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New board setup. I wanted to try the andgrimnar canals again. Plan this time is to play them as impassable to everything but knight/titans/skimmers/jump infantry. The bridges are destructible. The banks of the canals will function as barricades/low cover so models scale 2 and down that touch/in base contact with the banks of the canal get -1 to hit/5+ cover. The fun will be that models fleeing from failing morale will still have to circumnavigate the impassable canals instead of b-lining across if it was dangerous.


The hills/cliffs will be similarly impassable except to jump infantry/skimmers. Infantry will be allowed to scale the cliff walls but they must be on march order, and must all end their movement  on top of the hill/cliff. Titans and knights won't be able to get up BUT will be allowed to be considered in base to base with models/bases on top of the hill/cliff within 1 inch of the edge. The orbital plinths, the big multilevel hill things work similar to the hills but there is a clear path "up". The walls/cliff sides are impassable/cannot be scaled by infantry unlike the hills/cliffs. Only jump infantry and skimmers don't treat them as impassable. Knights and titans can still count as in base to base with models within 1 inch of the edge, this is also to help with the fact that knights and titans except armigers are largely too big to fit up the ramps.


The shipping crates will just be impassable terrain to everything but skimmers/jump infantry. I'd also say that titans will treat them as obstacles and can simply remove them if they end their movement with their base overlapping.


The idea here is I want to limit close combat being the go to option for everything. The structures are mostly in good defensive positions, but unlike normal games where its very easy for an infantry detachment to just charge out of one, here that's of limited value for the ones on the hills, and for the ones on the orbital plinths, the infantry have to bleed some speed and can only descend down the ramps so their usual 10 inch charges are much less meaningful. The benefit is its easier to defend the position because the ramp can be use to really slow down enemy combat/block movement up.


My hope is we'll see more ranged combat, fewer combats but perhaps more meaningful/interesting ones. Because its a 5x4 we'll be doing 6 objectives and with end games scoring hopefully it will be a good battle.





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