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15 minutes ago, TheMawr said:


Wich one ? Im not very familiar with the tyranid heavy Advanced spacecrusade.. but wouldnt that be easy to do for GW with existing kits ? Space crusade ( or Star quest as it was called here.) has one key element ( well it was key to me, dont know about others.) that I dont see GW do with their miniatures : switchable pushfit weapons, I figure it would also stand in the way of the quality of the miniatures.. though to be honest, if I remember correctly we hardly switched them once a desired configuration was found :laugh: Though I think I would go with 3 5man scout squads for the player side.


More on topic, I already posted this on another forum before the weekend, but this image is the actual kit reveals past 3 adepticons ( the upper row needs some explanation ) :



The upper row represents the teasers etc.

2022 was trailer for HH2.0, a look into new rules and a single spacemarine (could be the spacemarine captain from the trailer was also shown.. not sure.) and a teaser for chaos cultists release.
2023 was trailer for 40k 10th edition, a look into new rules and a single terminator and single gaunt. also the first tease of the CoS troops for AoS and a HH book.
2024 was trailer for AoS 4th edition, a look into new rules and no miniatures, and teasers for HH admech ( a very light teaser.) and the Necromunda box.


The bottom 3 rows is in order : AoS family of games, 40k family of games and FW/SGS family of games. 

Coincidentally the regular previews represent 6 releases per adepticon ( I dont think its a pattern.)

2022 : WHU Q4 box, Nighthaunt BT, Thondia campaign, Chaos knights codex, Blood bowl team & Ash wastes box  ( 9 miniature kits and 4 "terrain" kits total )
2023 : WHU Q4 box, Seraphon BT, Bonereapers BT, Soulblight BT, Arks of Omen the Lion & Kill team Q4 box ( 10 miniature kits and 1 "terrain" kit total )

2024 : WHU Q4 box, Warcry Q4 box, AoS chaos campaign book, Chaos Spacemarines codex, Kill team Q4 box and TOW dwarves ( 12 miniature kits and 3 "terrain" kits total )

( for amount of kits I use their final "form" not the boxsets they are presented as at the show.)


Not that it all means anything, GW is too random for that. But I like making these analysises myself. :)


With that said I wonder if the 3 chaos releases ( WE, DG and TS ) from a preview pov will be treated as a single preview or as 3 seperate ones... I could see it either way, if the latter I dont expect much else from 40k apart from probably a teaser. But if the former I really could see them adding a second 40k focus preview... grey knights as a "counter" to the chaos ones or chaos knights as a completion of them. Though it would be a rather high expectation.


Thanks for the breakdown.


In relation to what you asked me, I was thinking more the first Space Crusade game that came out, tackling Genestealers, Chaos Marines (they imprinted on me what a dirty heretic should look like!) and the oddly ED-109 looking Chaos Dreadnoughts and of course Chaos Androids (see? Chaos always had automata!) :laugh:


For the event itself, it's a shame we couldn't see if there was precedent for a game to get a new edition revealed without it being listed as in both 2023 and 2024 the game systems had other reveals at the same time (the Lion and the last Ark of Omens book for 40k and Slaves to Darkness stuff for AoS).

15 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

Battlefleet Heresy + Inquisitor28 tomorrow boys :cool:


Oh wait it’s not a perfect world we’re living in 

Naw, if it was a perfect world, no new games would be set in the Heresy era, and those that currently are would add xenos factions.


Some Heresy Era units would also be added to 40k dexes (I'm cool with Legends, but a lot of folks only play pick-up games in spaces where Legends isn't an option).

7 minutes ago, SteveAntilles said:

Battlefleet Heresy would suck so much. BFG needs xenos.


BFG was mainly Imps vs Chaos. Orks and Eldar were a bit of an afterthought in the original edition although I accept FW did them some justice later on.

22 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

Battlefleet Heresy + Inquisitor28 tomorrow boys :cool:


Oh wait it’s not a perfect world we’re living in 


Inq28 is clearly tagged as a slow-burn :laugh:

Almost wouldnt suprise me if the (probable) techpriest accompanying the Servitors kill team as well as one of the Servitors are near exact matches for the Inquisitor tech priest and servitor.


