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Children of Dorn Strikeforce Aquilla


I Sigmund Ivarson, Loyal son of Dorn, Lieutenant of the imperial Fists, Third company.
Hearby start this record of the retribution strike against the Brotherhood of Lethe, formally known as (Redacted by order of the Inquisition).

During the Imperial year (Redacted by order of the Inquisition) two full companies of the Soul Drinkers chapter were ambushed whilst hunting the Renegade chapter (Redacted by order of the Inquisition) now known as the Brotherhood of Lethe, and drawn into the conflict against the Tau Empire in the Kessandras System (Chelnath Expanse). The Soul Drinkers had been hunting renegades of the (Redacted by order of the Inquisition) through the Ultima System since they had raided, and stolen a Soul Drinkers medical Frigate, hauling fresh Gene seed to their Apothecaries. After becoming embroiled in the conflict to defend against the Tau Empire in the Kessandras system, Captain Euclydeas of the Soul Drinkers sent out a last wall protocol request for assistance in ending the threat of the (Redacted by order of the Inquisition). A strike force of Soul Drinkers has discovered the Brotherhood’s stronghold on Volkus, but with no other Soul Drinkers units within the Chelnath Expanse the call for assistance was sent to all 7Th Legion sons within the Ultima Segmentum. Seven chapters have responded by sending Strike forces to assist the Soul Drinkers on Volkus.

Marines from my own chapter of the 3rd Company Imperial Fists along with those from the Crimson Fists, Exorcists, Retributors, Hammers of Dorn, Sons of the Pheonix and the Fists of Terra have all traveled to Volkus to assist in the Retribution strike on the Brotherhood of Lethe.

I have been given operational command of Strikeforce Aquilla, after communicating with my counterpart Elim Lieutenant of the Soul Drinkers First Company. It has been agreed that Strikeforce Aquilla shall assault in multiple kill teams against the Brotherhoods      stronghold, after weaking the defenses and creating distractions and disorder amongst the Brotherhood and their allies the forces of the Soul Drinkers shall storm the main compound and we shall pin the Brotherhood’s forces between both Strikeforce's and destroy them to the last.

Hopefully we will not be too late to save the gene seed of the chapter. The losses being taken on the Ultima front are far too heavy for the chapter to bear without this supply.


Data log retrieved and censored by Alicia Lisandros of the Ordo Inquisition

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