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D'koi vs. Grey Knights


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This guy's list was mean. Damned vehicles...


I KNOW he had two Dreads, with varying degrees of weaponry. I think he had two or three regular GK squads, and two squads of five Termies each, with whatever the Assault assassin is, and of course, the oblilgatory tooled-out GM. Had a few Death Cultists darting around the board, but nothing that a round of shooting didn't take care of, so I'm not including them. I -THINK- he had a Land raider, too, but I can't remember off the top of my head; Two of my opponents had Land Raiders, and I think he was one of them. No matter, regardless.


He set up in the back of his Deploy. Smart man. I set up in the front, as always, and now in a concentrated ball of Fur. No sense in having my units strung out for when those two Termies deep struck; rather have the whole army counterattack in one turn than be interspaced between three.



He won first turn.




Shot at my Wulfen, which were in cover, and they saved both saving throws against that Las.


TURN ONE: Wulfen


Moved everything up. Another perfect Gate, landing between the Raider and the two Dreads (he had put them close together as a support for each other). Two Meltas into one Dread and the Rune Priest into the other blew up both of them, while one Melta glanced the Land Raider, went to a Pen because of AP 1, and blew it sky high. Killed two members inside.




Neither Termie squad showed. His entire rest of his army shot at the Long Fangs, killing off only three of them (two Meltas). One squad was close enough to charge, just barely; they only managed to get into the Long Fangs, not my Rune Priest. Through some absolute fluke (and about fifteen armor saves) the Long Fangs held, killing one GK in return. :)


TURN TWO: Wulfen


Well, with nothing worth blowing up (and the incapabililty of doing so anyways with no combi-melta), my Rune Priest moved towards the combat all half an inch from him. The rest of my army moved up, but despite two rows of 6's on my dice, was still out of charge range with my Wulfen. (Got a 5 for a DT check). My Rune Priest assaulted the squad, particularly away from the Justicar-thinger. My positioning proved to be nearly flawless; His Justicar couldn't swing at my Priest, falling a half an inch short from being in CC with him. So the Justicar vented on the Long Fangs, killing off one of them easily. The rest of the attacks went on my Rune Priest, and out of twelve wounds, saved all but one which was saved by the Runic Charm (GOD I love that lil' piece of Wulfy heaven). In return, he took down six o' da Knights. The Lone Meltagunner swung heavy at the GKs, and he killed two of them ;) There was only one left.




One unit of GK Termies showed up, plopping maybe half a foot from my main bulk of my force (Bikes and Storm Claw squads; I kept my bikes in the backfield, waiting for the GKT drop, all... uh... Yeah,I changed some stuff, so... seven of them, I think.). They shot at my Wulfen, dropping three of them. That made the wulfen VERY angry... My Rune Priest wiped the Justicar off the board, taking one wound in return. However, there was another squad readying to charge, should I not take the opportunity...




My Rune Priest knew his duty. It was what he was born and bred for. He charged, alone, into the threatening Grey Knight squad. I separated my Wolf Lord and his bike from the Bike Squad, sending him roaring into the last GK squad. (NOTE: Yes, this is my two HQ choices rampaging violently through squads on their own, with no support save the Meltagunner, who pegged one of the members of the Rune Priest's Grey Knights. My Storm Claws, for once (and after finding the power of massed Bolt Pistol shots) didn't move and shot off forty pistols at the Grey Knight Termies. Killed four of them. :) My seven bikers lined up fourteen more shots, but didn't wound him. That's alright... My Wulfen would. And did. They charged, and despite being brought to three men left out of five, killed off the GKT. My Wolf Lord wiped seven of the Grey Knights from the table at no expense to himself, thanks to another strategic charge. Rune Priest, however, was not so lucky. He killed off six on his own, but turns out he was in range of the NFW; I was off by a quarter of an inch. Oh well. Either way, he took the Invuln save in stride, proceeding to dance a merry dance of slaughter in the opponent's backfield.




The next GK squad shows up, dropping onto the battlefield right behind my Wolf Lord. They shoot at my Wulfen, killing off the last two of the heroic furry guys. My Lord continues to weave death through the GK squad, finishing them off and consolidating away from the GK termies, but still in charge range next turn. My Rune Priest battled fiercely, and only when he had killed everything in the squad did his wounds get the better of him, and he died surrounded by the corpses of his enemies (bit it to the power weapon; a 5+ can only go so far)




Everything moved up again, Storm Claws being in Bolt Pistol range, and second squad of Wulfen being in charge range. This is the squad with the Grand Master in it; This is what it had come down to. My Lord's bike squad wheeled around to flank the enemy, powerfists and lightning claws crackling. The bikes let off a few Bolter shots that killed one Termie, before everything charged.




