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 After a long hiatus from the hobby I have been pulled back in after watching the Astartes 2 Trailer. I haven't played or gamed since 4th edition, so I'm in for quite a shakeup it seems with state of affairs in 10th. Naturally, with my reintroduction to 40k being Astartes and Space Marine 2, I had to pick up a box of intercessors. Going with a custom chapter for these guys and calling them Siege Dragons, an Imperial Fists successor chapter in my head cannon. Lots of Vindicators, lots of dreadnoughts and lots of plasma. Should be good fun! I'll be posting my updates here as they come in, got some basecoats, shading and edge highlights on these Intercessors over the weekend. Hoping to get to some clean up, lenses, bolters and chipping/weathering this coming weekend. 12 years of rust is a lot to dust off!!!!




I have also decided that it would only be a proper return to the hobby if I sculpted some plague marines. This will be the B project of this log until I wander off to paint some Necrons and AoE. Going for a cleaner, less dirty nurgle with these guys as I dont LOVE the current take on nurgle models. I'll be going for some Ma.K mixed with 3rd edition nurgle designs at a Primaris size. 



Edited by MetalFingers
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