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There's a new bundle up on Humble Bundle, featuring Cubicle 7's Wrath & Glory RPG.


There was a similar one previously - this one includes Wretches of the Writ, Redacted Records 2, Threat Assessment: Xenos, and a Space Marine 2 tie-in, which weren't in the previous one.


Full contents:

  • Space Marine 2 - Purge the Swarm
  • Nemesis: Wretches of the Writ
  • Threat Assessment: Xenos
  • Redacted Records 2
  • Redacted Records
  • Core Rulebook
  • Church of Steel
  • Litanies of the Lost
  • GM's Screen
  • Forsaken System Player's Guide
  • Starter Set
  • Departmento Munitorum Shotguns
  • Gutshiva's Kommandos
  • Affliction Ascendant
  • The Lord of the Spire
  • Bloody Gates
  • On The Wings of Valkyries
  • Brass Tax
  • The Null Hypothesis
  • The Graveyard Shift
  • Rain of Mercy


All are provided as PDF's


Humble Bundle bundle page.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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Hi all. This seems like an absolute steal that I’ll probably end up taking advantage of. Just wondering if anybody could clarify for me whether you can use miniatures in this game? I know they’re not required to play the game, but I do love some of the Killteam models coming out of late especially the Inquisitorial Agents and the Ecclesiarchy half of Blood and Zeal, Kroot and Eldar Corsairs that would slot quite well into this setting. Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of trying to get into the old Inquisitor game, having been inspired by the aforementioned miniatures, however, I feel it may be easier to convince people to play Wrath and Glory as it seems less ‘clunky’, for want of a better term as well as being currently released. While I realise the two games are quite different, are the two that different that I won’t be likely to scratch that itch I’ve got Narrative/RPG style 40k gaming using miniatures,  or this a viable alternative? Like I said I’ll probably likely take advantage of this deal, as it is an absolute steal, and at the very least I’ll have some cool lore to peruse over and possible narrative hooks I can adapt to Inquisitor if I end up going down that road.

No reason why you couldn't run the miniatures for combat encounters. It would save you drawing maps etc. I've done exactly this as default play for my tabletop Deathwatch group with good success. The wargamers amongst the group go into 'tactical' mode and they all start considering ranges, arcs, abilities, LoS, lanes of fire etc.


All you need is all the models you'll ever encounter. In fact, thinking on it, it's probably the closest you'll get to the old Inquisitor RPG/Skirmish game.


Edited by Mazer Rackham

we use miniatures when we played in person, naturally when playing online, we don't. Minis work absolutely perfectly for it though.


one bit of advice, use the realistic weapon ranges optional rule.

I purchased the bundle yesterday and it really is good value. I’ve been skimming through the Core Rulebook and Forsaken System Players Guide and looks very interesting. I’m going have a proper read over the next couple of days when I have some spare time.

On 3/11/2025 at 5:02 PM, Blindhamster said:

If you like space marines you may want to pick up vow of absolution and if you like eldar you can look for inheritance of embers

Yeah I’ll probably get both, the bundle included a 25% discount voucher for the Cubicle 7 web store to be used by  the end of April.

Edited by FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants

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