1 hour ago, ZeroWolf said:

In relation to what you asked me, I was thinking more the first Space Crusade game that came out, tackling Genestealers, Chaos Marines (they imprinted on me what a dirty heretic should look like!) and the oddly ED-109 looking Chaos Dreadnoughts and of course Chaos Androids (see? Chaos always had automata!) :laugh:


For the event itself, it's a shame we couldn't see if there was precedent for a game to get a new edition revealed without it being listed as in both 2023 and 2024 the game systems had other reveals at the same time (the Lion and the last Ark of Omens book for 40k and Slaves to Darkness stuff for AoS).


Thats the one I know as star quest, and the one that introduced me to 40k.

For me this art is still the essential (khorne) chaos spacemarine look :



And was one of the things when I got more into 40k I expected to return "any day now"
Who knows.. I could see a WE character eventually in that vibe.. though not likely the Surgeon.


And just because I came across it when looking for above (slightly offtopic) art.

Does anyone know what this one represents ? :



Is it one of those named characters that 2nd and 3rd had that had no miniature ? ( I think all the way to 5th, but this is more 2nd and 3rd edition art.)


The reason Im wondering is on topic.. as I could see this rumor engine be part of an evolution of the above.. and a WE reveal is a given at this point :

Rumour Engine picture from October 8, 2024

4 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said:

Naw, if it was a perfect world, no new games would be set in the Heresy era, and those that currently are would add xenos factions.


Some Heresy Era units would also be added to 40k dexes (I'm cool with Legends, but a lot of folks only play pick-up games in spaces where Legends isn't an option).

At that point you’re just creating another 7th edition 40K with fancy marines 


Heresy isn’t about xenos it’s about the imperium tearing itself apart and should remain that way, They’re also completely inconsequential to the setting or the narrative at that time 

4 hours ago, SteveAntilles said:

Battlefleet Heresy would suck so much. BFG needs xenos.

naaaa battlefleet heresy would amazing!


It’s also the standard formula “do one release and you’ve immediately got two playable factions with two different colours of paint” Titanicus, Heresy, Imperialis the list goes on so it’s more than likely what we’d get if it happened 

So valrak bingo:


Chaos knight big - ruinator

Chaos knights - box of 7 war dogs

DG CP - tallyman, deathshroud, rhino, plague marines, lord of virulence

WE - surgeon

WE CP - 10 jakhals, 10 zerkers, demon prince and master of executions

TS - big box - bots, rubrics, terminators, sorcerorS


Should be fun :)


20 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

naaaa battlefleet heresy would amazing!


It’s also the standard formula “do one release and you’ve immediately got two playable factions with two different colours of paint” Titanicus, Heresy, Imperialis the list goes on so it’s more than likely what we’d get if it happened 

Plus, it does track with the original release of BFG which just was Imperium vs chaos (xenos came later).

1 hour ago, 01RTB01 said:

So valrak bingo:


Chaos knight big - ruinator

Chaos knights - box of 7 war dogs

DG CP - tallyman, deathshroud, rhino, plague marines, lord of virulence

WE - surgeon

WE CP - 10 jakhals, 10 zerkers, demon prince and master of executions

TS - big box - bots, rubrics, terminators, sorcerorS


Should be fun :)


If WE really only get one character after waiting ages for a second wave of models that would be terrible. 

29 minutes ago, marspeople said:

If WE really only get one character after waiting ages for a second wave of models that would be terrible. 

2 years is ages? There are more popular factions released in 8th edition that haven't received a second wave. WE's deserve more, but expect to be disappointed for many years with GW's track record. Chaos in general seems to be a 1 kit release along side codex's, with the exception of Emperor's Children. 

11 hours ago, Evil Eye said:

I won't lie, if Hasbro (or anyone else) did a serial-numbers-filed-off Space Crusade with an original setting and models that clearly homaged their roots whilst still being new designs ("Cosmic Commandos versus Xenosaurs") I'd be down for that. Assuming the models were good anyway, I heard the Heroquest models were made of horrifically rubbery plastic and I'll be honest I was not a fan of the designs.

No need to invent silly names when the German version safeguarded the young audience with proper nomenclature to prevent them shooting up peaceful Space Hulks once they have become adults. Here we go:


Marines: GSG (Galaxy Safe Guard).

Aliens: Robotlings. Yep, they only leak oil and not blood.


Furthermore ALL marine weapons were some kind of Sci-Fi gibberish which only nullified the combat effectiveness of the Robotlings and never harmed them. A few examples:

Missile Launcher: Hologram Launcher. Robotlings would fight illusions until they collapse from exhaustion.

