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Woolie Wool

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Yeah, it's a roman legionnaires helmet... but I too had trouble making it out at first glance... Maybe you could try and add a plume att the top and remove the thin lines that extend from the chinstraps as I first saw these as blood and gore dripping down at first...


Overall the scheme is quite nice, but the green parts doesn't do it for me... My first thought is to change these parts to some colour that has a more of a "roman imperial" feel... Like blue or yellow... of course, since they are just inspired by the legions, any way you want it is just fine...


Have you thought of any fluff for these guys yet? :blush:

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Metallic colours really don't come out well on a screen you know :blush:


The scheme doesn't look too bad though it's very hard to imagine how the marine will look when it's actually painted, it depends a lot on what techniques you use, washes, drybrushing or layering etc.


The symbol need to be simplified a little so it's easier to tell what it is, especially since it's supposed to go on a 1cm high shoulderpad.

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Nice colourscheme, but the chapter symbol helmet looks both too complex to be painted neatly on an army full of marines, and also doesn't look obvious enough as to what it is supposed to be to the uninitiated.


Perhaps it could be simplified, or stylised if you are intent on the helmet approach. I know that a number of recent chapters have gone for stylised plume helmet chapter symbols to good effect.



Now let's see some background info on these guys. :blush:

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I like the scheme, it's nice and distinctive. Although I'm not sure where all the white comes from. :lol:


As for the logo, perhaps try doing a stylized/simplified version of that same helmet, just face-on. You could even paint a differant-coloured skull inside the helmet, as that would a) look cool, and :blush: help identify the logo.


I got what the logo was right away, but that's 'cause I'm a historian...


You should definately do the crests, as Aurelius Rex suggested. If not for everybody, then for the Sarges and characters.

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Fluff time:


Chapter Name: Legionnaires

Gene seed: Imperial Fists

Name: Woolie Wool

Email: spaceforce@snohost.com. Please do not list it publicly.

Founding #: 7th Founding

Planet based

Home planet: Herculion

Color scheme:


Shoulder pauldron and logo:




Chapter Number: 202

Founding: 7th

Primogenitor Legion: Imperial Fists

Chapter Colors: Silver/Gold/Red

Homeworld: Herculion, Segmentum Solar

The Legionnaires were founded on Herculion in the Segmentum Solar to replace the

Marines Magnificent, who were lost in the Warp in 437.M32. Armies were drawn

from the 19th Herculion Legionaries. They have fought in tens of thousands of

campaigns and some Legionnaires even went to Cadia to participate in the

defense of the Cadian Gate against Abbadon's 13th Black Crusade.


Herculion is a forge world, peppered with huge factories and towering hive

spires. This has given the Legionnaires access to a wide array of custom

equipment, including drum magazines for bolters, several types of bolter ammo,

and just about every artillery piece short of an Ordinatus in the Imperial



The Legionnaires deviate from Codex doctrine somewhat. They shun hand-to-hand

combat, preferring to pound their foes from range with artillery and bolter

fire. The Legionnaires will also take and use enemy weapons as long as they

have not been corrupted by Chaos. They even have a Baneblade to take out enemy

tanks and light Titans. The Legionnaires employ amazingly talented artificers

and Techmarines who modify weapons and equipment to perform even better than

stock. They possess an iron discipline and professionalism that surpasses even

the Ultramarines and Imperial Fists. This has caused them to loathe the Space

Wolves, whom they consider to be uncivilized, uncouth barbarians. They are

fiercely independent and resent meddling by the Inquisition, Mechanicus, or

other government bureaus. The organization is similar to 20th century military forces, with various ranks of enlisted men and officers denoted by a skull embossed on the helmet with markings behind it. Skull is red unless otherwise specified. Chevrons are yellow.


Skull: Private

Skull w/ one chevron: Lance Corporal

Skull w/ two chevrons: Corporal

Skull w/ three chevrons: Sergeant

Skull w/ four chevrons: Sergeant Adept

Skull w/ five chevrons:Sergeant Major


Skull w/ black cross: Sub-Lieutenant

Skull w/ white cross: Brother-Lieutenant

Skull w/ blue star: Brother-Captain

Skull w/ bronze star: Brother-Major

Skull w/ silver star: Brother-Commander

Skull w/ gold star: Brother-Colonel

Gold skull w/ red cross: Apothecary

Gold skull w/ hammer: Techmarine

Gold skull w/ blue cross: Librarian

Gold skull w/ gold wings: Grand Marshal (Chapter master)


The people of Herculion are tall and fair of skin, with dark brown hair and

steely gray eyes. They grow somewhat more slowly than average humans, which

causes the Legionnaires to recruit neophytes at an older age (around 15 or 16)

than the average chapter. Ancient Rome influences their civilization and

culture, and even vagrants and hoodlums speak High Gothic as their native

language. Most surnames on Herculion have either a first name or last name derived from a Roman name, but rarely both (for example, the current Chapter Master is Grand Marshal Victor Augustus).


Battle cry: "We are the face of death and the hand of doom! Woe be upon you,

foes of the Emperor!"


Company leaders:

Master: Grand Marshal Victor Augustus

1st: Brother-Colonel Joseph Octavian

2nd: Brother-Commander Gaius Alexander

3rd: Brother-Commander Jean-Francis Tiberius

4th: Brother-Major Alfred Antony

5th: Brother-Major Constantine Wolfe

6th: Brother-Captainr Fransisco Severus

7th: Brother-Captain Linus Cicero

8th: Brother-Captain Flavius Lindensen

9th: Brother-Lieutenant Alessandro Diocletian

10th: Brother-Lieutenant Septimus Norgaard


Chapter starships:

Deus Vult ("God wills it")

Emperor's Fist

Glorious Vengeance


Mors Tratoris ("Death of Traitors")


Memento Mori ("Death's Head")


Imperator Rex ("Emperor King")



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American foreign legion? ::cuss:


Woolie: Maybe you should stay away from actually naming the romans in your fluff, instead call them "an ancient terran culture" or something. This is 40000 years from roman times and the imperium can hardly remember even ten millennia back.

Also, maybe you shouldn't list your email publicly if you don't want it listed publicly :huh:

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  Ferrata said:
I think the first one is too complicated for an badge, you could use this and remove the bottom bit to make it more roman.


The colour scheme looks good, but doesnt scream roman to me  :huh:



That design wouldn't work--it's obviously a Greek helmet, and removing a couple of bits wouldn't fix it.

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I like, but may I add some possible looks you may consider?

Green wasent much of a color for the romans, and such other leggionaires, it was red, gold, silver and brass. I would paint the model a more brass bold colour all around accesnted with silver, and gold trimmed on the badges and wings. To avoid a Iron Warrior look, however the IW silver drybrush with gold trim would have been an ideal look.


Black has always been a legion color, dark, scary and in solid order. Even though its way common, perhaps some individual looks or conversions would differ, like trophies of war and decorations.

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