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Fluff Competition


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Thanks for the nod in point 2, Goggen. :P


I would take issue with point, er, zero, the one about any searches being allowed. Perhaps this kind of quiz is different but websearches are strictly forbidden in the other B&C fluff quizzes.


The reason is that it distinguishes between those that can remember where a reference is in their stack of white Dwarfs, codeci and BL books and can track it down and those who can type the appropriate word into google, ie everyone!


Fluff quizzes are the one place on the B&C where searchy the search engine is a bad thing. ;)



Now a blatant plug: I am prepping a mini-series of four 'Chapter specific quizzes' (CSQ's) along the lines of the ones SCC and I did over the last year, which should round off the missing board related organisations such as Raven Guard, Flesh Tearers, and the major Inquisitorial ordos and their chambers militant, so get revising on those old and new fluff sources. :P

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*Cyclops walks by the thread, when Some Marine pulls him in, and Cyclops finds himself face-to-face with many bolters, a couple of Portable D-Cannons, and a Grot Pistol.*


HEY! Put that Grot Pistol away, you could hurt someone.....


Oh - wait - its my turn....

Sorry about the delay, I had a busy friday, and couldnt surf on the weekend...


Which chaos god can be said to have created the Eye of Terror?

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because of when he consumed the eldar race, his birth also created the eye of terror


I think I read that in farseer by black library, but it may of been khorne, because he was the first god ;) .


Slaanesh it is

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ok - next time i answer, im going to have a question already loaded.... real hard one too...


Yep kraegus, its your turn....











Now can I be let out of these chains?

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