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New DIY Chapter: Imperial Warhawks


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Looks good, besides one thing


Possibly Black Templar Marshall & some troops Crashed on Planet after fighting Orks in space, survived on planet for some time. Was rescued & taken back to Terra & was granted a new chapter for his bravery & survival


For the love of the Emperor (which I dont have :rolleyes: ) do not include this. Read the chapter creation threads which are stickied to find out why.


Besides that, looks very good ;). Just need more now though. I do have some image of Purple marines for imperial warhawks. Maybe Im just thinking of the Hawk Lords :cuss



I'm not entirely sure about the Chapter Keeps concept. It would seem that they would be spending a large amount of time building, maintaining, or doing something else related to them - when they might otherwise better spend their time campaigning. It also seems odd for a space-based chapter to bother sinking any roots.


I'd give some serious thought to either reducing the "labor" involved by either decreasing the scope or removing the concept altogether. OR there should be a very good reason for them to spend all that time and energy doing so.


If the chapter excels at highly-mobile warfare, particularly using drop pods or Thunderhawks, then why would they "let the enemy know they're coming" by building a keep? Wouldn't it seem to make more sense for them to use on of their spacecraft as the "Keep."


I like the close combat aspect, as well as the mobile-warfare slant.


I look forward to seeing it fleshed out.

The reason for the chapter keeps was to get new recruits from the planet, but what you said about them being mobile and staying that way makes sence. I got that info from the Black Templars organization charts. I would guess that after the fighting is when the keeps would be built. But It might not be a bad idea to drop that from the fluff.


I'm just having a hard time trying to figure out way the chapter would be created. I wanted it to be a spin-off of the Black Templars, that follow the codex closer than what they do. The Warhawks are more fierce than zealous like the Templars, so trying to twist a Templar to go in that direction is the help that I need to figure out.

Have the veterans sent to train the chapter being Black Templars. This would wipe some of the personalities of the BT. If you want more, say that the current chapter master when younger was in a company that joined in on a BT crusade for a while and has started to copy the way now he's in cahrge



Nice work so far, although it does need some more work.


I actually quite like the idea of having a chapter building a fortress mnestary everywhere they go. Sort of like the Wordbearers and Iron Warriors before their betrayal; build everywhere.


I immediately had some visual image in my head of a huge abandoned structure of black stone. A single squad of marines approaches the gate and it opens automatically, the fortress cognitor-banks recognizing them as they walk up. A long high darkened hallway stretches into the dark, beyond what is visible and slowly, lights start to flicker and come to life. Systems power up and the entire structure is ready for use once again in a matter of hours, after hundreds of years of inactivity. The marines enter the fortress and knowing their way (as all their fortresses are laid out the same) begin operating machinery and collecting supplies. they are preparing the fortress for the coming of a large number of their brethren, gathering here to partake in an action against a nearby and powerful foe...


Make the fluff so, that they do not have any large warships but are dependant on transport ships and freighters and need the fortresses scattered throughout the sector to sustain them when in action. Those would be stone STC structures of large proportions, large enough to house and maintain at least two or three companies, containing stocks of weapons, supplies, and vehicles, in very remote areas of backwater planets. They would be taken care of by their mainframe computers and servitors slaved to it. (a fortress going rogue would allow for some very cool fluff too; 'Open the Pod-Bay doors HAL!', 'I'm sorry Dave, I cannot do that').


You decide whether or not the chapter might be better off having traits that would support their building nature.


Sorry to elaborate like this, but when I get an idea in my head, I just have to vent it. Keep it up...

I like the ideas & different twists to things! I will have to figure out what way I want to spin the history. I figured they'd be a mobile force with spacecraft since they deploy there troops with drop pods & Thunderhawks, & since they use heavily on the Elite & assault side of the army lists. But trying to figure out then, where their recruits come from.


I'm thinking of sticking them somewhere around Armageddon, and have most of there past in dealing with Orks. I do want to maybe put something in about the Ultramarines (I personally think that the Ultramarines have way to big of an ego, and I would like to see them taken down a notch!) maybe some kind of feud with them.


Just some more ideas i've been throwing around!


Thanks for the ideas so far, hopefully soon I can post some updates & color schemes of the army!



Just a thought I had concerning a potential "conflict" with the UltraMarines - since you'd like to make your boys Ork-specialists, and the Ultras tend to be Tyranid specialists these days, you could have an incident where both threats were present and there was a "disagreement" on priorities concerning allocation of resources...

Personally, I would not attempt to add any conflict with the Ultramarines. I cant seeing it adding anything to the chapter besides the fact you dont like them. It seems rather, childish :D


I personally think that the Ultramarines have way to big of an ego, and I would like to see them taken down a notch


Not to go off topic, but how do they have an ego, they dont exist? ::cuss:




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