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Special Character


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Hey everyone, this is a character I'm tweaking for my Spartan Space Marines. It's along the lines of the other Space Marine Characters but I think it's different enough to make him a distinct character. Can I get some feed back on him?


Fluff: The current master of the Spartans is a prodigy of war with the Tyranids that dates back from the initial invasion of Macragge. Having been a marine of the 7th company during the battles that would comprise the battle for Macragge, Strackus achieved veteran status fighting along side his Ultramarine mentors at the hands of the Vial Xenos. During the rebellions of Ichar IV Strackus entered the tome of heroes with in the chapter. Over the next century, Strackus continued in the war against the Tyranids until a most fateful battle on the world of Carthiage. The world was beset by the Xenos invaders and only the Spartans 1ST Company remained to coordinate defenses of the other wise doomed planet. While it appeared a doomed endeavor, a chance event occurred that sealed the tales of the Carthiage battle. Warp Storm Devias swelled up and cut the planet off from the Galaxy. For nearly a full decade the planet was forgotten about and it was believed the stalwart defenders had fought to the bitter end. But then, out of the fires of a world thought dead strode Strackus and the remains of the 1st company. Forever changed, Strackus had become a pillar of power and confidence against the foul Xenos threat.


Stat Line: Strackus Cost:165 BS:5 WS:5 S:4 T:4 W:3 I:5 A:4 LD: 10 SV:2+/4+*

Special Character: Strackus is a special character. He may be used in a Spartan Army of at least 1,500 points as an HQ choice. You may not select additional equipment for him.


Equipment: Gy

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hmmmmmmmm okay heres the thing, its ok to have funky names for your weapons and then have them as just master crafted, also im not sure about this guy having termie armour and a 4+ invunrable, even marneus has to take a 5+ when he goes in his termie armour.


The fluff im not sure of, one minute hes with the ultras 7th then hes with someone else, since he has been fighting nids for god knows how long why not have him able to hit nids on a 3+ and gives this abilite to the squad he joins.


Other than that hes ok needs abit of work, dont feel discouraged from what i have just said, keep up the good work :devil:

I'll whack this over to Liber as thats the place of all DIY things. Another place may be Amicus (but i'll leave that to the Liber mods) as the army lists forum is generally for army lists ^_^




sorry, my bad.


jimmythemoose Why was he at Macrage?

The fluff I wrote for my Spartans Chapter is that they are a successor chapter to the Ultramarines intended to give the Ultra more man power to deal with the ork Empire of Octavias that had been growing in size. While the chapter was still basically in it's infancy was when the first Tyrannic War started. The Spartans were reduced to less then a company worth of marines and with no time to reorganise, the surviving spartans fought along side the Ultramarines in defense of Macrage. Strackus was one of the survivors.


Darth_Lunchbox Posted Today, 02:49 PM

hmmmmmmmm okay heres the thing, its ok to have funky names for your weapons and then have them as just master crafted, also im not sure about this guy having termie armour and a 4+ invunrable, even marneus has to take a 5+ when he goes in his termie armour.


The fluff im not sure of, one minute hes with the ultras 7th then hes with someone else, since he has been fighting nids for god knows how long why not have him able to hit nids on a 3+ and gives this abilite to the squad he joins.


Other than that hes ok needs abit of work, dont feel discouraged from what i have just said, keep up the good work


Actualy it's Not Termi-armor. I priced it out using Artificer armor. I had originally made it with Terminator armor, but later realized that characters with Terminator Armor can't take an Iron Halo. So, final break down is Artificer Armor (The 2+ Save) with an Iron Halo (Witch grants Strackus the 4+ invulnerable) One of the reasons I still refer to it as Tactical Dreadnought armor in the description has to do with my greater plans for my chapter in terms of story.


As for giving him the perferred enemy trait, that one's still on the table. I still have a bit of playtest to do with Strackus. I may in the end give him that ability. or I may change the Novarius Pistol in some way. Donno yet.


As for the Novarius pistol, there's more to it then it simply be a really well built Plasma pistol. But it has no effect in game terms.


Thanks for all the feedback guys. I really appreciate it. Oh and Darth_lunchbox don't worry about getting me discouraged with your feedback. I asked for the feedback

Actually I like it ... a lot.


BUT - I think your point cost is too low. Using the codex and just adding up all the wargear should put him between 185 - 190.


Also, where did you get the extra Attack? If that was arbitrary you should add more points.


But that is just my opinion.


Otherwise :tu: for sure. I'm hoping this may start a trend to show off more game-using DIY characters ^_^

More expensive?!?!! I went through and added the wargear to a SM Master and it worked to be like 150-ish and I bumped it up 10 extra points. I'll look back through my notes to see exactly what I built into him and make sure I didn't forget to add something in.


