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I've been fascinated with the Inquisition since I got into the hobby; the political intrigue, the character depth, the capacity for amazing looking models, etc. I want to try out the Inquisitor tabletop game or one of its indie spinoff systems, anyone have advice for how to actually get started playing?

GW used to host copies of the PDF's for free to all and sundry on their Specialist Games site, but that's defunct.


If you're set on Inquisitor, the first order of business would be to scrounge up the PDF rulebook from somewhere and have a good rummage through it. Copies are out there somewhere, but be careful where you get them (malicious sites etc).


Alternatively, you might get lucky and pick up a decent used paper copy of the rulebook on ebay.


After that it's pretty simple - all measurements and ranges for Inq28 are converted from 'yards' to 'inches', then halved (30 yards = 30 inches = 15 inches).


Have a browse on the forum, several frater are pretty canny about where to find stuff.


Paging Mr @Lysimachus...

Edited by Mazer Rackham

The first step to playing a modern Inquisitor game is to buy a box of Stormcast Eternal as conversion bases. 


Jokes aside, the wider Inq28 community is probably the best bet. 28Mag has a lot of relevant stuff.

Not really a huge amount to add that Mr @Mazer Rackham didn't say. :tongue:


Inquisitor, whether of the 54mm or 28mm variety, is a fairly complex system. It is much more in line with a RPG than a tabletop wargame (40k/Kill-Team/Necromunda) and really benefits from having a dedicated GM to take the lead. I'd say most people these days go with Inq28, simply because it's easier, cheaper and there is a vastly greater range of bitz to build your warband from?


However, if you just want to play a more relaxed game (roll a few dice, move some minis around, etc) but with the Inquisitorial flavour, I'd recommend either:



a ) Kill-Team (for which there are several Teams that could work as Inquisitorial units or as opponents - GS or Chaos Cults, for example)



or b ) Inquisimunda, especially if you are already familiar with the Necromunda core rules. There are a few versions of I-munda, but my own personal favourite - probably because I wrote a decent chunk of it (I'm biased. Sue me! :laugh:) - is the Inquisimunda Unleashed PDF available from Yaktribe's Vault. It's just a few pages, but is designed to play with the basic mechanics of Necromunda but with a more freeform character and warband creation.


I'm in the Inq28 Discord, that's been a good resource so far (with lots of amazing conversions to look at). I've played a decent chunk of Kill Team, it's my current preferred game system, but I'd love to try out a more narrative-heavy Inq-themed KT campaign. Inquisimunda is something I'd love to try out! I've played a couple games of current Necromunda and had a great time, the rules are a little daunting but I got into the flow of things quicker than I expected.

36 minutes ago, Wormwoods said:

The first step to playing a modern Inquisitor game is to buy a box of Stormcast Eternal as conversion bases. 


given how sparse my bits collection is, this probably isn't bad advice

I don't play Inquisitor, but have been around the inq28 community for a while just to enjoy the kitbashing/modeling. 


Good kits for bits (basic humans) - 

AoS Cities of Sigmar stuff. The basic troopers, Freeguild Steelhelms and Fusiliers, are good for bodies and weapons that look medival and armored but aren't super distinctive.

Necromunda Orlocks upgrade sprue. Great set of weapons that cover a lot of standard Imperial stuff. The actual gang box has nice autoguns/shotguns as well, but might not have the heavier/more bespoke weaponry needed for Inquisitorial types.

Genestealer Cult Neophytes. Good basic weaponry (shotguns/autoguns), good bodies that have sci-fi/industrial suits that only require a little knife work to remove cult icons.

Various Necromunda gangs. A lot of the gangs are pretty distinct in their weapons/dress, but you can do a lot with them by mixing it up. Delaque have great bodies, trench-coated sneaky-sneaky types that would work for many different applications, while Van Saar work great for high-tech/Xenos-tech using cells. Even Goliaths and Eschers can have their place, roided-up bodyguards and death cult assassins. 

3 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

I don't play Inquisitor


Inquisitor is basically prototype Dark Heresy (light), even some of the descriptions of skills are copypasted from it.


I wonder if a skirmish action game translates to PBP format....it would probably look like RPG Kill Team...



Edited by Mazer Rackham

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