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Emperor's Hawks

Cptn. Palladorus

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So I did a (very) little research, and found that they share a chapter symbol with both the Dark Eagles and the Eagle Warriors, and although I couldn't find any information about the Dark Eagles or Emperor's Hawks besides name and color scheme, the Eagle Warriors were a second founding chapter based on Ultramarines gene-seed. Since chapters with the same or similar symbols are usually related, I assume that the Dark Eagles and Emperor's Hawks are founded from the Eagle Warriors, or from the Ultramarines and trained by the Eagle Warriors. Either way, the Emperor's Hawks should be fairly close to Codex standard. I was thinking given the name, they'd probably be a crusade chapter, and would probably field slightly higher proportions of assault marines and speeders than usual. As usual, I'm probably way off, but does that make sense to anyone else?
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I was thinking given the name, they'd probably be a crusade chapter, and would probably field slightly higher proportions of assault marines and speeders than usual.

Just out of interest, what about the name Emperor's Hawks makes you think of crusading? If it was Emperor's Templars, or suchlike, I could understand it, but to me, there's not really anything about Hawks that makes me think crusade...


I'm not saying you can't make them a crusade chapter, it's your army, you can do what you like :) I'm just interested as to whether it's because you want them to be a crusading chapter, or if there's something in the name I'm missing (which is entirely possible ;))


Personally, if I was building a chapter of Emperor's Hawks based purely on the name, I'd break it down like this:


Emperor's... Have them as a highly religious chapter (lots of chaplains, with the marines trying to honour the Emperor in everything they do, hence they chose to include the word Emperor in the name)


Hawks... sounds like fast strike, maybe aerial assault - lots of LSs and Jump packs, as you mentioned...



Just my initial thoughts, hope they help...



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4. b. A person who favors military force or action in order to carry out foreign policy.


From the American Hertiage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.


I guess it's used more in American political talk than English, but that's basically it. Although since they're probably an Ultramarines successor chapter, it is pretty unlikely that they'd be a crusade chapter, IIRC most of them are formed from Imperial Fists gene-seed, right? The religious/chaplain-heavy idea does make a lot of sense though.

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Interesting - always good to discover new meanings for words, thanks CP :ph34r:


There's no real reason you can't use UM geneseed for a crusading chapter - it's not written anywhere that all crusaders are IF-based... that's just a common misconception based on the BT...

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Actually, while the Imperial Fists and their Successors (the Black Templars and Crimson Fists) are the most well-known crusading Chapters, there's nothing anywhere that says they're the only ones. It would be completely appropriate for Chapters descended from other First Founding Legions to be Crusaders. And no one should mistake being a crusading Chapter with being like the Black Templars. Both the Imperial and Crimson Fists are Crusading Chapters and, despite their shared lineage, are Codex while being Crusading.


So if you want to make an Ultramarines Successor into a crusading Chapter, this isn't inconsistent with the fluff in any way.

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