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Okay, so I’m coming back to the hobby after more than 15 years. I’m collecting Blood Angels now. I just recently got the combat patrol with the Sanguinary Guard. I’m on the fence about putting the 10 assault intercessors with jump packs or keeping them as is. I have a separate assault intercessor 5 man with jump packs I’m going to make Death Company. What are suggestions?

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11 hours ago, Orionjp said:

While that is an option, not a bad one, it’s extra money to spend I’m not sure I want to. Just in case can you send me a link to purchase them?


If I may, which country are you in? That could help narrow the field for magnet options.


As for the non-magnetisation choice, that depends on your play style. Having the extra jump units would work for redundancy, to help with army mobility (for objectives and such), and so on, whilst having them on foot can be a good back field option (or with a Character and Transport, and good midfield option).

Mostly I go for Jump packs but I like one squad of Assault Intercessors on foot led by a Captain with Rage Fuelled Warrior (possibly in a Transport). They only cost 200 points but can kill almost any non-titanic unit (especially if it is on an objective and is your OOM target).

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