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I decided I hated it, so here is the repose. He’s gonna need some gubbins and green stuff to bulk him out a bit, and I’m no longer sold on the pauldron, but happier in general


7 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

I think v2 is better - the lightning claw arm on v1 was way too bulky compare to their other arm.

Agreed. At first I liked the asymmetry, but quickly hated it.


anyway here’s another wolf guard


Wolf scout WIP. I’m intrigued that the Vlka Fenryka use veterans as scouts, and following the barbarian theme of this army I’m converting some Warcry stuff up. I’m waiting for new drill bits to add some plugs to his skin


Very nice work, great mix of bits but still works as Wolves!


17 minutes ago, gideon stargreave said:

still no idea for basing. I like the tundra/ ice look, but it’s done so often and why would space wolves always be fighting in the cold?


I always look at all the Wolf armies based with snow/ice and think that it must be some sort of psy/Warp effect, that wherever they go they take the storms of Fenris with them, ice and snow even in the desert or jungle or whatever! (Especially so if they have Rune Priests with them, their powers are usually based around bringing storms?)


That is such a good idea. I need to find myself and awesome rune priest now! I’d tried and failed to make one so far (the guy with the raven) but I think you might be right on the money. I could have him the center of the blizzard and the rest in tundra 

 I’ve started blocking in some colours and adding subtlety to the grey. I’m using Vallejo dark sea green, dark blue grey and light green grey, just going back and forth to add contrast and visual interest. I’m using brown ochre as a yellow 



13 hours ago, Tallarn Commander said:

Gorgeous! I especially like the weathering on his belly. Is this the first completed Kill Team member?

Completed for now. They’ll all need some more weathering once I’ve decided what environment they’re in.


and here is another


Alaric Stormrunner 


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