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Yet More Swamp Dragons Fluff


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The chapter master of the Swamp Dragons is Zethis Yu. Contained here in is the history of this great leader.


When an Ork Waaagh fell unexpectedly on to Ferit Primus its local PDF was swiftly overwhelmed. The small amounts of refugees that escaped their towns were herded onto a single remaining escape scraft that fit the 300 of them all rather comfortably. The planet's population had started out at 4 million. How a Waaagh was organized so quickly and worked so effectively is not known and will likely never be. The remaining escape craft headed for a place to save its refugees as quickly as it could, the remaining defense elements on the planet selling their lives dearly to allow time for the escape to occur. Just as the ork forces closed in on the refugees the Swamp Dragon fleet dropped out of warp destroying the pursuit force quickly and allowed the escape transport to dock. Ferit was declared lost and suffered virus bombing to ensure no ork spores survived. This didn't stop the waaagh! though an the fight to stop it would continue.

Every refugee was extensively interviewed and it was found that many fled by themselves only a lucky few managed to bring maybe one loved one. One boy about age 12 told a harrowing story of how his orks stormed his isolated farm and he managed to flee, hiding in the brush as he heard his families screams. His father had managed to stumble out of the house and shoot and kill a few orks before he was dismembered by a large ork in big armor. Using his knowledge of the local terrain the boy had managed to elude the ork patrols, even killing a few greenskins when the opportunity presented itself. After weeks of hiding and stealing, he managed to sabatoge a few trukks. He hijacked the one working trukk and managed to reach escape velocity before the orks could fix their vehicles. His story held up to the imperium's best lie detectors and astonished at his ingenuity he the marines recruited him to the initiation trial. The boy's name was Zethis Yu.

As an extremely prodigal young cadet Brother Yu completed the initation tests with few difficulties, all the marine implants taking well with no signs of rejection.

His first few missions as a sniper scout, the starting point for all Swamp Dragons, were met with a great deal of success. His success was greatly helped by the fact that many of these starting battles were against orks, who he had a fanatical hatred for. He soon rose to become sergeant of his sniper squad but his final proving came in a battle in the war for Ujenix VII...




Scout-Brother Yu adjusted his position in the dense foliage. Ammo had been tight and resupplyings had not been forth coming. His squad had been burning through sniper ammo for 4 days now. Last night one of those ork kommandos had snuck into the camp and blown some of the ammo supplies. Only a box of sniper shots had survived and Yu and his squad only had a shot a piece left. They would have to pick their target carefully.

The orks rounded the corner and the rest of his force opened up. He zoomed in on the boss' squad and saw the recognized the face of the warboss. The scars were exactly the way he remembered. This was the fether who killed his father. It was also the most important ork in this army, what better target for his squad.

"I think we have a target boys," he said into his vox.

Though the contingent he was with was laying down consistent, well-aimed volleys, the orks continued to advance. Yu's eyes never left the warboss. The orks reached the marine lines and charged but their numbers were widdled down sufficiently that the marines were able to kill them. The warboss and his squad posed a serious threat up close, but the rest of Yu's army was engaged already. The ork lord prepared to charge and their target turned to shoot them but they couldn't do enough damage and the retinue was covering the distance quickly. Yu choose this moment to act he and his squad fired, the shot Yu had been lining up for minutes now, slamming home, going through the boss' eye and out through the back of his head. Most of his squad's shots hit home as well and the casualties along with the sudden loss of their leader, caused to ork squad to falter momentarily and the marines took this opportunity to charge and proceeded to overwhelm the remaining orks. With the loss of the commanding unit the remaining orks began to falter and victory was now within the grasp for the marines. Figuring they were of no further use ammoless Yu gave the command to return to base, smiling inwardly that at least a small amount of retribution had been exacted for the people of his planet...




For the above actions Yu was promoted to full battle-brother.



I hoped you liked that taste of my Chapter Master's fluff. More to come if you keep checking this thread.


I'll see you on the dark side of the moon, SD

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Great story. The only change I would make is his age at the time of the escape.


I think about 16 would be more believable. That way, he would be about 18 or 19 when the gene-seed implantation was complete. The same Waaagh! would still be going on, and short of a Black Crusade nothing would distract the Chapter from fighting the Orks, so a new scout squad would definitely be sent to the spot Yu was in the story.


I hope that helps a little.



Thanks for the quick response. I'll change him to be a bit older so that the waaagh! could feasibly still be happening but if he was 16 he would be a little old to recieve marine implants. I'll also make it more explicit that the virus bombing didn't stop the waaagh!


I'll see you on the dark side of the moon, SD

Ok so here is the second installment. I'm mainly going to tell the stories of his promotions, at least in this thread.


20 years later: The orks who destroyed Zethis' planet have been driven back and though they have long since not been worthy of the title of Waaagh! They have still put up rather heavy resistance on the one planet they still control. Orbital defense batteries on the surface are too formidable for a simple exterminatus and a surface crusade has begun in earnest. For weeks now the IG regiments have been assailing the last ork line and it seems inpenetrable. The Swamp Dragons have managed to locate the orbital defenses and penetrated them and are preparing a massive final push. As the main space marine ships arrive, an ork ship believed to be carrrying the leaders of the remaining ork forces launches from the surface. The freshly arrived space marine ships are unable to mobilize fast enough and it escapes into ork space.

