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New Chapter

Icarus the Great

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I've started painting some new marines for a chapter but I need helf coming up with some stuff. They are the same marines in my Avatar and Signature.


Here's what i've got so far:


Their fortress monistary is located on a forge world in the galactic south.

Mainly fight tyrnids

Successor of the Iron hands

Many bionics and advanced technology

colours of red and blue, details in green and black

binary star system

5 moons, very fertile

Hostile world of Dorn where marines train and take recruits


anything to add? Homeworld name?



I also need a chapter name. I've come up with a couple key words:












I'll add too this list more later on, I can't seem to find my page...

Comeing up with Iconography should be easy once I have a name

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The Iron Crusaders - now thats a sweet name :blush: As for other info what founding are they? Are they a young or old chapter? Are they mysterious, secretive, open? - I think th attitude of the chapter tells people a great deal


Just some things to help you expand.


Also for a homeworld name if your going iron hands way how about looking at names of metals? Or perhaps latin versions for inspiration?

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Sons of Steel has a nice ring to it, or maybe that just me.


Wonder what tyranids do when they fight things which are more metal the flesh, like necrons, they can really eat that, can they?


You might want to look at the combat doctrine to see what kind of name feels right. Having a nice close combat name for a shooty army would work.



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Yeah, time to stop sniffing paint and glue while modeling.


Anywhichway(duck, witchhunter!), a little more information might be nice. Also, try not thinking about it for a couple of days, and meditate(in my case, think about dinosaurs, wolves, anything cool for fifteen minutes straight) frequently. This usually results in an explosion of pure creativity for the next week. I also use this technique for the short stories and many books I am writing, and my fluff. It is a little odd, and my family kinda gets a little ticked at my detached nature, but it works very well for me.




ps. I thought up a new race for this game doing that, but what I really wanted to do was figure out how to use what I had lying arounf the house to make weapons and vehicles. Shows how crazy the results can be sometimes.

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Keep it simple. Red Steel. Context that with the main Chapters.


The Red Steel Chapter --- The Blood Angels Chapter --- The Ultramarines Chapter.


Red Steel Chapter --- Blood Angels Chapter --- Ultramarines Chapter


Red Steel --- Blood Angels --- Ultramarines


This exercise was to show that what is in the name is VERY important to DIYC. Whatever name you rest upon should look good too.


Yeah ... :blink:

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Red Steel


I think the reason that its doesnt sound right, for me anyway, that like many other chapter names it is descriptive. Such as Blood Angels, or Space Wolves. These require an adverb (I think thats the right term, forgot my english :blink: A descriptive word?) and a Noun. So Blood being the adverb and Angels being the noun.


Red is an adverb, it would describe the noun. But steel is the problem. The noun steel is just a piece of metal, which doesnt seem right for a Space Marine army. Steel fits more into the adverb section. So its Like calling a chapter Space Blood, might sound ok, but doesnt fit for a chapter.



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Well we could all rattle of names to our content but not only should it reflect perhaps the fluff or style and character of the chapter but it should come from you. You will never be happy unless you decide upon it yourself.


I sound like a hippy but you have to walk through the door - we can only show you the way (aka give you ideas ) otherwise it will mean nothing to you :blink:

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Ahhhhhhhhhhh....now you have come to the path Grasshopper...errrr,I mean Loki!


Ferrata ,your expose on the use of :nouns,verbs and adjectives have truely inspired me to walk through the door...

So...how about "Bloody Red Running Steel Guys"...huh...huh?

Come on work with me here guys... :blink: I mean ya got adjectives,verbs...

seriously I think these fellows have given you sage advice.

It does in the end have to be your choice ,or you'll never really think of it as your own.


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Ferrata ,your expose on the use of :nouns,verbs and adjectives have truely inspired me to walk through the door...


Its been a while since I did english, even longer since I learnt the word types. :blink: Science is so much more fun, so I might have go the words the wrong way round.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, its taken me awhile, but ive finally come up with some good fluff.


-They are a Raven Guard Successor. Upon leaving the chapter, they took up a new fighting style, seeing steath as cowardice. They now prefer a frontal assult.

-Moved south to fight the tyrnid menice.

-They took up a forge world as their homeworld. The polluted air means that there are few suitable recruits. Because of the avalibility of technology, this also means that many recruits are brought back to service with bionics, and heavy tanks are also avalible. (I will include at least 1 vindicator in the armylist.)


Advantages: take the fight to them, sicons of mars

Dissadvantages: have faith in your colours, eye to eye


so, what do you think? Im still stuck on a name. Is The Knights Templar already used?

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I've started painting some new marines for a chapter but I need helf coming up with some stuff.  They are the same marines in my Avatar and Signature.


Here's what i've got so far:


Their fortress monistary is located on a forge world in the galactic south.

anything to add?  Homeworld name?


I also need a chapter name.  I've come up with a couple key words:



Adamantine Knights

Ferrous Knights (Iron Knights)

Redsmiths (play on blacksmiths)

Red Forgers

Forgers of Steel/Iron

Red Blades

Emperor's Forgers

Smithies of the Emperor



Homeworld Names

Quarrius Prima


Magnus Minas



Tesudelif (I just mashed a few keys and made a name out of it.)

Farhaufen (Same as above)

Bethlehem (Named after and American company in Pennsylvania - Bethlehem Steel)


Additional Fluff:

Due to the recent battles with Tyranids, it was found by the chapter that the Tyranids typically avoided the mechanical and only attacked the organic. The most augmented brothers tended to be ignored more than the less augmented. Since then, more brothers have gone on to far more augmented than even their parent chapter.


Being stationed on a Forge World, they have more access to Master-Crafted wepons and easily replace vehicles/armour lost in battle. Have a higher number of vehicles if not totally mechanized.


Higher number of Dreadnoughts, truly great heroes are interred alive into a Dreadnought to preserve their prowess and knowledge. A higher honor than Terminator status.


Scouts are cycled to the Forge World to improve and reinforced their knowledge of the Adeptus Mechanicus. As such, their skills as infiltrators are not very strong. Tending to favor staying on/close to machines (Scout Bikes)


My two coppers

Belial Out

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