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11 minutes ago, sitnam said:

@Scribe I understand the frustration on WE fans part due to their limited release, but I just can't help to wonder what a marine WE kill team could really add.


As opposed to what? More duplicative cultists?


Also, they could have added Red Butchers, Axes of the Forge (WE with cybernetics from an alliance with the Dark Mechanicus), World Eaters with chaincannons or flame weapons, World Eaters with jump packs, gladiator themed World Eaters with gladiatorial weapons like shields and gladii, etc. etc. 


There are least have a dozen ideas for new and interesting World Eaters units that players of the faction would have wanted instead of more :cuss: human chaff units.

Something I like about the releases for this season of kill team is that they’re designed for Kill Team not 40K. 

Jump pack khorne berzerkers arguably should exist in 40K but not in kill team. Bringing out that kit and giving them KT rules wouldn’t be good for this game. 

I was pretty disappointed with some of the teams we got last season, where it was just the 40K scout or scorpion squads with Kill team rules. Far better to have something characterful like these Ecclesiarchy weirdos and turbo zealots. I’m sure both will get 40K rules, and maybe some scout/infiltrate types will add some flexibility to WE armies, but it’s good to see dedicated Kill Team stuff in my opinion. 

32 minutes ago, Rain said:

As opposed to what? More duplicative cultists?


Also, they could have added Red Butchers, Axes of the Forge (WE with cybernetics from an alliance with the Dark Mechanicus), World Eaters with chaincannons or flame weapons, World Eaters with jump packs, gladiator themed World Eaters with gladiatorial weapons like shields and gladii, etc. etc. 


There are least have a dozen ideas for new and interesting World Eaters units that players of the faction would have wanted instead of more :cuss: human chaff units.



None of these are a great fit for Kill Team though. Red Butchers are Terminators, so they're straight out. Jump Packs might have fitted slightly, but are likely to be a 5-man unit. 


Otherwise, a bunch of power armoured axe wielding psychopaths aren't really the KT vibe. Also, a Codex is on the horizon so there's likely to be at least some model support there.

When making them ready for my database it dawned on me when seeing them in a side by side clear background formation, they should have been vultures !




Its really as if their poses want them to have some kind of wing or jetpack. Not only that, they suddenly have a real role next to jackhals.

edit: for those who want the white BG image of the unedited ones





Edited by TheMawr
6 minutes ago, TheMawr said:

When making them ready for my database it dawned on me when seeing them in a side by side clear background formation, they should have been vultures !


You had me fooled, I thought I had missed the 'jump packs' on first look. You are totally right.

It's nice to see that others are enjoying the look of this release.


I saw it and immediately thought, "So this is what it's like to be one of those guys who hates everything about a release and wonders if the paint job in the photos makes things look worse."


I am being slightly hyperbolic, I love the terrain piece.

3 minutes ago, MadEdric said:

My first thought was "Cool, another box of Jahkals", but then realized it only has 8 models. You'd need to add another, plus a Dishonored to actually make a Jahkal unit. 

Hmmm... Maybe.

I'm sure these guys will get 40k rules..given the description, I'm imagining something a bit faster and harder hitting them typical Jakhals. Perhaps Scouts? Infiltrators?

7 minutes ago, sitnam said:

I'm sure these guys will get 40k rules..given the description, I'm imagining something a bit faster and harder hitting them typical Jakhals. Perhaps Scouts? Infiltrators?

I wouldn’t mind inflitrators for my WE, maybe with some additional rules to spice them up so long they are reasonably costed and both them and regular Jakhals have a reason to exist

6 hours ago, INKS said:


Ok I take back what I said and I already know some of you are going to disagree with me. That is fine. I still think adding more Imperium Teams is super boring. KT has an over abundance of them as it is.  This model is ok, his face is meh. Not great, not terrible.



There is going to be a recurring theme here: The cherub head is horrible. I guess they were always kinda horrible. baby body, man head. He looks like Guy Fieri...

The conflagrator: They need to update flamers - we'll see this again but they look old now. meh. His head is also horrible. What is with the hair. Again a recurring theme here but the open mouth yelling just doesn't look good. Body and robes are boring. What can you do I guess. It's robes and this team is full of them.



