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Hi! I'm Ryan, and after some technical difficulties I've finally been able to join up here. (thanks again to the admins for approving my account!)


I'm fairly new to the 40k hobby; I started in mid-9th edition, my first models were a squad of poorly-painted Carcharodons Intercessors, and my first army was (and is) Adeptus Custodes. Over the past year-ish, I've gone a lot deeper into the lore and writing side of the hobby. I took a semester abroad in the spring of the 2023-2024 academic year, and I still wanted to "do Warhammer" even though I couldn't bring my models and paints with me overseas. I have a few homebrew projects in various stages of development, including a couple of Chapters that I plan on posting Indices Astartes for. I also recently had a flash fiction story I wrote published on Cold Open Stories, which I'm super grateful for.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'm an open book (and I also want to get to 5 posts to get Frater Domus lol (assuming that's how that works)). Thanks!

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Welcome to the community!


As long as the content is related to the WH40K hobby, links in various features (discussion topics, blog posts, etc.) are acceptable. If the content isn't related to the WH40K hobby, you may only post links in your signature and/or your About Me page, however.


We highly encourage you to use the Articles, Blogs, and Forums features for your content (and you are encouraged to upload your WH40K images into your free Gallery albums. The paradigm shift we are currently working on is focusing individual projects in the Blogs feature, with outreach in the Forums. For example, each DIY Chapter you're working on might be covered as a separate blog, with outreach and feedback solicitation in ++ THE LIBER ++ forum; and each work of fan fiction you're working on similarly covered in a separate blog (though a piece of fan fiction focusing on a DIY Chapter might also be covered in the blog for that Chapter), with outreach and feedback solicitation in the ++ FAN FICTION ++ forum. In both cases, finished Chapter articles and fan fiction could also be posted as Articles, in which case the system software will automatically create announcement discussions in pre-determined forums (e.g., DIY Chapter articles will be announced in ++ THE LIBER ++ forum and fan fiction will be announced the ++ FAN FICTION ++ forum).


We're looking forward to seeing the content you've developed. :thumbsup:

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