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my "could be" DIY chapter


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hey guys,

well i have always wanted to create my own DIY chapter so i bite the bullet and thought up this. it will be awhile till you see any models though because i still need to finsh my DH army. (i just need to write all this down before i forget ^_^ )


the chapter name is........(your ideas here :) )


history: the ...... chapter was foundered in the 12 founding after one inquisator was anvious thinking from a attack from space. He presented this to the high lords of terra, who agreed a chapter was founded! soon after this led by the inquisator they declared to show thier declartion to the the mighty emperor (rather like the BT) to try and rid space of most who oppose the emperor. after this they have returned to Terra only twice. the space region. (see "desprition") There history has been filled with many horrors with civil wars, accused of being hecetics and just plain getting the stuffing kicked out out of them! they first saw mayor action beating back a great fleet of ork looted ships. since then they have lead countless sucessful missions in space and on the ground, they have seveal mayor alliences one to the deamon hunters of to they have sworn themselves to after one of thier chapter masters was destoryed by a deamon, and to the blood angels (see "most notable achieve ment")



description: the ...... chapter clearly feels at home in space, they are a highly reglious chapter spending most of thier free time (when thier not training, battling) praying. unlike most chapters they only have 4 battle companies. each one with thier own terminators, chaplians, librarains etc etc. seeing that they spend most of there time in space they have no home world. they have four battle barges one for each one company.


truth::company 1, main center

ambriel::company 2 (serves mainly with thier allies)

Israfil::company 3,

Flight::company 4 (fastest in the fleet)



colour scheme: regal blue with white trim. red bolters


chapter badge: a white wing with one drop of red blood in the middle


wing:: representing flight and the imperial eagle

red blood::representing the blood of all the enimies of the empreor.



combat doctine: they are best at bording enamy ships BUT if they have to fight on the ground the elite of the army will advance under covering fire from the rest of the army. while the scouts sneak around to take out a small amount of troops and slip into the jungel again (only to do the same thing 2 minutes later)



most notible achivement: defeating a choas attack party heading towards a almost undefended Baal.


beliefs: they believe a honourerable warrior when he dies will be able to feast with the past empoerers and all great warriors, so only the commanders are put into the dreadnoughts believing that they all have a job to compleat. if a apthocary can't save a tactical marine he would rather be killed then be put in a dreadnought (unlike thier commanders) without a purpose


battlecry: none. they believe battle as a pray and as you don't run around screaming in a church they don't do it on the the battlefield. (expect for stuff like:: "eat plasma!" or "die heretic")


origin: Terra, but they hardly ever return.


i'm sure theres still some more stuff i need to post but this is most of it. enjoy. also i really need a chapter name! :mellow:

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Its not bad, but i dont think the HLOTS create a chapter to patrol, you could say they are on a crusade like the BT, but hunting xenos, heretics, ect. Also, why only 4 companies, the chapter would be wiped out in a massive battle. Good start, but fill in more details for us, and for names, orkdung made a thread with names, so take a look.

yay first post! (<---sorry about that)

why only 4 companies, the chapter would be wiped out in a massive battle.


did i forget to mention (skims though post) sorry i read somewhere that each chapter has 1000 "members" so each company is 250 marines etc etc. it be a waste of stuff to have 10 ships each one with only 100 people plus crew.


cheers in advance to those still to post :lol:

Well, now that the size is cleared up :lol:, tell us more about your chapter, what is their geneseed, it sounds BA, but you have no black rage references. Also

most notible achivement: defeating a choas attack party heading towards a almost undefended Baal.


Baal is never undefended, that's why the BA sent only 1 company to armageddon, they are very weary of these things. You could say your chapter helped defend Baal with the BA, but records of those events were lost in the ages. Good job, and keep up the good work. :o

Baal is never undefended, that's why the BA sent only 1 company to armageddon, they are very weary of these things. You could say your chapter helped defend Baal with the BA, but records of those events were lost in the ages. Good job, and keep up the good work. :tu:


ok i'll change that now! ummmm geneseed?


geneseed: thier geneseed is based around the raven guard,for the sorta quick deploying etc etc

Okay, you have the basics down and that is a good start. Just a few things to clear up:


First, I like the idea of the four companies each on their own ship. I think you should stick to that idea. It isn't going against the codex because they want to- they just had to reorganise the chapter out of necessity.


Second, the Horus Heresy occurred around the 30,000 mark. The year in Warhammer 40,000 is set around the 41st millenium, closer to the year 40,999. Now, when the heresy occurred, there were only 18 legions involved- 9 loyal legions and 9 traitor legions. After the heresy those legions (for example the Ultramarines) were split up into the chapters that we have today- only 1,000 marines strong. Now, we know all the names of the second founding chapters but there are very few details on the foundings after that until the 13th and 21st foundings, which were both plagued by extreme bad luck, mutations and other nastyness. The most recent founding (which includes my own DIY chapter) is the 26th founding.


Now, best thing to do is just select a founding (probably between 4 and 12 would be a good idea but you can make them a newer chapter if you wish) and then work from there. Now, Black Templars are a crusading chapter but perhaps your chapter is crusading for a reason. Perhaps some of them turning traitor, as you mentioned earlier, prompted the inquisition to investigate them further but found no taint in the men remaining anf then sent them on a penitent crusade to make up for their sins.


And yes, im sure the blood angels could defnd Baal but there is nothing to say that their fleet was ambushed once but managed, with the help of your chapter, to defeat their enemies (orks perhaps?)


There you go, a couple of suggestions for you but otherwise it is a good start. :tu:


++EDIT++ can't do dates... :tu:


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