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Battle Report


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was able to get in a battle last night (prolly my only battle for the entire weekend due to me working). this is my first bat-rep and i was told that B&C was a good place to show those off. enjoy


Forces: Shadows Angelus vs. Craftworld Alaitoc

Value: 2000 Points

Mission: Cleanse, Alpha


Shadows Angelus forces:


Master, Terminator Armor, Power Weapon, Thunder Hammer

Epistolary, Terminator Armor, Force Weapon, Power Weapon, Psychic Hood, Fury of the Ancients, Might of Heroes

Terminator Command Squad: Sergeant with Power Weapon and Storm Bolter, 2 Terminators with Assault Cannons and Power Fists, 3 Terminators with Storm Bolters and Power Fists



Venerable Dreadnought with Assault Cannon, Close Combat Weapon, Heavy Flamer, Extra Armor, Tank Hunter



5 Tactical Squads:

6 Marines per squad, 1 Lascannon, 1 Plasma Gun, 4 Bolters


Fast Attack

1 Land Speeder Squadron, 2 Assault Cannons, 2 Heavy Bolters


Heavy Support

Predator Annihilator, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter

Devastator Squad: 6 Marines, 4 Missile Launchers, 2 Bolters, Infiltrate

Devastator Squad: 6 Marines 4 Heavy Bolters, 2 Bolters, Infiltrate


Craftworld Alaitoc Forces (to the best of my ability)

1 Farseer with Warlock (or soe other retinue that they are allowed), Singing Spear, other additional Wargear

2 Squads of Pathfinders

3 Squads of Rangers

1 Squadron of 2 Vyper Jetbikes

1 Guardian Squad with a Brightlance weapons Platform, Warlock

1 squad of Striking Scorpions

2 Falcon Gravtanks

1 Wraithlord

Note: I do not know all of the Wargear avalible to the Eldar, nor what my opponent took. I also do not recall the actual size of each squad of troops except the Vypers and Guardians (he had 18 guardians). I tried to reproduce this list to the best of my ability.


Setup: there was quite a bit of useful and inhibiting terrain for both of our forces. He chose a quarter that denied me a tall building with great vantage points (he didn

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the error with my pred was that i think i used it to shoot at his Vypers instead of his Falcon. the reason why i chose the Vypers over the Falcon was because the Predator is a dual-role tank. its primary purpose is to take on troops, but if my Tacs cant hit the broadside of a barn, or i just need that 6th Lascannon, i have my Predator.

anywya, the Heavy Bolters wouldnt have touched the Falcon, but they could hurt the Vypers, so thats what i was going for....unfortunatly it didnt pay off too well because those Vypers hung around for another turn. either way, it turned out for the better though

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