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New DIY Chapter: The Intrepid Alchemists

Lord Chrisius III

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I've decided that rather than create an entirely new chapter, I will create a successor to my current DIY, the Intrepid Fists, called the Intrepid Alchemists.


Intrepid Fist Scheme


Intrepid Alchemist Scheme


Intrepid Alchemist Logo


I need some opinions on the Intrepid Alchemist colour scheme, I threw the IF one in for comparisson.


Also, I am intending to make the IA librarian based, but instead of psychic powers, alchemy is used, but to the same avail. I was wondering if this goes against anything in the marine fluff. Is there a chance marines could uses alchemy?


Thanks a lot.



IIRC, alchemy is sort of like ancient chemistry, except with a whole lot more mysticism involved. For example, alchemists believed that every material was comprised of a ratio of 4 elemental parts: fire, earth, water, and air. They also believed they could transmute substances into different elements with the correct order of applied conditions (heat, pressure, deranged chanting :blink: etc). It's definitely a theme that can be applied to the 40k universe: these guys don't really know what they're doing, and everything (even basic technology) is ritualized and handled with the greatest of care.


I think that's a really cool idea, especially if you included in the fluff some crazy archeotech, like a device which can transmute matter or some such thing. The librarians could be the caretakers of these relics, and use their abilities to devastating effect on the battlefield.


Petro "The Pavlov" Pavlov

The idea is to use librarians & their powers, but to say that they're actually using alchemy & transmuting one element into another, to the same effect of the pychic power, if you get what I mean.


The main theme of the alchemy I intend to base the chapter upon is:


"Something cannot be gained without sacrifice.


Something of equal value must be presented to gain something else.


That is the principal of equivalent trade in alchemy."


By using this theme as the armies backbone I think I can create a very honourable chapter, with good morals.


Another problem is that I am unsure of the trais to use for such a chapter, that keeps withing the alchemy theme.

You dont always have to use traits to represent an army...well I dont anyway. How about cleanse and purify (fires an element :blink: ;) )


As for traits a little more fluff is needed I think especially their attitude/beliefs. Once thats fleshed out more the traits normally slip in :P

I like the scheme :blink:


Alchemy sounds like a cool idea. If its based on the four elements, then a section of the scheme could be exchanged for the colour of the elements. Different parts of the army could have a different attached element. Although, this does sound very Tau like with their castes ::cuss:



Symbols.com has an extensive collection of (medievel) symbols for varius elements and thing of that type. You could use this for squad markings of other things....


This Is the 'official' symbol for the alchemical art in medievel times. Would blame you for not using it- its kinda wierd...


Here are some elements: iron, copper, fire....you get the idea

Where can you find that colour scheme template thing?

GW's web site.


While the common perception of alchemy involves transmutation of material, especially lead into gold, there was also the esoteric alchemy of transmutation of the spirit/soul. Much of this can be found in Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, and other occult teachings.


When you get into transmutation, however, you start to dabble in decidedly Tzeentchian realms. Such a Chapter would necessarily merit regular attention from the Ordos Hereticus and Malleus. If this is your intent, cool. If not, fluff-hounds will raise an eyebrow at the use of the term "Alchemist" with anything related to Space Marines (or the Imperium). It's an interesting idea, but carries reasonable repercussions based on the established fluff.


The concepts you talk about are pretty good and, with little or no tweaking, they work well within the established Space Marine philosophies.


I'll second Ironloki's opinion on the Traits - you don't need them. Generally speaking, your ideas are more concerned with different concepts and presentation, not rules. If you were going to use any rules, though, I'd say that you don't want any allies since the concept of transmutation is heretical enough that someone is going to say something. From that, you could use almost any advantage. The ones I'm most keen on are Heed the Wisdom of the Ancients, Purity Above All, and the one that gives an invulnerable save (can't remember the name off the top of my head, although "Emperor" is in there somewhere, I think :blink: ). Having more dreadnoughts could be a pratical symbol of the concept of transmutation and sacrifice. Having a lot of Apothecaries could be a reaction against increased mutation. Having an invulnerable save could be a practical symbol of the benefits of transmutation of the spirit through faith. I would recommend having just one of the advantages, however.


It's an interesting color scheme. How does it look on an actual mini? Do you intend to get decals made, or will you paint/draw the badge freehand on each model?


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