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Anyone paint their bladeguard veterans or sternguard veterans as "Company Vets?"

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That is something I always loved about the Dark Angels, their company veterans that remained at the battle company level, which kept the Deathwing as a purely terminator armored force. 


Is there anything really I'd be losing out on by doing so?

Not yet, but I intend on doing my Bladeguard in the green rather than bone. Being there's already lore precedent for Deathwing members to wear traditionally coloured armour, I see no issue with it.

I'm seriously considering doing my Bladeguard Veterans and Sternguard as Company Veterans, keeping them at the battle company level.  That would make my company heroes, bladeguard vets, and sternguard vets as my "company veterans".



Edited by Helias_Tancred

There's very little you could miss out on based on paint, because they have the same rules no matter what paint you use.  Even Plastic Grey color. 

Sure did.   5th Company Veterans….



There are so many bone bladeguard I’m gonna bite the bullet and do them bone.  That’s the only non TDA I plan to have in my Deathwing.

Edited by crimsondave

Wow they look SO good!! Well done!



On 3/4/2025 at 9:43 PM, Tacitus said:

There's very little you could miss out on based on paint, because they have the same rules no matter what paint you use.  Even Plastic Grey color. 


lmao so you're saying i'm cool just with going gray plastic ;)



Yes, 4th Company, Bodyguard to the Company Command :smile:



*EDIT* Didn't realise this was the DA sub-forum (my Marines aren't DA successors :sweat:), but I hope you get the idea that if you want your Bladeguard to be from other Companies aside from the 1st, then there's nothing to stop you from doing so :smile: They're your miniatures, in your army, so paint them however you like :thumbsup:

Edited by firestorm40k

In my mind sternguard vanguard bladeguard are all on lone to the battle company’s, So I paint mainly green with bone helmet and left shoulder pad. Here’s one of my vanguard veterans


Edited by Pink1984
20 hours ago, Helias_Tancred said:

lmao so you're saying i'm cool just with going gray plastic ;)



Well I wouldn't go that far.  You're able to, I'm not sure "cool" applies though :)

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