The missonaries aren't too bad. The plasma gun guy looks a little bit like monkey man but his head isn't too bad. the torch is ok. Plasma gun from this shot looks pretty good.

The second one in orange isn't too bad. The flamer looks pretty good overall. The head is ok. The yelling face here isn't as bad as the other one.  Some of the better looking models in this set actually.



The assassin - the old sculpt was better. This one could just be painted poorly. The latex suit vs his black leather boots is just not done well. The blacks are just too same same for me. Even the highlighting which is supposed to make it look more leather or more latex just isn't done well here. His swords look short instead of nice slender long ones and the hooded head doesn't match the rest of the body. It looks out of place. It's not terrible but it's not great.

Drill Abbot: So this is a remake of the Inquisitor model. He's ok. Again his head is meh. not the worst of the bunch but his open mouth is just bad. He doesn't look like he's yelling he just looks like it's hanging open to hang open.


Part 1 of 2 or 3 I guess?




Persecutor: No bad head for a change. the open yelling mouth is sold better here. the chainsaw / flamer has been seen and done but it's cool enough. One of the better minis. Feels like we've seen it before but it's fine.

Salvationist: Mast is kinda cool, looks ok. Where is the other arm? Is it holding the chest? Hard to tell. little plain but a fine model.



Reliquent: The head, dear gods the head. It's bad. It's fat and bloated with a gaping mouth that makes no sense to me. Old pistol flamer. yawn... the banner isn't anything to write home about.

Miraculist: The model is ok. The problem here is most of us won't be able to paint it in a way to do it justice so most of the time the mini hands and parchment won't look good. but that is on us as painters I guess. Her face here isn't too bad, the open mouth is better done than on most. it makes sense and fits the model.



Khorne Guys:

Blood Herald: He's ok, nothing for me to complain about really. Mechanical legs are a theme here. sometimes they are done well, sometimes they are not done well. His look good.

I really dislike a lot of their head, mad max face mask things but that is on me I guess. This leader is ok.

Impaler: His pose is a little meh, looks awkward. Hate the face mask head. The legs seem a little too thin to me and the harpoon tip seems too chunky.



Skullclaimer: Not bad, his pose is ok, again the legs are a little thin but I guess that is what they are going for here. Axe looks good, head looks good considering.

Stalker: We'll see a lot of this with these minis where they try to pose them off walls and crap... I great dislike it. Hate the pose, I don't think it works too well. The head is meh, the model is a little boring which would be fine if this was a box of 10 of them for 40k and they were rank and file, but this is kill team and they are supposed to be more individual and he doesn't give off that vibe. I might dislike the overall Imperium Team here but they are all individuals for sure.


I think this is going to be a 3 of 3, when I finish I will combine them all so they aren't all over the place.



Inciter: She's ok looking. The legs are skinny but I guess that works here because the models isn't skinny. Don't like the head, I think it looks terrible. Otherwise she's ok.

Bloodtaker: Some of the better legs, might just be his pose. dagger is cool here. Unique. I like that. the bomb or whatever looks a little odd? not sure if that is bomb or something else. But ok. hate his head but that is a theme with me. some of you will love it. His skill looks too long here. no idea why.



Last two: Aspirants

1st one: His pose isn't too bad. He's jumping off the wall, they pulled it off pretty well and his legs look pretty good here but it's a little hard to see. Spear chainaxe is different. Still hate the head.

Number 2 - oof not good. Pose isn't great. He's looking into his attack main arm... they did this is Votann Berserkers as well. It's not a good look. Legs look ok, think this is a female so it's a slender model which fits more but it looks like she's going to fall over not run forward. Head is terrible. Left arm looks way too skinny. could have given her a little more muscle.


Thanks for reading. I just am not in love with these models at all. At first glance they seemed ok. Regardless of my feelings that the kill teams are boring and we don't need more imperium teams in a game that has an over abundance of imperium teams.


Oh the Terrain:



You get 1 giant statue. It's a good look statue. The Terrain is minimal which I actually like because it used to mean the price of the box would be lower. I don't think that is the case in 2025 and they are going to charge us full price and give us less. So that is a bad deal. But the statue does look good.