Grand Master Gadrian Vec surveyed the carnage around him. The blasted heretic wolves had destroyed nearly all of his forces. Even as his squad rematerialized on the planet, the Wolf Lord was separating Justicar Malenfant's head from his body. A silver, terminator-clad heretic was chopping his way through his blessed allies, when the wounded Justicar Jora'h dealt him a fatal blow, bringing down the Wulfen monstrosity. However, his coordinates must have been wrong... He was too close to the opposing force. They howled a cry that would pierce ceramite, their powerarmored feet pounding the ground as they rushed towards the heroic Grey Knight Terminators. Sending a message through his comms, the Terminators braced for the attack.



Through the warp, Galrian felt rather than saw what was coming next. He whirled, Nemesis Force Weapon whipping through the air, retracted, swung again and again, twirling with a vicious flurry at the Wulfen Lord which had snuck around behind him. This foul beast must not live to threaten the rest of the Imperium! But... What was this? Every time Gadrian took a swipe at the Wulfen, despite the beast's apparent lack of the will to live, the beast somehow managed to sidestep the attack! Grim and determined, Gadrian took a sidelong sweep at the Wulfen lord, then jabbed at his chest with the Force Weapon. The swipe was stopped in mid air, the belt that the Wulfen Lord was wearing glowing a mystical blue color, but the jab of the nemesis dug deep into the black carapace of the Wulfen Lord, blood pouring out of the gaping wound. He grinned, focusing through the warp, the path becoming clearer as he evoked the power of the Force weapon. A sucking sound was heard, the Wulfen Lord jittering some, and Gadrian grinned despite himself.


It was at that moment that a roar of engines was heard coming from the nearby cliff. Bikes soared over the edge, bolters firing off wildly, taking down one of his men with their wildfire of shots. Quick to react, the Grey Knights deftly danced with their Nemesis weapons, picking off four riders from their bikes easily. However, that seemed to only be a diversion, as three more bikes swept into the arena. The Knights, their weapons mired with the bodies of the enemy, were caught completely off guard; The powerfists of the biker squad, coupled with the Lightning Claws of the vile beast-pack leader, made short work of even the hardened veterans of the Grey Knight squad. Then his Nemesis weapon gave a jerk.


Turning his attention back to the corpse of the Wulfen Lord, Gadrian was shocked to see the Wulfen Lord grinning at him. Standing from his bike,the Wulfen walked further and further onto Gadrian's blade, a simple wolf tail that was hanging around the Lord's neck glowing with the power of the Warp. It couldn't be... Had the Wulfen harnessed the raw and pure essence of the Warp?


It was the last thought that he had before the Wulfen Lord drew his frost blade, neatly cleaving the Grand Master of the Grey Knights force in half. Howling a roar of defiance, the Wulfen Lord T'lash of the D'koi Nyte Strykers 13th Company warband yanked the skull of the fallen Grey Knight from it's body, raising it high.


None shall stand in the path of the Wulfen.






For those of you who didn't bother to read through that; Lord killed off his GM, GM got off his power on the Lord, but the Wolf Tail talisman stopped it. Bikes destroyed the Termies in combat (finally got some Fodderbikes), and I didn't even get to the Wulfen.



Crushing Victory. Lost around fifteen models total.

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We'll have to explain once again... Hairy mans don't mean daemon!


Great Batrep here Decoy, enjoyed the little insight in the end, especialy the lord going to the GM with a force weapon in his chest.


And I'm so amused that a 1 point equipement ridiculized the GM and his big "fearsome" weapon.



Yeah, I felt a little creative about that. The Talisman doing it's job was just the kicker on what otherwise was a flawless battle for me. The icing on the cake, so to speak. The GK player was in shock, thinking that he'd at least get to kill my Lord, but it was not to be. He wanted to see what it was and how it did that (Why does everyone just not trust me to know my own army? Yeesh.), and when I showed him, he couldn't believe it only cost one point. I'ma start throwing them on all my WGPL whenever I have a few points to kill. Worthy investment. Sure, iffy, but worth it nonetheless.

We get so many rules ( Classic SW and 13 th co. ) that our opponents are always surprised by such special things. We play the armies in unconventional ways too, like moving before game, gating "at will", first turn charges, LOTS of power fist goodness, lot of HQ, LOTS of attacks, etc.


The look on his face must have been pretty amusing too.



hahaha...its the luck of the ridiculously overconfident.



seems your regular opponents dont seem to know your army well nuh?




and just a question...are you still playing on the little kids tables (4x4) or are you playing in the big league yet?



(serious question...joking tone of voice :) )

Hit up the big tables tonight, Beav, there were very few people until later. The last game we played, we realized we weren't even using the extra third of the board, so shoved it to the side to let some other kids play.


And this guy wasn't my regular opponent; visiting from Florida. Now he knows that he's not welcome here, thanks to my lovely Wulfen.


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