Oh ya - the armor alone is 45, each weapon being 30 ... by my math.


It's really no big deal and no matter what --- it is your dude. If you like him the way he is and your friends are cool with it then rock rock on !!!


And I like the names of the wargear, I forgot to mention that before :tu:

Well, the extra attack either comes from including the bonus for having 2 CCWs in the profile, or from the "terminator" armour he's wearing, which would include terminator honours, and so would add an extra attack.


The character costs:


30 for weapons

45 for armour

21 for extras

75 for base cost


171, I think. That's if the extras are correct. Where the others went wrong with calculating points cost was the master-crafting. Master-crafting doesn't actually add to the points cost of the character, it just counts towards his max of 100 points of wargear.

Master-crafting doesn't actually add to the points cost of the character, it just counts towards his max of 100 points of wargear.




I was under the impression each weapon was master-crafted and thus added to his cost.


Also, that the Armor = Iron Halo + Artificer Armor. So the extra attack comes from nowhere legally. BUT as a Special Character the extra attack could be paid for arbitrarily.


So my math says


60 weapons

45 armor

6 gibblets

75 base


186 + extra attack cost (whatever)


Naturally he breaks the 100 point wargear limit - but he is a special character :tu:


I still think if maverike_prime likes him as is then go for it. At least he shared his idea and it is a good one ^_^

Master-crafting doesn't actually add to the points cost of the character, it just counts towards his max of 100 points of wargear.
That is incorrect. Read the entry on pg 24 again.


The cost listed in the Wargear section is in addition to the cost of the weapon itself

Bolding Mine


The bit after this just says that when calculating his wargear cost (which can not exceed 100) only the master-crafting is added, not the cost of the weapon.



I would recommend you steer clear of having your chapter appear at the Battle of Macragge, as the background is clear about it being an Ultras vs. 'Nids deal. In the same way it would be inadvisable to add your chapter to the first or second battles for Armageddon, again as the combatant chapters have already been defined. There is always a way round this, like having them battling the hive-fleet in another system or subsector, so that they were involved on the fringes, but not that they were there on Magragge at the time.


In terms of 'Special' character creation, I am of the opinion that what makes a character special is his background and a thoughtful application of the 'Counts-as' rule to wargear to give a legal character. This means that there is no hassle with permission from opponents, usability in pick-up matches and tournaments, complaints about it being cheesy / undercosted / etc.


You have done a good job by describing the background of him and his weapons, but could he be represented by a straightforward legal character? A master with the special armour represented as Artificer armour and Iron Halo (if it is represented on the model as Termie armour then call it that, sticking with the 2+/5+ save, but pistols and the rest are out, if not then dump all reference to TDA as it will just be confusing ^_^ ) the termie hons to give the 'extra' attack, plasma pistol, power weapon, bionics, frags, and multiple master craftings... I make that topping out at 201 pts. Legal, but expensive!

the termie hons to give the 'extra' attack, plasma pistol, power weapon, bionics, frags, and multiple master craftings... I make that topping out at 201 pts. Legal, but expensive!


Well besides multiple master craftings. Wargear, only allowed one of each item thus only one MC ^_^



Point taken, although I thought I heard the rules lawyers saying that multiple master craftings were allowed as they are 'on' different items.


Personally I try not to get involved with these rather pointless rules lawyer disputes, as I would not spend that much on master crafting anyway, and if the opponent wanted to waste that many points on a single character then why not, I am not about to argue. ^_^ I would give one master crafting to stay in character for my army but two on a single figure would be asking for a pie-plate to land on them dead centre... I am sure they magnetically attract such bad luck. :P

I am getting 60 for both master-craft weapons

40 for armor- dont know where you guys are getting the extra 5... 25+15=40

6 for extras

I would then assume the chaplains point cost as it includes a 4+ invulnerable save


This would bring the total to 206


It seems to me that he actually took down part of the statline. If you go straight Master of Sanctity you would get 5 attacks with all of the extra gear, not 4.

okay, lemme go down what I built into the character, just so I can make sure I didn't forget anything cost wise:


Space Marine Master

Artificer Armor

Iron Halo

Plasma Pistol

+Master crafted

Power Weapon

+Master Crafted



Total: 188



Did I miss or forget anything?


+++ Mod Edit: Yes. That you shouldn't include individual points costs. Overall costs are fine but such a fine breakdown as was above is against the B&C rules specifically rule 11. I know you were doing it for discussion purposes but we can all add it up from the list and the codex. Oh, and don't forget termie hons for the extra attack. Aurelius. +++

doesn't the master already have Term. Honours?


Plus I wasn't including the extra attack in the cost break down because I added it arbitrarily. Take the legal value of the character as he is built, a+b+c+(D+E)+(F+E)=the legal value, and then add in X value to account for the extra attack. Probably like 20-25 points.


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