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Go tell the Spartans

Beornling 3.1415

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while still working hard on my aztecs, I started fooling with the idea of a more minimalist / greek/roman inspired chapter, along with some dune related ideas involving the Blood Angels rules...


(need to purchase a certain codex though)<darn 12 year old, darn car>




The Chapter known as "The Spartans" are placed on an isolated area of warp calm near the Eye of Terror. Wilst much of the Galaxy fell to feudal states durring the rise of the imperium, or after the hersary of Horus, Lacdaemon is one of the few "Republics" in the Galaxy, It is this world that the spartans call home.


Descentdant from the Tainted stock of Sanguinus, they try in their own way to minimalize in a far more oppressive way. With an obsession with perfection and purity, they maintain arms and armour that is almost un adorned, bronze electroplated to sections of seramite, and Bloodred crests and power packs to symbolize their ties to their forebearers.



The Olympiad and the Culling. every four years each city state sends some of their best and brightest men and women to the fortress island of the order. During the games the youths are tested, and tried, those who fail are delt with brutally, eventually harvested for the Red Thirst of the chapter's members. Those that survive the Cullling remain on the island forever, as the Helots creating the future of the chapter.


The Helots

Most notable divergance would be the Helots, trained by the Chapter's tech priests, and the chapter's warriors, these servants of the chapter live as families following the chapter on their crusades. Their life is often short, as in their drive for perfection, and breeding better soldiers, the Spartans may at any time decided to purge the genes of one or more families of the Helots. However those that do survive the many trials and cullings, may eventually foster sons that will one day become members of the chapter.


The Weight of Ages

The black rage still consumes, stronger with each passing generation, not just the memories of Sanguinus in his battle with Horus, but of other battle brothers who fought and died. As they progress the signs are there even before the full strength of the black rage fills them. They loose track of the here and now, becoming channels for subconcious membories, lapsing into moments of deja-vu. Only in battle do they remain fully whole, However sometimes their memories sreach back to the time before the hersary, and they recall the secrets of machine spirits of long ago. During those times, the brother will devote himself to trying to recapture a spirit or memory of the past, in a great sense their art is their artiface, for the chapter remains skilled structural and design engineers.


The 300

Leonidas took three hundred picked brothers and their Helots to hold off the hoards of the east. They died to the man, never breaking. it is not to say that they have three whole death companies, just to say that the spartans always refer to their death company as the three hundred.


Dual Chapter masters

Again their homeworld's bizzare tendancies in politics have an influence. The chapter has two chapter master's equally ranked, the logic being that one should be there ready, in the event that the other should die, or join the three hundred. The chapter masters are Elected by the votes of the whole chapter, and retain the position for life, or until joining the three hundred.

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Sounds cool, since the new SM codex came out I thought of somethin similer Spartan SM army based off the new DIY chapter traits. But you seem to go with a succesor of BA, another good choice. They lust for blood of their enemies and fondness of close combat, but this makes them reckless and undiscplined at times. This is not like the spartans other then the fondness of close combat. However BA are considered to be a balanced force with great SHooting aspect still atached with it. Which is a contradiction to Spartans being purely Close combat.


Another parent chapter you could base it on is my Beloveded BT. THey are a crusading chapter aswell, they have a fondness for CC and some consider them a bit more CC then BA. They also have a tough inition of their Scouts by baptism of fire and are in the thick of battle like BA scouts but at times BA scouts can still act like normal scouts. However, BT are also succesor of Imperial Fists. Which has a famous Spartan like name like Lysander in it with the word Phalanx in it which could be another idea. Since they seem to be like a greek like army as Ultramarine is supposide Romans. Infact because of this imperial fist like ways, I have a few BT characters named after famous spartan kings and generals. Since after all they are succesors of them.


As I recall the original spartans didn't run just 300, it was just in a certain situation did they send 300 with the king. Maybe my history is off, but I'am prety sure it was the king's mandatory number as a Guard unit. It was a loop hole and leonindas used it, since the Spartans were celebrating a holiday. There armys were small but most of the time bigger then that, atleast spartan number wise. Again its been a while since I brushed up my Greek history or studied them.


I could see them having gold/bronze armor and red shoulder pads with a Red shoulder and black Lambda(however you spell) symbol with maybe red tabard or cloth/cloaks.


But this is just my opinions, but imperial fist sounds cool as a parent chapter(due to greek aspect). Otherwise it sounds prety neat. I don't want to keep you from using BA if you realy want to. Since I proxy/play them sometimes and love their fluff aswell.


Edit: One last thing, you could also convert you helmets into a corinthian looking helmet. I believe Emperor's Children or something has a corinthian shape helmet that you could convert as a base for it.

