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As it says on the tin...



Of note, and because it's not mentioned in the article, Karanak and the Seeker Chariot are both sent to Legends for...reasons.

Edited by Cpt_Reaper
  • If your Army Faction is World Eaters, you can only include Khorne Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.
  • If your Army Faction is Thousand Sons, you can only include Tzeentch Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.
  • If your Army Faction is Death Guard, you can only include Nurgle Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.
  • If your Warlord is Lucius the Eternal, you can only include Slaanesh Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.

Games Workshop, we need to talk.

No update to Guard Legends document, so Infantry Squads and Krieg Marshals are still just gone (despite the latter being referenced in the Legendary Units document)


I am not surprised, yet still disappointed.

2 minutes ago, Joe said:

Karanak went to Legends? 


The new Daemons detachment is pretty neat, though. Deep Striking Havocs, followed by the stratagem for [IGNORES COVER] until the end of the phase is going to be pretty funny.


Karanak and the Seeker Chariot. Both of which are available Online Only (although the latter is currently Temporarily Out of Stock)

Something's changed with the Aeldari Legends doc, but I can't tell what it is exactly.



1 hour ago, Joe said:
  • If your Army Faction is World Eaters, you can only include Khorne Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.
  • If your Army Faction is Thousand Sons, you can only include Tzeentch Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.
  • If your Army Faction is Death Guard, you can only include Nurgle Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.
  • If your Warlord is Lucius the Eternal, you can only include Slaanesh Legiones Daemonica units using these rules.

Games Workshop, we need to talk.

I think this is because Emperor's Children weren't actually out yet when the rules change parts of the Dataslate were written, so it got missed.



Another thing, I see they took the "No, running LAG with no Blood Angels isn't the intent of the Oath of Moment buff." approach, with it now explicitly being limited to the Codex Space Marine detachments.

Edited by Indy Techwisp

So Chaos is back to just being Chaos Space Marines: The Faction (plus Chaos Knights) I guess. 


I'd be hesistent to bother picking up any Daemons for the God Legions going forward, considering the Legends'ing of a number of units puts them on shaky ground long-term - GW probably didn't want to squat them wholesale in one go, so doing it piecemeal as the editions go on makes the bitter pill slightly easier to swallow.




Edited by Lord Marshal

Speaking of Legendsing, please note that Firstborn Vehicles have gone up across the board, even for the Cult Marines who are probably losing them soon.


I expect them to be going entirely before long.

I wouldn't complain about Cult Marines losing the classic vehicles if they were replaced with thematic options in the future (which they probably aren't). Emperor's Children riding around in stolen Drukhari skiffs, World Eaters gaining the Rhino Advancer, Death Guard being born into battle in the gullet of a daemon beast, Thousand Sons flying inverted pyramids, etc.

Looks like they first uploaded Munitorum Field Manual 2.4, then removed and replaced with 2.3


2.3 has all the points changes in red and green, and Emperor's Children as pre-Codex release

2.4 has the points changes settled in black, and Emperor's Children as post-Codex release

eng_warhammer40000_munitorum_field_manual_march_2025 (2.3).pdf eng_warhammer40000_munitorum_field_manual_march_2025 (2.4).pdf

2 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

Gravis Captain now has "Assault/Heavy" on his Bolt Rifle, nice update so he can run around with Heavy Intercessors. 



Which is nice, but normal captain weirdly still lacks those.

Thank God they fixed the oath of moment silliness, and in a surprisingly competent way.


Good changes across the board I think. Kinda crazy to shadow drop 4 detatchments out of nowhere. Maybe they'll do that more often. 

1 hour ago, DemonGSides said:

Thank God they fixed the oath of moment silliness, and in a surprisingly competent way.


Good changes across the board I think. Kinda crazy to shadow drop 4 detatchments out of nowhere. Maybe they'll do that more often. 

I gotta be honest, randomly dropping new detachments is cool as hell

1 hour ago, DemonGSides said:

Thank God they fixed the oath of moment silliness, and in a surprisingly competent way.


Good changes across the board I think. Kinda crazy to shadow drop 4 detatchments out of nowhere. Maybe they'll do that more often. 


They have committed to doing it every quarter for the rest of the edition: 



We will therefore be releasing new Detachments as part of each Quarterly Update to the game for the remainder of the edition, to supplement your Codex purchases. 


1 minute ago, librisrouge said:

Guys, I think GW forgot that Agents exist. Again.


Deathwatch has a section for updated rules that just reads: "None." Agents don't even have a section.

I really wanted to get into agents, but im glad i didn't looks dead to me atm:sad:

17 minutes ago, Brother Captain Vakarian said:


Sure and they've said a lot of things over the years, so I'll wait for another instance before I start hoping for em lol 

5 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

So Chaos is back to just being Chaos Space Marines: The Faction (plus Chaos Knights) I guess. 


I think you are missing the first part of the rule before the part related to the God aligned armies - it reads "If every model from your army has the Chaos keyword, you can include Legiones Daemonica units in your army, even if they do not have the Faction keyword you selected in the Select Army Faction step."


So, any Chaos army, including Chaos Space Marines, can take demons as allies.  Its just the god aligned armies that are restricted to demons from their gods - not the god aligned armies being the only ones who can take demons.


That said, as a Slanneshi demon player, I'm sad that I seem to have lost my chariots - I have 2 of them [plus 2 more unbuilt] and they were the funnest part of the list.  It would be worse if I actually played my demons, though - quite simply, the ruleset with the models I have was never a point where I actually enjoyed playing them, and would instead reach for one of my other chaos armies on those few occasions I play... and it certainly doesn't help that in 10th their rather janky rules are competing with the excellent rules for chaos space marines (both in the form of the index and then codex), plus the hugely fun Knights + friends grotmas list.



4 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

Kinda crazy to shadow drop 4 detatchments out of nowhere. Maybe they'll do that more often. 


Where was this?  I seem not to have twigged onto this or what they are.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

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