you develop your ideas, not to shoot them down.


Really, there is no right way or wrong way to go about the hobby - so do whatever works for you.  If you are one of the folks who wants to develop complex and detailed explanations of their force, its history and its customs, great!  If you are a person who just wants to paint models in their own style, also great!  Or maybe you want to replicate GW's chapters and build a force that matches what you think a force from that chapter should look like - guess what, still great!  So you do you and enjoy the hobby in your own way.  Regardless, I look forward to seeing whatever you have to share, whenever that might be.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

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