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It’s been a long time but today I decided to pick up the brush again. Overall I’m satisfied with my creation but I think the color scheme is too bright and I’m not a fan of the metallic. Flats would save me a bit of time as well. I have a lot of these little guys to paint 



The photo's we take have a bad habit of skewing our perceptions. This close up, under "perfect" lighting, maybe the model seems a little bright, but put it on a table and retreat to gming distance? I bet those details pop just right :thumbsup:


Edited by Grotsmasha

Honestly, they look fine to me.


Maybe wait until their base is done before final judgement? A muddy or urban base may affect your perception of the colours? If you still feel they're too bright, maybe a very light glaze of Agrax Earthshade might bring the brightness down a bit?

Honestly, it looks fine to me.  What do you not like about the metallics?


Agree with Firedrake if you want to dirty him up and darken.  Agrax works well, just go easy.  You can always add.

Edited by crimsondave

Looking good to me and based on the long time away from the hobby, this is damn good.


As others have said maybe some agrax to tone it down, can also thin it using some medium or if you want a real dirty random look a bit of water with the agrax as it will split the shade and make it patchy and give a random finish.

I wouldn't change a thing. They look good and stylized which is way cooler than trying to approximate the scheme you see everyone else using.


A whole army in this style would be sick to see. 

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