Spartans had a monarchy-no republic and rome was a republic anyway...


they didnt desert they were sent away. the spartans new they must die. they were doomed by an oracle " either 1 of the sons of herakles( spartan pircnes must die) or both and their kingdom be destroyed" so they sent away the allies as they new they must fight to the death adn they wanted the glory


but that would be a good idea


nice ideas fluffwise though


paint scheme i woudl go for red as tht was the spartan's cape colour caoital lambdas as said.


i woudl go for the trait whihc allows lots of assualt squads( forgotton whihc one it is at the moment)


for fire support take only scouts( fluff wise) to represent lower rank/classed wariors not being allowed into the organised close combat elite core of the spartans and lots of elites these guys arent so muhc fierce as hihgly trained fomr the age of 7 they would be trained to be a soldier. and thats all they woudl do their entire life.


but as said it is a nice idea

Sounds cool (love Greek history) and I like the idea of calling your DC the 300 ;)


Spartans had a monarchy-no republic and rome was a republic anyway...
Actually their system was more complex than that. You could even argue they were more democractic than Athenian democracy but then again thats not saying alot ^_^ (especially when you have to do a 2000word essay on how democratic is was -_- )


Nice reference to an Agoge style games events.


The 300

Leonidas took three hundred picked brothers and their Helots to hold off the hoards of the east


Who were they fighting? Fluff wise not historically ;) Nids and orks may be good due to their high body count


Looking forward in seeing more. Have you decided upon a founding? Perhaps do a colour template from the GW site?

i would argue that the athenians had the perfect democracy ( exlcuding the inevitable human floor of corruption), everyone was forced to vote and if someone became too powerful you could ostricise them. there were always at least 2 poepel in charge of the military at any one time preventing 1 person ruling athens it was ideal. but their debating was their downfall- i have never grasped any sense of such debating in sparta making them far more decisive and therefore better in war.


whilst yes there were the ephors the 2 kings still held sway and the ephors to my knowledge werent actually elected by the people for their political standing but were chosen for thie service to the state..


anyway i would be very much interested to see how you get on as i am classicly minded and was thinking of doing something similar would you make the 300 some form of extra elite veterans or use exisitng rules?

i would argue that the athenians had the perfect democracy ( exlcuding the inevitable human floor of corruption), everyone was forced to vote and if someone became too powerful you could ostricise them. there were always at least 2 poepel in charge of the military at any one time preventing 1 person ruling athens it was ideal. but their debating was their downfall- i have never grasped any sense of such debating in sparta making them far more decisive and therefore better in war.


Believe it or not, most people believe modern day democracy was founded on athenian ideal not Sparta. But Most Historians believe the otherway around. People presume Sparta was a monarchy, but they weren't. Why... checks and balances. When I was in grammar school they taught very simple teachings, they said Sparta was a Oligarchy not a Monarchy and Athens were the true democracy. Its kinda funny, my teacher even said that America was based on Athenian ideals. But IMO it was based on Sparta, and if you catch it once and a while History channel has a great program on Sparta that agrees with me. But there was no balance in Athens it was pure democracy . In fact, Sparta had its system before the Athenians did. Since athens at one time had a King. But spartas system was well established before then, it had Two Kings, eldar council and judicial system. This is where modern day Democracy gets its checks and balances. True, athens did have two sets of military branches. A navy and a Army. But athens was not known for its army, but its navy. It was a Navy Based City state, no one could rival it. However seeing how Sparta only gave freedom to realy two castes, The spartans and the artisans(smiths and such). And they forced Helots to be their practice and slaves for mundane tasks. Also Helots never ealy joined Sparta in combat, nor given weapons otherwise there would of been a rebelion. It was the second caste of artisans that took up arms with spartan to form weaker phalanxes or the skirmishers.


Spartas downfall is that it created to many enemys and became to large of a power. It was later defeated by Thebes and prety much dearmed them. ( I'am prety sure if Sparta wasen't defeated by Thebes, they probably would of continued to prosper.) Since then, it realy started to decline but saw a resurgence under alexander. Once it was the Romans turn for world power, Sparta became more of a Vacation spot or a living museum. They were known as Lacodamians. hence why I think thats a beutiful name for his fluff for a planet, " Lacdaemon ".

I had read a bit, and was attempting to adapt to the fluff...


definatly the nids or the orks.


note on colour scheme


mostly bronze for the helm, breastplates, forearms, shoulders, and shins (those area's overed by phalanx armour, boltgun metal for the remainder, a red crest and red down the back (where the capes were)




Actually my comments about the Helots at Thempyle were both right and wrong.


They promoted a small number of helots to artisan status in order to use them in the battle, this was a first in their history. Those that did go went with the knowledge that their children would become artisan/light phalanx warriors.

They promoted a small number of helots to artisan status in order to use them in the battle, this was a first in their history.  Those that did go went with the knowledge that their children would become artisan/light phalanx warriors.

Well, they weren't helots anymore, so they were less proned to rebellion or instigating one. I also believe they would of been the LIght skirmisher javliners or slingers.


