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mounted infantry or footslogging?

Go to solution Solved by Tallarn Commander,

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So i guess the question can be summarized as the following? are chimeras worth taking?

they cost more than the unit inside, so why not take twice as many infantry to go along with the tanks?


in my list i have two rogal dorns and three demolishers (may as well be tank commanders for the extra few points?)

would mobs of infantry be better on their own? or should i go mounted?

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I ran all-mounted back in 3rd edition. But since then I've preferred footslogging infantry with 1 to 3 Chimeras as quick and sacrificial first wave units operating alongside Scout Sentinels and screening Rough Riders.

Yup. But, sadly, out infantry squads can no longer take heavy weapons. They are relegated to heavy weapons squads. Although, on 10th Edition's terrain-heavy boards, it was getting more fitzly and physically difficult to move 20-trooper infantry squads with 2 heavy weapons around. It's easier to move 20 regular infantry into tight spaces. So I don't mind the change.

From a competitive standpoint presenting a mixed target profile to your opponent assists enemy target priority.  Presenting targets for all the enemies weapons to effectively be used is dangerous. A more unified front can create an environment that blunts some of the enemies firepower. Lasguns are less efficient vs tanks than infantry. If all I can see are tanks my lasguns are less effective. On the flip side railguns cost a lot and can only kill one model. If all the targets are cheap infantry railguns are less efficient than lasguns.  


All that said most armies are mixed profiles and it's how you present targets to your opponent that matters. Ruthless efficiency is not always the fun way to play

1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

All infs dead now I think, which is a shame:sad:


Kind of a crazy thing to say when our most Infantry aligned Detatchment is the one putting up competitive numbers.


All infantry is doable.  Bridgehead Detatchment has lots of great avenues of utilization and playing; can go heavy into Scions and feel that work correctly, or can still go heavy into battleline infantry and still feel strong.  Combined Arms gives infantry Lethals against everything that isn't a vehicle or a Monster, which includes Beasts and Mounted, which gives our infantry some actual bite into the nastier things a lot of the Xenos players are going to be throwing out way.


I think an EXCLUSIVELY infantry army is going to be somewhat competitive, as you'll be able to play missions a lot better than anything else can, but you're not going to be killy, and there's going to be some things that are going to feel basically impossible to kill (Monolith, Avatar, Demon Primarchs) but you'll be at least able to play a game.  It's gonna take 6.5 hours because an all infantry 2k army is like, 200 models, but hey, that's a fun way to play all on it's own.

I recently took 1250 infantry (Okay all infantry and one artillery team and one unit of FOB and some horses) against a Kroot force that was similarly teched out and it was a lot of fun and we beat the absolute hell out of them.  BBQ chicken for all!

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