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my DIY chapter


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Well a bit more info would help such as their attitude, age of the chapter, doctrine, are they zealous or reluctant crusaders? and perhaps their historical influence.


They are crusaders - not bad a bit overdone but it depends on what type of crusade :D


You say that you dont want them to look like Templars but their colour scheme is the same? I would perhaps change this otherwise people may get confused. You could perhaps invert the colour scheme or use the same colours (Black and white) but re-organise them.


I always think its better if you yourself come up with the concept otherwise you'll never be happy. We can help you mould some ideas but its really up to you to get the ball rolling.


Hope that helped ;)

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*Cough* Knights Hospittaler (St John) - My personal favourite ;) . The Teutonic Order (st Mary) Would also be a nice theme as Templars are a bit overdone.


Also look at the "crusades" into the moors of Spain as you will also find some nice orders such as the Knights of Santiago.

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*Cough* Knights Hospittaler (St John) - My personal favourite ;) .  The Teutonic Order (st Mary) Would also be a nice theme as Templars are a bit overdone.


Also look at the "crusades" into the moors of Spain as you will also find some nice orders such as the Knights of Santiago.


The Hospitalers have been done as well... As has the Knights of the Cross... But there are still a lot left out there... I suggest you go to your local library and look for some books on the crusades and medieval history ;)

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when i say i dont want them to look too similar i mean that theres enough difference in tactical markings and heraldy etc to distinguish them. anybody that knows enough about space marines will know that if they have tactical symbols

(arrow fot tactical squads, crossed double arrows for fast attack etc) they couldnt possibly be black temps. i want to include a templar somewhere on them as it is assciated with a crusade.

As for their background they are zealous. their crusades are against any enemy of the emperor. the theme of the crusade i want to make now is that it is the most treatchorous/dangerous one they've ever launched (i need to make up some more background for this- perhaps more help needed) they have been around for a long time. perhaps about 7500 years old.

doctrine- they tend to lay down a hail of fire and then when the enemy gets to them counter-attack( im using the trust your battle brothers trait)when it would be better to charge the enemy(tau) that is what they do(they count as having a bolt pistol and close combat weapon- 2 attacks) and they will use assault squads to get marines there quick. they have a lot of tanks but they tend not to use them as much. they use man power. their favourite tank is the whirlwind( theyll use this tank mainly when they do use tanks)


traits- trust your battle brothers

death before dishonour

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True Heraldry etc may perhaps mark them out but I still think if you went with the exact same colour scheme as the Templars then it may get confusing. Perhaps if you gave them even white helmets or used a grey instead of white then they would be more distinguishable. ;)


As for an idea for a crusade well if its the most dangerous one they have ever done how about sending them directly into the path of a Tyranid Hive fleet?, however the realities of them actually surviving that are next to none ;) but you could perhaps try to tackle one of the splinter fleets


Your doctrine sounds like a normal codex army - Weaken enemy prior to attack. You could also add perhaps a vindicator along with the whirly as one of their favourite vehicles as that would add to the image of being good at seiges (Like the Templars) and bashing the enemy for ages prior to attack


some ideas for you ;)

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Why not try knightly tags such as Celestial Paladins or Imperial Crusaders.

The Knights Templar wer klnown as the Knights of the Temple. Maybe you could be be Guardians of the Temple or Chevalier Templar.


Mostly I suggest you do what everyone here has already stated. Do alittle research into your theme at the library. Something will come to you that you like.

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Im not sure if its the proper term (Could perhaps be called a tendril or something ;) im sure some big fluff buff will know )


But basically its not the full hive fleet but smaller segments of it ,which are sent out to scout out the path. So think of it like a small scouting fleet ;)

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A splinter fleet is part of a larger hive fleet but has been separated from if for some reason. It may have been sent ahead to scout, or it may be a remnant of one of the big hive fleets that has been defeated (there are, in fact, still remnants of Behemoth out there). They will have evolved/mutated since they were part of the larger fleet, so you're not limited as to what they can look like beyond being tyranids.


As for what knightly order to base them on, I have to say, I've never been a fan of St John of God (Hospitallers). Maybe look at one of the germanic orders. I've always been partial to the Knights of the Golden Pretzel (seriously, it was a real knightly order, based in Bavaria).


Maybe if you were to mark company on greaves or kneepads, and give the chapter some bling trim on their pauldrons (gold edging on the shoulder pads) it would help distinguish them from the templars

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ive just looked at some stuff on the internet and ive had a few ideas.

i thought perhaps i could take off the eagle on the chest plate and paint on a templar but then there wouldnt be any imperial insignia-help here please.

i thought perhaps my chapter could be linked to the black templars/imperial fists



like this egyptius astartes thing ironlokis chapter belongs to(looked at your website-looks coool) i thought mine could be a group of crusading/knightly chapters linked to the black templars and all linked together.

some help will be needed here- perhaps a lot. i might set up a website about mine.

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