Even if one disagrees, this is great analysis @INKS - reminds me of Eternal Hunt and Chaos Bunker.


The eviscerator man seems to be based on the original eviscerator zealot from Necromunda's 1996 redemptionists






So we are going to have jump packs cultists but not jump pack World Eaters? The Nails are a-bitin SO hard. This is especially galling given the EC release which I absolutely love. Multiple PA options, elites based on a corrupted HH unit, multiple Lord types, with actual weapon options, no wasted roster slot on cultists.


The Song of Slaanesh sounds so sweet from here.

47 minutes ago, Rain said:

So we are going to have jump packs cultists but not jump pack World Eaters? The Nails are a-bitin SO hard. This is especially galling given the EC release which I absolutely love. Multiple PA options, elites based on a corrupted HH unit, multiple Lord types, with actual weapon options, no wasted roster slot on cultists.


The Song of Slaanesh sounds so sweet from here.

No jump pack, just legs.

3 hours ago, Mandragola said:

Something I like about the releases for this season of kill team is that they’re designed for Kill Team not 40K. 

Jump pack khorne berzerkers arguably should exist in 40K but not in kill team. Bringing out that kit and giving them KT rules wouldn’t be good for this game. 

I was pretty disappointed with some of the teams we got last season, where it was just the 40K scout or scorpion squads with Kill team rules. Far better to have something characterful like these Ecclesiarchy weirdos and turbo zealots. I’m sure both will get 40K rules, and maybe some scout/infiltrate types will add some flexibility to WE armies, but it’s good to see dedicated Kill Team stuff in my opinion. 

I would agree more strongly with this if GW wasn't already and in the recent past making these teams for 40k. They sort of get you used to that and then change direction and now it feels a little disappointing when they aren't used for that or can't directly be. We wait for rules that might be or probably will be sub par. See Gellerpox. It's probably better they make kill teams for kill team but that hasn't really been their go to until more recently

The Ministorum team is fantastic, no complaints there. Well, the Death Cult Assassin aside, he's incredibly boring, especially compared to the old metal sculpts. Regardless a great set of Imperial goons, and no doubt awesome for INQ28 fun.


The WE guys are alright, but as the World Eaters Kill Team they feel lacking. Wouldn't be so bad if Kill Team hadn't devolved from its "full custom team" roots.

15 minutes ago, INKS said:

It's probably better they make kill teams for kill team but that hasn't really been their go to until more recently


Idk, it's always been a bit uneven. The era of upgrade sprues meant that many teams were strictly for KT, but certain bespoke teams also fit KT better. The Vespid, Mandrakes, and Striking Scorpions really felt like undercover 40k releases, but then the trenchcoat Votaan, Ratlings and Corsairs definitely fit in well with KT. I think Season 2 was probably the season where every thing felt built specifically for KT

10 hours ago, Madao said:

On the other hand, ministorium one looks nice (aside from Miraculist - not only she looks weird due to her 'dress', but also pulls Christianity strings, which I don't like in 40k aesthetics)


Pretty sure the ministorum/echlisarchy/imperial creed have always drawn a lot of inspiration from Christianity, mainly because it's such a great fit. Look at Blasphemous; the penitent stuff taken to the extreme is super grim dark, on top of the body horror that 40k used to have more of a focus on.


Like idk, cherubs and gothic architecture are a pretty iconic part of the imperium




3 hours ago, TheMawr said:

When making them ready for my database it dawned on me when seeing them in a side by side clear background formation, they should have been vultures !




Its really as if their poses want them to have some kind of wing or jetpack. Not only that, they suddenly have a real role next to jackhals.

edit: for those who want the white BG image of the unedited ones

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No, they would rather perform Parkour all day than clobber people to pulp. That´s why they are so angry.

All World Eaters are Berserkers is the rule in my book (though nothing stopping you being a Berserker in Terminator Armour!), so more mortal hangers on/survivors is right up my street, and it's not like they can put the big daemon engines into Kill Team.


I'm sorry, I'm the guy GW are making Chaos for - with a preference far more for the warbands and LatD than the remnants of the Heresy Legions.


