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Fluff Competition


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sorry to tell you two, but neither of you got what you wanted.

Sn1pz0r, you got the 1000th post. Some Marine, as well as shouting you got the 1001st... Dont forget, thats the number of replies... AFTER the first post....


And now, I return you t you regually sceheduled Fluffing...

+++Gratuitous Plug Alert+++


If you think you can handle answering more than one fluff question at a time then check out Stef's Fluff Quiz.


15 questions and a special Terminator Honours question... No websearches on this one, on pain of, er, pain... a week deadline, so you have until next wednesday.


PM Stef with the answers, not in the thread.




With all the practice in this thread you regulars should have no problem with it. B)

the officer has it right. it's forrix.


stated on page 237


"Did he not realise it was him forrix, who had nurtured his amibtion, kept him hungry to prove himself?? And this was how he wa repaid, forced to toil like a slave, a beast. He the captain of the first grand company.......


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