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Grabbing up Special Vehicles


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I am hoping to do a DIY chapter, and to make them more unique I was shoping to include a few vehicles not normally used by many chpaters or even the SM. They would, however, be closely related vehicles. For instance, could I take a Baal class Predator? What about an Immolator? As long as I paid full price and followed the rules, is there any way I could get away with this other than house rules? I know there are "Vehicle Design Rules" somewhere, but how official/tourney legal are they?
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Vehical Design Rules, VDR are in the Chapter Aprroved book and A certain WD (not sure the number though) VDR rules are not tournament legal and can only be used with players consent. In short, unless you play blood angels theres no way you can have a Baal Predator. Sorry mate ^_^

If you only wanting to play friends, then use VDR to make the tanks, or take their normal price and bump it up a bit, for the honour of taking a non-standard tank. If you want to goto tournies, either have it fill in as another tank (Baal - Pred with Autocannon and HB's) or something like that.



In the end it is YOUR army. Do what you want. Among friends anything is possible. Against a stranger it is polite to not surprise him/her and let them make the call.


In official tourny's ... you can ask but don't expect to get your way.

I wouldn't mix vehicles, each vehicle is made for a specific army for a reason, discounting some. But at a local tourney i once used an leman russ with the battle cannon with my space wolves even though i wasnt supposed to. That is about as far as you can legally go, but friends-wise, do what you want.

I see no Big Problam with using the vehicle desighn rules


Just DONT do something childish

with the VDRs you can create an industructable Tyranid Monstrosity With Toughness ten and fifteen Venom cannons... ouch


as for my view i'd use the base rules of some other WH40K vehicle.


for instance... I once created a chapter of sea dwelling Space Marines called the Lost Brethren (yeah i know REALLY Cheesy name)

They had a sort of ATLANTIS theme and they had a vehicle called the Leviathan (large laser spewing lobstrocity) it was pretty much a land raider with claws soo i based it on the cross between a dreadnaught and LR




-Disciples of cheese battlecry


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