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Chinese army

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Massed infantry always seems to be the way Chinese are portrayed in films etc. So before anyone gets on at me if this is totally not historically accurate, it's what most people will assume a Chinese based chapter would be. Its down to you if your doing a historic chapter or a romantic chapter.


I would say a hard-assed Commander, quite expenisive with a good body guard. Lots of bolters in tactical squads. So maybe 6 10-man squads, without any upgrades (maybe a 1 heavy or special per squad) and then a couple of squads to do special jobs. For 900pts you can get 60 bolters :devil:



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i was thinking around the time they had discovered gun powder (it was them right :tu: ) anyway so no elephants i was thinking Chaplain (2 close combat weapons, meaning his power weapon and another sword) 1 squad of scouts (no reason) a few units of tacticals, assualt squad and thats about it until i find out a bit more about a particualr time in history that catches my attention


Kepp them coming though


thanks ;)

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While the chinese invented gunpowder, but used it mainly for fireworks. The west made them into guns.


Maybe you are thinking of the Qing dynasty?


Chaplains are not in the armies, as faith is never related to war. A command squad might seem the fluffiest.


It might be a all scouts army, to reflect the amount of infantry, bulk up the numbers, and the lack of armour generally.


Also, bikes to represent calvary.


Somehow, IG might be better to represent this kind of army.


Please tell us more about the fluff you are trying to represent.

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What happened to the Aegyptus Army??


Anyway I agree that you need to give us more info to help you as there is very little to work with.


I found a random timeline here with some info for helping to decide upon a date and perhaps Dynasty



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