Thinking that the entire ork command had left its warriors to die, the Swamp Dragon command thinks that infighting among the orks is unavoidable and this will be significantly easier than priorly anticipated. Instead of the massive drop pod assault previously planned, the marines choose to employ the significantly safer tactic of an assault by comparitvly few ground troops. Though a sergeant in his normal squad, Yu is not yet a veteran and is forced to take second seat to a veteran sergeant.

This proves to be a mistake. The ork lords left one high command officer in place and in an unorky display of initative proves to be a specatular general considering what he had to work with. The space marines are caught off-guard the preparedness of the ork defenses. They quickly adjust however and the battle begins tipping in their direction. But the Ork warboss has one last trick up his sleeve...



Brother Yu and his squad marched towards the ork emplacement, Sergeant Akira in the lead. As they got in range they opened up with their bolters and the ork boys manning the turret fell quickly. The one survivor appeared to be working on something but he was to far in too heavy of cover to be shot at. The Swamp Dragons moved closer to root him out up close but a squad of Kommandoes lept up from behind the entrenchment, they had been hiding and waiting. Their bolter downed a few but they were coming to fast. The Swamp Dragons counter-charged adn cut through the orks, the ferocity of their assault catching the greenskins off guard. Chainsword clanged against choppa but the held strong. As Yu cut down the last ork in site he saw the ork they had sought to root out clamp something on to the ground. It was beeping and flashing, and the ork was grinning.

Oh, not good Yu thought shooting the Ork, vainly hoping the activation procedure wasn't complete. The rest of his squad had by now finished off their opponents and were looking at the device. They started to retreat but the device detonated to quickly. At this point Brother Akira gave a rather unneccesary order...



Well i have to go now so i figure i'll try ending on a cliffhanger. The ending should be up by tommorow at the latest.


I'll see you on the dark side of the moon, SD

  • 1 month later...

Well it has been a while but with exams this story kind of lost priority. So here comes the conclusion.




The device detonated and flung Yu and his squad back hard. Yu was disoriented for a moment and when he finally got his wits around him, he saw several large figures moving towards his squad through the fog.

Warboss, he thought. They were to close to run from, he needed a plan. His entire squad including him were down on the ground, and several of them looked dead. Trying to run would get him shot. A desperate plan forming in his brain he grabbed Akira's power sword lying right next to him and tryed to play dead as best as possible, while keeping his body tensed for action.

The Warboss walked closer slowly and as he was right on top Yu's squad, Yu struck. Twisting upward he struck as quickly he possible from a lying position. The warboss brought up his shoota hand to block and the sword sliced straight through it but it gave the 'boss time to bring his head out of range and the power weapon swung its full arc and sliced into the hard earth. Zethis tried a return stroke but the ork had enough time to get his bearings and grabbed the power sword with his power claw.

"Stupid 'oomies," muttered the enormous greenskin, and flung the sword away, sending the space marine flying as he held on. The sword cracked in two under the stress, the hilt and a small part of the blade landing next to Yu as he skidded to a stop.

Zethis was not in good shape. His armor had multiple clashes through it from rock he had hit as he slid. His helmet had become unattached during a particularly bad bump. At least one of his ribs was broken and his right leg didn't feel promising. He pulled his helmet from his head to get a clear view of things and saw the mammoth warboss coming towards him, obviously pissed off. That was understandable, as all that was left of his left arm was a bloody stump.

Lying on the ground, things did not look good for Zethis. He glanced around and saw the broken power weapon lying next to him, it energies barely contained in the broken power coils. Zethis grabbed it by the hilt, taking his chances. He latched on to a nearby rock for support.

One Chance, Zethis thought. The warboss got closer and closer. At just the right moment Zethis launched his second crazy plan for the day. Swinging himself over the rock with as much force as he could muster, Yu used his other arm to fling the shattered power sword at the warboss's face like a tomahawk. With only his hulking power claw to defend with, the ork was caught off guard and the weapon struck him in the chest, Zethis's aim had been poor. It looked for a second as though the warboss would survive, but the power chords had had enough. They ruptured, sending a cascade of blue disruptive energy through the warboss's mega-armor. The ork leader's entire body spark and fizzled, cooking him alive.

As he watched this, Zethis's right leg gave way under the stress. If it hadn't been broken before, it was now. His attention also turn to the 7 nobs in mega-armor who had just watched him kill their leader. They looked on in shock, and then, in a flury of motion, all attempted to seize power at the same time. This more or less consisted of them trying to kill each other. The largest and meanest of them crushed his last opponent and turned his attention the Brother Yu. The new 'boss was slightly injured but he was in a good enough condition to finish of Zethis. As he advanced Zethis drew his chainsword, it wouldn't save him, but he could at least hurt the new warboss. Suddenly, in a flash of red heat, his adversary vanished. Standing behind him was Sergeant Akira, holding the squad's meltagun with one hand, the other arm hanging limply by his side.

"Sojiro and Akashi are alive," he yelled as he crossed over to Yu. "Now let's get you back to HQ for a little break, I think you've earned it."


The above actions warranted a promotion to Veteran, and the beginning of training for terminator armor.


Comments welcome. I apologize if this is threadromancy, but i can't stand to leave a story unfinished. There is more after this if you guys want to hear it.


I'll see you on the dark side of the moon, SD


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