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Work has begun on my kill team for the Knives in the Shadows event. I’m afraid I couldn’t hold on for March… so all the guys are built:



I’ve mixed the helmets up a bit and used some MK VII but also an infiltrator helmet in there too.


Today I’ve been painting the first intercessor, brother Pierre.


Work in progress shot of the camo being painted. Fast brush of Mournfang brown, followed by a drybrush of Zamesi desert. Then Ushabti bone and Abaddon black for the camo lines in thin irregular patterns - I was thinking like a lightning pattern.



Finished shots:







Pics aren’t the best quality but you get the idea.

Edited by TheArtilleryman
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I have some initial ideas for fluff for these guys. In order to write it up properly though I am going to need to do an Index Astartes article for the chapter. To that end, I’ve started drafting one but it will be a while before it’s ready.


In a nutshell, the Winged Lancers (which have been my homebrew chapter since I was in my teens) find their numbers much reduced following a massive conflict with the forces of Nurgle just after the opening of the Great Rift. They are sent two full companies of primaris marines during the Indomitus crusade, but being a successor chapter of the Raven Guard that have deep ties to the history of their bloodline and an extreme hatred of mutants (see Deliverance Lost to understand the fluff why), they are particularly distrustful of anything that changes the design of the Emperor’s Astartes and their chapter master refuses to absorb the new troops into his existing companies.

However, he also knows that he cannot refuse the manpower. So instead he deploys the troops in their own independent formations, throwing them at the most dangerous missions he has to offer. Many of them are formed into Kill Teams to be inserted behind enemy lines, in the most risky of circumstances, and most importantly, covertly, where if some mutation were to come out, it would be harder to link them back to the chapter.


Hence, the Kill Team I’m building for this event. Haven’t got a name yet, but I’ll get there :)

46 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Your camouflage pattern makes me think of a coffee-tone ERDL, and it's floating my boat. Nice.




Thanks! This image was the original inspiration but I saved it so long ago I’ve no idea where it came from:



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