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Sons of the Lion

Brother Bahram

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*edit after post #11


http://w1.383.telia.com/~u38306769/mp_darke.gifSons of the Lion


+++ Background and Origin +++

After the Second Assault on Koth Ridge [997.M41] on planet Piscina IV the impression left behind the stalwart defence of the Dark Angels on the populace has raised an appeal to the High Lords of Terra to found a chapter of Marines similar to the Dark Angels on Piscina IV. After the second war of Armageddon, the High Lords agreed under the condition that the new Chapter must help in the defence of the entire sector and to assist in the hunt for Grazkhull Thraka a successor Chapter was created - Sons of the Lion. Their fortress monastery would be on Piscina IV and they would protect the system from further Ork activity.

Even though the Sons of the Lions are a very young Chapter they have brought great honour to the people of Piscina IV. They have taken on several of the traits of the Dark Angels as a tribute for their prowess on Piscina IV.

The Chapter is led by the Master of Sanctity Bahram in the 3rd Mechanised Battle Company.


+++ Home world +++

Piscina IV: (Segmentum Obscurus) Oceanic world. Imperial outpost invaded by Ork forces led by the Warlords Ghazghkull Thraka and Nazdreg. The invasion was eventually thwarted by the Dark Angels and any further Ork activity in the sector has been minimal. The world Piscina V is a mix of hot deserts and tropical jungle, colonized prior to the Dark Age of Technology.


+++ Combat Doctrine +++

Sons of the Lion use a Combat Doctrine that is similar to the Dark Angels with the exceptions that Sons of the Lions are heavily mechanised. Each Squad has one transport

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Point one: chapters cannot spawn subisidary chapters. It is extremely illegal for any body other than the High Lords of Terra to instigate chapter creation. The only body which is allowed to execute any such mandate forthcoming of the Senatorum Imperialis is the Adeptus Mechanicus. A chapter - even a powerful first founding, and especially one so secretive as the DA - which takes it upon itself to run around accreting new chapters would be suspect, and the Inquisition, AdMech, etc would come down hard on that activity.


sub point one: The Dark Angels, and any chapter for that matter, are not wont to create a new chapter anyways, rather maintaining the identity they place so much importance on and securing any military commitments in other ways. The obvious, and topical, exception being the Angels of Vigilance. The Piscna IV engagement mentioned in the Dark Angels rulebook occurred well after the second founding, and all chapters of the second founding have been fully active for something like ten thousand years. You supply no rationale for the creation of an entire chapter to be based on Piscina IV, in fact you mention that the threat to the planet has diminished significantly. Regardless of this fact, Space Marines do not garrison planets; they are a mobile strike force, and are too valuable for that task. There are more human controlled planets in the galaxy than there are space marines, they have never been wasted this way.


sub point two: Successor chapters not of the first or second foundings (i.e. not split from the original Dark Angels Legion) do not hunt the fallen, due to the nature of their creation; they are products of Imperial Mandate and Adeptus Mechanicus formation, not detachments of the original legion.


Point two: All space marine chapters are ostensibly mechanised. Every tactical, devastator, veteran, and even assault squad has an attached rhino transport. Every Terminator squad has an attached Land Raider; in accordance with Codex Astartes. Razorbacks and Land Raider Crusaders are assigned from the Armoury at the company commander's discretion. What's more, there is no "codex dark angels." The Dark Angels follow Gulliman's Codex Astartes, with certain organizational and doctrinal caveats.



Apart from that, the color scheme and heraldry are faithful and it seems like you've determined some defining aspects of the chapter. Table top; the army seems solid in every way, and the background is not repulsive at all, only slightly inconsistent with doctrine.

Sons of the Lion


My comments/suggestions in Bold or italics.


+++ Background and Origin +++

After the Second Assault on Koth Ridge [997.M41] on planet Piscina IV the impression left behind the stalwart defense of the Dark Angels on the populace has raised an appeal to the High Lords of Terra to found a chapter of Marines similar to the Dark Angels on Piscina IV. After the second war of Armageddon, the High Lords agreed under the condition that the new Chapter must help in the defense of the entire sector and to assist in the hunt for Grazkhull Thraka A successor Chapter was created - Sons of the Lion. Their fortress monastery would be on Piscina IV and they would protect the system from further Ork activity.

Even though the Sons of the Lions are a very young Chapter they have brought great honor to the people of Piscina IV. They have taken on several of the traits of the Dark Angels as a tribute for their prowess on Piscina IV.

The Chapter is led by the Master of Sanctity Bahram in the 3rd Mechanised Battle Company.


+++ Organization +++

There are only three Company's that are ready for combat

So it's cool. If there were an official seal of not offending gw fluff conformity, your chapter would probably have it. Does anyone care?


I have a new question. Where's the hook? How are these kids not dark angels with a little different luster? What you've released about their history doesn't have alot of depth or intrigue.


One thing that grabbed me is the contact with the fallen. I want to know if The Sons of Lion confronted their parent chapter over these mysterious black-liveried marines with the blood of Johnson. Do you think they might start to feel betrayed or confused as they start to discover the truth, even to the point where they can't trust the Unforgiven chapters?

I don't need alot of depth or intrigue I just need some back ground history for my army!

Right or wrong I don't know, but I like Grand Master Belial's story!


first post edited


Thanks! :tu: I'm not an avid gamer but the fluff and painting aspects are a big interest of mine. I enjoy writting fluff or new scenarios when I get a painter's cramp. If you would like me to help any more just ask. Like I said, I enjoy writing fluff.


Merkava, did my revamp give you the hook for which you were looking?


I tried to make it where they didn't know about the Fallen and yet have encountered them. So they are investigating, but keeping the knowledge secret so that it wouldn't inadvertently stain their honor for being created to memorialize a Chapter that had some very bad boys in it. This could eventually lead up to a sticky encounter with the Dark Angels seeking out what the Sons know and what they did with the Fallen that they have captured. Since both sides have taken up oaths of secrecy on the matter to protect their honor, that should leave you with a little intrigue as to what will happen next and which Stubborn marine will crack first. (I have an idea but I'm not telling on an open forum. ;) Only Brother Bahram would be entitled to that knowledge. :tu: )


Belial Out.


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