I also advise redoing the Helot Fluff, with the Second caste involved such as the Artisans are almost servitors and what not or whatever.


As for the colors, the true spartans never worn their capes into battle. It was more ceremonial and intimendation tools then anything else. I say go pure bronze since were dealing a full suit of power armor desimiler to the Bronze Corinithian Style bronze armor. In fact, believe it or not most spartans were not covered in Bronze armor but the helmet unless Royal Guard. They actualy wore the standard Hoplite light armor with the Bronze Helmet and Sheild and Greaves.


These are just my few cents.

I actually saw a spartan army in a White Dwarf a while back. They were painted bronze with red robes wrapped around them, each with spears and shields. They were very dynamic.


I've always thought that the Imperial Fists were based off the spartans. I mean, the amount of honor and self dicipline they express along with Dorns humility, honesty and very fair and demecratic ways of garrisoning worlds made them seem very spartan like. Their color scheme also seems to fit the bill. Yellow with some red, nothing to outragious and very humble in its own right. Also the fact that they were defense specalists and build warhammer 40k "hot gates" as the Emperors Palace (not to mention their Fortress monistary being called the "Phalanx"). They seem very close to the spartans in alot of ways I'd say.


No real reason for that or anything, but if I made a spartan-like force, I would simply make them Imp Fists myself.

i would argue that the athenians had the perfect democracy ( exlcuding the inevitable human floor of corruption), everyone was forced to vote and if someone became too powerful you could ostricise them. there were always at least 2 poepel in charge of the military at any one time preventing 1 person ruling athens it was ideal. but their debating was their downfall- i have never grasped any sense of such debating in sparta making them far more decisive and therefore better in war.


Well, with a few changes it might have been perfect! But considering that such a huge amount of Athenians where not allowed to partake in any voting! (By some estimates only 1/10th of the population was allowed to vote i.e only free men over 18)

Aren't the ultra's the greek army? With the 1st company taking the place of the 300? That was always my take on it. From the fluff background and the desciptions of their homeworld.


A spartan army would be cool. Try to find the book "gates of fire". An awesome book about the battle of the hellespont and the men involved.


An escaped persian slave told leonides "they have so many archers, one volley will block out the sun". Leonides replied "good, than we shall have our battle in the shade".


Ahhh, to live in those times, among such giants of men.

Yeah i've yet to read that book but the sad fact is that the battle has been romanised too much. The battle was but a blip on the wider scale of things. Sparta made a statement while it was the Athenians who did a lot of the harder graft B) Still doesn't dimish my love for Sparta especially due to their arrogance to Phillip of Macedon telling him he could have sparta IF he could conquer it (despite Sparta's army consisting of 3 goats and 5 old spartans ;) ) - makes for a good marine chapter with that kind of attitude though.


Well the Ultra's are meant to be Roman. I want to see how this chapter develops as I have a Ptolemaic chapter simply because of the fact thats its hard to get a distinctly Greek themed and modeled army without it looking Roman.


Have you got any ideas modelling wise? I seen some nice hoplin looking shields on PCA - might be worth checking it out.


Keep us posted Beornling 3.1415 ;)

I actually saw a spartan army in a White Dwarf a while back. They were painted bronze with red robes wrapped around them, each with spears and shields. They were very dynamic.


I've always thought that the Imperial Fists were based off the spartans.

Very intresting, I've don't subscribe to WD or buy them. Almost makes me wish i should start now. They always seem to have cool stuff in it. But I'am prety amazed that it was similer to what I said, I just hope they had lambdas and what not for a symbol. But those sound like a cool conversion I would just add a Spartan Corinthian style helmet. But its true Romans borrowed from greek culture after all they were supposidly claiming they were the descendants of destroyed troy and were the sons of the god of war. But with the right conversions I think you could come with something more Spartan then greek.


I also stated that I think they would make a great Rogal Dorn gene-seed chapter. Although I think Imperial fist is a somewhat shooty army since they can have tank hunters. Thats why I would advise a more close combat divergency with the Spartans. Since after all the spartans hated range combat and favored to be up close and personal believe range combat was cowardly.


Again, I hope you keep posting Beornling 3.1. I want more updates!

I have been thinking alot about this idea. How far back in history are you thinking about going? The fall of troy, the rise of Alexander, the battle at the hellespont or the time of the roman empire? Big differences in the army I think. the helots would work well as scouts, lightly armored and not fully trained. Many of the greeks had a basic heraldry. They could tell which house was fighting by the shield design. So that is an idea.


The inquisition would love to know about this "culling" concept. Open red thirst?


The 300 were 299 men who had male offspring and one who didn't. It was a sacrifice to allow the Spartan army to assemble. Try finding 299 space marine dads. HAHAHA


I myself want to know more about the Dune ideas, maybe you could share those? I was thinking about doing the army of mua'dib using tallarn IG. FW is doing some good work with that range of minis.


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