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Howdy one and all and welcome to my WIP thread for my Luna Wolves.

Since I read Galaxy in Flames many moons ago (well over 100 moons now), the Luna Wolves have been my favourite legion. 

One thing that was never mentioned was any detachments of the 16th but as with the rest of the legions there must have been detachments dotted around the galaxy. 

My 14th Company are one of these detachments. In the early stages of the Great Crusade they were responsible for one of the few operational mistakes of the legion and are essentially exiled from the main body with the remit to rebuild the company.


The goal of this thread is to build a heavily mechanised force with various attachments. If the budget stretches (it won’t) it’ll be a based on a US style ACR, but for now I’ll be focussing on a platoon at a time.

Alpha Company:

3 x Mechanised Platoon, mounted in Razorbacks


Zulu Company:

1 x Terminator Platoon mounted in Spartans (3 Squads)

1 x Sky Hunter Platoon (3 Squads)

1 x Land Speeder Platoon (3 Squads)


First Squadron:

3 x Sicaran Troop (2 x Sicaran, 1 x Venator)



First Platoon:

Each squad is made up of 6 marines and a Razorback.


HQ Squad

Tactical Squad 1 

Tactical Squad 2

Tactical Squad 3

Fire Support Squad 1

Heavy Support Squad 1


Support Company:

Terminator Squad 1 with Spartan

Sky Hunter Squad 1

Land Speeder Squad 1

Armoured Company: 

Sicaran Troop 1


Heavy Armoured Troop:

1 x Kratos



Warhound Titan

Cerastus Knight Titan


Most recent Army shot:



Edited by Blissful Brushes
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I had to be in Nottingham last month for a fitness test and may or may not have had a Knight-related moment of weakness. It’s pretty much built now, I need to file off a little bit more of the trim and decide on a scheme and we’re good to go.



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