That said, I am a little surprised at how similar these guys are to the Jackals, with the big tanks on the bank as well. I could easily have seen one set of mortals setting out to emulate the World Eater Berserkers, with the big chainswords and associated stims and chems to boost them into a frenzy, enough to hold their giant weapons and keep up with the Astartes. 


Then the other emulating the daemonic element more, with less stims and chems but more scaring, blood rituals and totems. 



We're then just missing a third type, which would fill the some of the ranged niches. Whilst the first two are those driven mad seeing the carnage wrought by the World Eaters and their daemon allies, either been swallowed up in madness following their wake or trying to emulate it in the hope of appeasing or avoiding their attention - the third type are the guys who seek to escape butchery by worshipping the Berserkers and helping to unleash them on other worlds.

Load of Astartes level stasis, stun and graviton weapons to recapture exhausted Berserkers or big siege weapons to knock open fortresses or transports. Big Dark Mech contingent, also helping to tend to the various daemon engines. etc



Ecclesiarchy are great, hope they are Agents rather than Sororitas as these guys definitely work as a second retinue for a pious inquisitor or for inclusion in an Imperial Guard army.

Edited by Tastyfish
10 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

I didn't want to say this but I think it needs saying for those of us who might be concerned with it but feel we can't say anything...


Not sure why GW feels the need to gender swap the Death Cult Assassin? I like the model objectively but the old Death Cult were supposed to be female elite killers at the peak of human performance.


I noticed GW is doing this a lot lately and I don't like how it removes a facet of the narrative.






Loving the Chaos side of this release. Feels very much characterful and brutal.

I’m really not sure where you’re coming from on this? It was never officially stated anywhere that Death cult assassins were strictly female, while yes the only models we’ve currently seen [5 in total but only representing 3 characters] have been female that in no way eliminates that fact males could join death cults throughout the approximately 1000000 worlds of the imperium surly that makes sense to you? It’s not gene locked like the astartes and why wouldn’t a male also be messed up enough to joint a death cult? Hell the Imperium entire is a death cult that’s kinda why there’s skulls everywhere 


I had assumed that most veterans to the game realised that what we see of imperial hierarchy/agencies in game + lore merely scratches the surface of whats actually going on in the Imperium 

21 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

I’m really not sure where you’re coming from on this? It was never officially stated anywhere that Death cult assassins were strictly female, while yes the only models we’ve currently seen [5 in total but only representing 3 characters] have been female that in no way eliminates that fact males could join death cults throughout the approximately 1000000 worlds of the imperium surly that makes sense to you? It’s not gene locked like the astartes and why wouldn’t a male also be messed up enough to joint a death cult? Hell the Imperium entire is a death cult that’s kinda why there’s skulls everywhere 


I had assumed that most veterans to the game realised that what we see of imperial hierarchy/agencies in game + lore merely scratches the surface of whats actually going on in the Imperium 


Maybe I just like female representation in its own niche and thus feel this dilutes it somewhat. 


As others have pointed out, the Inquisitor fluff and all the depictions until this one have been female, so it creates a trend in the narrative that I'll personally miss.


6 hours ago, Vassakov said:

My issue is he looks too much like an Officio Assassinorium operative rather than a religious zealot with a vicious streak of sadomasochism. But maybe that's just me...


Yeah I get ya on that. This new guy seems a little clean cut and PG rather than the 18+ vibe the older Death Cults sort of exhibit.


Could be a reason in itself to be fair?



So gw completely removed all cultists from EC yet still want to try and force it for WE what a joke

They already had a cultist unit why did they need another one that does absolutely nothing for them it's just like the stupid fixation they have with pushing  goats for TS


Could of easily given them something they need and don't have already but no we have to go with the stupid and extremely limited imagination of "all world eaters must only  be berserkers"  even then it's not hard


not like we have actual instances of world eaters fighting differently like the Teeth of Khorne who actually where shown to use ranged weapons 

Let's not forget about Lheor as well 



Jump pack WE would of been easy to do as well, berserkers may be mindless butchers but even they would realize strapping a jump pack onto your back would let you get closer to the enemy alot faster where you can kill even more enemies 

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