Assault-Cannon: Zero-Time Cannon. It would slow down time in the target area to a crawl so that the Robotlings were too slow to harm anyone.

Plasmagun: Black Hole-Blaster. This would suck the Robotlings into another dimension.

41 minutes ago, marspeople said:

If WE really only get one character after waiting ages for a second wave of models that would be terrible. 

It’s going to be a single character and that Jakhal KT. I just hope that the character is not somehow also a Jakhal.

8 hours ago, SteveAntilles said:

Battlefleet Heresy would suck so much. BFG needs xenos.


Yeah if we are going for Battlefleets, we need all the xenos.


8 hours ago, Karhedron said:

BFG was mainly Imps vs Chaos. Orks and Eldar were a bit of an afterthought in the original edition although I accept FW did them some justice later on.


You may be misremembering this. Orks and Eldar were fully playable from the get go. I am well aware of this, because most of my games were against Eldar. It was other factions that came later on down the line.


As for the models, Imperials may have needed real ships, but Orks were just fine strapping starship engines to an asteroid (i.e. bits and foam). And as much as it pains me to say this, those faithless Eldar scoundrels had nice ship models right from the start.

2 hours ago, marspeople said:

If WE really only get one character after waiting ages for a second wave of models that would be terrible. 

WE need more models to expand their narrow range, but the "wave2" isn't ever promised and never appeared in reliable rumors…

2 hours ago, marspeople said:

If WE really only get one character after waiting ages for a second wave of models that would be terrible. 

World Eaters lost so much when they got their own "codex" that only getting one new model would hardly be the worst thing to happen to them. 

5 hours ago, Schrödingers Primarch said:

2 years is ages? There are more popular factions released in 8th edition that haven't received a second wave. WE's deserve more, but expect to be disappointed for many years with GW's track record. Chaos in general seems to be a 1 kit release along side codex's, with the exception of Emperor's Children. 

Not wrong. It's been 7 years since t.sons were released with magnus and our "second wave" was the infernal master character. 7 years and our actual "second wave" will be one new unit aka the new bots. Strap in, it's going to be awhile. 

Edited by Ahzek451

We’re going to get Daemons as our second wave and we are going to LIKE it. 

(I am unironically really happy to get Daemons into my TSons army)


Hoping the TS bot models are hype, and that rumoured DG combat patrol looks like a must buy for me. Fingers crossed for some surprising extras, of course! 

23 minutes ago, Norman Paperman said:

We’re going to get Daemons as our second wave and we are going to LIKE it. 

(I am unironically really happy to get Daemons into my TSons army)


Hoping the TS bot models are hype, and that rumoured DG combat patrol looks like a must buy for me. Fingers crossed for some surprising extras, of course! 

I'm not going to agree that it counts as the "second wave" but I will like it lol. I've been waiting for the return of daemons back into the chaos marine cults proper since 2nd/3rd ed. 

Edited by Ahzek451
4 hours ago, Ahzek451 said:

Not wrong. It's been 7 years since t.sons were released with magnus and our "second wave" was the infernal master character. 7 years and our actual "second wave" will be one new unit aka the new bots. Strap in, it's going to be awhile. 

Not to age anyone but magnus was late 2016, it's nearer 9 years.


All that said though, for "the year of chaos" there isn't really that much tk write home about beyond the EC box. If they'd all gotten a bigger release wave, that might have lived up to the marketing.

43 minutes ago, Mogger351 said:

All that said though, for "the year of chaos" there isn't really that much tk write home about beyond the EC box. If they'd all gotten a bigger release wave, that might have lived up to the marketing.

Well yeah, it's only three months in with four more chaos factions to go. Once it's december we can start evaluating if the year of chaos lived up to the hype.


Though I can already predict, once we start getting those post chaos knight releases in the form of grey knights, black templar, and whatever else muhreens get we start seeing "GW LIED about the YEAR of CHAOS" posts anyway, because anything less than the most extreme interpretation of a marketing sentence is somehow deception.

5 minutes ago, Nephaston said:

Well yeah, it's only three months in with four more chaos factions to go. Once it's december we can start evaluating if the year of chaos lived up to the hype.


Though I can already predict, once we start getting those post chaos knight releases in the form of grey knights, black templar, and whatever else muhreens get we start seeing "GW LIED about the YEAR of CHAOS" posts anyway, because anything less than the most extreme interpretation of a marketing sentence is somehow deception.

What is there to evaluate? There's 4 more chaos books all likely getting 1 unit each?

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