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Good day Brothers and Sisters of the B&C.  I told you it was coming, albeit it a week or so late.  Its that time again, time for the March for March 2025.


For those interested, here is a link to last years March


The March has undergone a few changes this year, including the how, whats and whyfores.  And perhaps a little of the maybes.  I've removed the battle report pat out as no one really did that last year, and added a bit more structure to hopefully make things easier on me, a more joyously mad and successful event for everyone else.


So, lets embrace the madness once again and get down business.


What is the Challenge exactly?


I hear you ask.  I maybe thats just the voices in my head.  No matter.  Last year I was trying to paint a Combat Patrol Box set in a month.  I failed horribly.  So this year I am encouraging you all to do the same (failing part optional, of course)


I challenge people to either take on one or more of the following tasks:

> Challenge the First (A Modern Madness): - Assemble, paint to your standard and base one of the current Combat Patrol Boxes

> Challenge the Second (A Legacy of Madness) - Assemble, paint to your standard and base one of the previous Combat Patrol Boxes

> Challenge the Third (An Outlandish Madness) - Assemble, paint to your standard and base approximately 500 pts of a chosen force.


Regardless of the challenge you take post progress and final pictures in this thread.


Because we are already into the month and a challenge like this probably takes some fore thought and planning (unless your name is Brother Argent...) the challenge this year will have a sign up/preperation period of roughly a week, give or take a day with people then having a month from that point to finish their vow.  Please note I wont play hard and fast with these times, but close enough could be.


So how do I participate?


So, to embrace this madness all you need to is post the following here


"I, <insert name here> vow to embrace my madness and complete <insert Brand of Madness/Challenge here> of <insert faction here (eg. Ultramarines, World Eaters, Hive Fleet Wet Noodle etc.)> by the 15/4 and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


Provide a before pic in this thread. And a unit break down if you want. But no need if not, this is a casual thing after all.


So, join me (or not) on my mad MARCH FOR MARCH!  


The Ranks of the Mad Marchers
Edited by Brother Argent

PSA: 2 Armigers (or 2 Chaos Wardogs) are a Combat Patrol now, White Dwarf Issue 509 said so:




If you think you can't do a whole Combat Patrol, well, can you paint TWO models?  If so, you can do THIS Combat Patrol.


The only reason I'm not participating is because mine are already done, but you should take the opportunity that I don't have.


(Brother NTaW was the one that made me aware of this btw.)

Edited by N1SB


Would the Space Marine components from the Dark Vengeance boxset qualify? These consist of DA SM:


- 10 Tactical Marines

- 5 Terminators

- 3 Bikes

- 2 Characters


If this is a legal entry then I would vow to complete them before March ends.

Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina

If it doesn't match either of the Combat Patrol generations (which I don't think it can) it can still count as an Outlandish Madness (approx 500 pts) so it would work if you want to make a vow.

23 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

If it doesn't match either of the Combat Patrol generations (which I don't think it can) it can still count as an Outlandish Madness (approx 500 pts) so it would work if you want to make a vow.

Thanks for the swift reply.


"I, Deus Ex Machina, vow to embrace my madness and complete An Outlandish Madness of Fallen Dark Angels, the most foul and wretched Astartes in existence, by the 15/4 and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


Pics of the sprues will follow soon here.





I also have thrown in Cypher for good measure. That scoundrel is still in his blister and I got him for six bucks back in the day which only proves that traitors aren´t worth all that much.


One more thing:

The four painted Tacticals will of course be scrubbed clean of the green paint as I have a different colour scheme in mind for the minis.


2nd Edit:

I have found my colour scheme. It´s a green so dark that it almost looks like black with brown/yellow eye lenses. Dark Angels by Jim Burns:


Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina

!, gaurdian31 vow to embrace my madness and complete A Modern Madness of Space Marines by the 15/4 and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!


I will get pics added later of the 5 terminators, 1 terminator captain, 1 terminator librarian and 5 infernus marines.

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