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Codex: Queztcoutls

Beornling 3.1415

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Chapter: The Quetzcoatls <Angelic Serpents>






home-world: Nahuas



Traits: Courageous: see but not seen*



disadvantage: Die Standing*



symbol: Golden disk



Gene-seed: ******* (TBA)



Colour Scheme: Jaguar (Orange with white chests, various spots) majority of the chapter, Winged Serpent (scaly green body, white arms, shoulders and jet packs, often with red helmets) vehicle crews, Jump troops, vehicles & Librarians









The Ruins of Nahuas are known for their scientific value as well as for their rare crystals, powerful energy sources, that can amplify warp fields used in the construction of psychic hoods, hexagramic wards, power weapons, and powering starships, little wonder that even with it's deadly reptilian natives, the volcanic and jungle world has been a place of contention for thousands of years by the enemies of man. The high lords of Terra particularly the High Manufactiurm and the Will and Word of his holiness wanted the world either safely in the hands of man or destroyed, for that reason a chapter was founded to take the world from the vile xenos and traitors. The first lords of the new chapter were unusual Twin brothers, One was to be the first chapter master, the other the first Librarian. Each brother took five company's under his guidance.






The Conquest of Nahuas



In orbit over Nahuas The new chapter's fleet was attacked by vastly larger fleet of ork ships, the enemies concentrated their fire on the chapter's battle barge, crippling the vessel, but the unscathed destroyers, and lone strike cruiser as well as the barge had exacted their own toll on the enemy, void shields gone, the Barge dove into the atmosphere after the last drop pod, Thunderhawk, and speeder had departed, due to damage, and the evacuation order nature of the drop mission the pods were hoplessly scattered, and many were killed by the Orks. The surviviors, used stealth, sabotage and evasion tactics, crippling power systems, and performing assassinations, The dying battle barge, fired it's last torpedoes at the warboss' fortress before ramming it. In one instant the barge, it's crew, the green skinned foes, and the surrounding jungle were consumed in an atomic fury, the ground quakes felt for miles around, debris shot sky ward so that clouds and storms would rage across the planet for a thousand days.






The destruction of the warboss caused enough disruption of the green skinned troops that a thunderhawk strike force was able to capture one of the orks orbital defense platforms with assault troops. Firing the artillery on the now disrupted enemy created a surge of infighting as various nobs sought to gain control for themselves. The campaign would last for 2 more years, however with great sacrifice the planet now belonged to man. The lake where the barge had annihilated the War boss' fortress was the new home to the chapter, and artificial island, and a testament to the sacrifices of the chapter and it's heroes. From this campaign lacking the full naval strength of their own war barge, and remembering the scattered drop troops who had been isolated and eliminated by the hordes of the enemy, the Quetzcoatls vowed never to use drop pods again, (per fering the extensive use of Thunder hawks for landings and a mix of jump troops and speeders for close support) and remembering those tactical squads that had survived in the jungles, and volcanic rocks that made up the planet, they would be the quiet deadly Jaguar who pounces from ambush. <tactical and devastator squads use a slightly darker "sun disk" emblem to represent the "smoky mirror"






equipment preferences.



1. Nahuas Pattern Power swords: have a distinctive appearance from normal power swords caused by the black "Harmonic crystals" placed along the blade, that seem to part matter before it. all stats as a normal power sword (looks like an Aztec war club/sword) cost 10/model for normal 15/model for models with more then one wound.






2. sun of the humanity. The Quetzcoatls have a preference for Melta/Las weapons, in their devastator squads and on their heavy platforms. This is partially the result of the culture of the people they recruit from. If they can take a Las-cannon, Melta, or other heat based weapon option, they probably will.






3. tread lightly. given that most tanks and transports are of little use in the jungles, and can't be used in conjunction with their doctrine of See but not seen, you will find very little in the way of bikes or tanks in their armies.






Genetic Quirks:



1. heart trouble: sometimes rather then forming a secondary heart, the gene process will cause them to form an enlarged heart, such an organ can not support the life of a brother marine for many years, but it is detectable early, in such cases it will be removed and replaced with a bionic heart in a highly ritualized ceremony prior to the black carapace installation, those troops with bionic hearts will have a "broken heart" emblem painted on their Armour, this is considered a purity seal.



2. bloodthirsty: rumors about the chapter being very vicious and cruel tend to abound, many troops will keep "Trophies" Particularly the faces of enemies. The Inquisition has investigated but can find no evidence of other activities.



unit insignias:


HQ: Line with two hallow dots below (gold)

Tactical: zig/zag

Fast attack: serpent



Banners: (none, the chapter uses "glyph plattern standards" simular to roman eagles)


advanced colours description:

Jaguars/Jaegers: (tactical, scout and Devestators)

white chest, hands and feet, orange main body, with black spots filled with a small amount of skull white), more spot tips on the helmet, helmets may be painted gore red near the breathing grill, to create a fanged maw effect. Gold used for trim, and weapon secondary colour)


Angel Serpent pattern: (Jump infantry, Speeders)

Scaly Green main body, white arms, painting angelic wings onto jump packs very common. Trim is always red. Again, gore red is also used on the helm for the fangs effect.



also like to thank the folks at GW online for getting me all those glyph plates, and giving me advice on how best to turn a small number of them into "Stamps" to use inplace of the decals.

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had lots of work the last couple of nights so, I'm working and updating (probably by tuesday, the lot numbers for the glyphs I wanted to order arrived from GW, their coustomer service guy was very nice and used a Boondocks Saints quote for his sig....
  • 1 month later...

OK, looking things over, I noticed a few items that might bear closer examination...


One minor point: I don't think that chapters are founded for specific missions. The Adeptus Mechanicus might select a homeworld to safeguard the planet, but they wouldn't "found" it specifically for that purpose. Space Marine chapters aren't assigned missions from anyone.


Would Orks have any central power systems to sabotage? Assassinations of Bosses would work, but I'm not sure their logistics are quite that organized. I have a similar concern with the Ork "orbital defense platforms." That just seems way too technical for a WAAAGGHHHH!


Can't wait to see the models! :D

  • 1 month later...

minor threadomancy, still broke, so some stuff on hiatus until I can purcahse the bloodangel's codex, some more models and some more stuff


well I already have a regular challengers in the near future, one who plays necrons, and one who plays chaos undevided.


So here's the basic re-writes


1. planet Nahaus was a former Slaani/Anchient world, the xenos artifacts being part of the draw of the world. (it's full of reptillians instead of orks)


2. since the creators of the Saani (lizardmen) were anchient enemies of the Necrons, the librarians/assault marines have access to power weapons, that have an aztec look and feel.


Quetzalcoatl - that's the anglicised spelling and it actually means "Feathered Serpent". Of course there are obvious semantic links with the God-Emperor of Mankind (false though he is)



If you're interested in the imagery of the smoking mirror have a look at Tezcatlipoca - looks like Librarians to me!


Quetzalcoatl - that's the anglicised spelling and it actually means "Feathered Serpent".  Of course there are obvious semantic links with the God-Emperor of Mankind (false though he is)



If you're interested in the imagery of the smoking mirror have a look at Tezcatlipoca - looks like Librarians to me!



yes their both aspects of the same god.


the good and evil aspects


as Tezcatlipoca also means black or shadow quetzalcoatl


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