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The Knights Hyperian


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Relevant changes made, sorry about sounding a turd in my earlier replies, bad mood I guess.






The secrets of the Adeptus Astartes are often closely guarded, and from the scant scraps of knowledge granted to Imperial Scholars from the Knights Hyperian

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Only problem is that the Grey Knights are based on Titan, not that ar from Saturn, and it is doubtful that any other chapter would be granted an honour such as this, after all the Imperial Fists are the Defenders of Terra. They held this honour till well after the second founding. Having them as a chapter based near a major space lane or warp-jump point to enter the Sol system would be far more in fitting with the fluff. After all, Sol does not need a Space Marine chapter, it has at least 3 Titan Legions and Warfleet Solar, as well as the Prefects Guard regiments, the Martian Skitarrii, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Arbites and probably honour guards of sororitas and Imperial Fists.

Im not sure if you've done the whole secret founding after hersey because you didnt know that it was generally considered a DIY big no-no, or because you just wanted to & didnt care what the majority thought.


If it is the first, then I will reply with ways to change your fluff to have the same chapter but more liber-correct.


If it is the second, then I will reply ignoring that whole thing :tu:



Im not sure if you've done the whole secret founding after hersey because you didnt know that it was generally considered a DIY big no-no, or because you just wanted to & didnt care what the majority thought.


If it is the first, then I will reply with ways to change your fluff to have the same chapter but more liber-correct.


If it is the second, then I will reply ignoring that whole thing

The fact is Solar doesn't need any extra protectrion. Already they have the grey knights, the imperial fists, the custodes, battlefleet solar, at least one titan legion, countless regiments of guard, countless regiments of skitarri, thousands of orbital defence platforms (I think most of the moons of saturn and maybe jupiter are defence platforms) and probably some of the most powerful weapons of the centureo ordinatus. One more space marine chapter would hardly make a difference.

Once again: they don't defend terra, or Sol. They patrol Segmentum Solar, ok??


I'd never heard the second founding no-no business, but given that they don't know their fathering-chapter, they could well be UM.


I don't see the big hoo-ha about having marine chapters that don't quite do what would be best, I mean lets face it, we already have official chapters that collect chaos artifacts, have pointy arm extensions, and do all manner of Imperial-law-breaking activities. The marines generally are a law unto themselves, they do pretty much what they want. What's the big issue with a chapter that reckon their duty is to patrol Segmentum Solar looking for taint?


Any affiliation with Ordo Hereticus is fine by me, by the way. I like the idea of the Knights Hyperian honour squads being joined by members of other organisations.

From the fluff it says that they were created to initially defend sol


This chapter, the Knights Hyperian, would serve as the first line of defence against any force attempting to enter, with hostile intent, the Sol system, and would, if needs be, fall back to Terra to supplement the ranks of the Adeptus Custodes in any future defence of Terra.
But then it changed to look for taint


Over the centuries, the chapter

Hmmm... this seems to be getting overheated for no apparent reason. Please don't let this degenerate into flaming.


Tudor, you of course can do whatever you want with your DIY, but if you put it up on the board then you should be open to the feedback you get as a result. We are not asking you to re-write everything to keep every poster happy, just bear in mind that if there is something that pretty much everyone seems to comment on about your idea then maybe it is worth reviewing the idea dispassionately.


Will the Knights Hyperian stop patroling for taint because you lot think they shouldn't?

My highlighting in bold, but this kind of thing doesn't make people want to spend the time to comment on your article.


The problem that people seem to have with the chapter is that the Imperial Fists were traditionally the defenders of Terra, and the Grey Knights were just a short hop away, so it seems presumptious to have another self appointed chapter at the centre of the Imperium. Like it or not, on the galactic scale that 40K and the marines operate on, the Sol system and Terra awill be seen as the same thing. There have been myriad examples posted here of the other forces in the Sol system, so I won't repeat, but effectively the idea of them being assigned to the Sol system at any time is the main stumbling block that people have.


Simply dropping that element, and having them patrolling Segmentum Solar in general for miscreants would seem to fit into the background far better. They could still drop in on the Sol system in hot pursuit of a coven or lead, and you will get a far better response from the board.

Didn't mean to sound offensive, sorry.


Generally what I'm trying to put across is that the Knights Hyperian percieve themselves as the Astartes' eyes and ears on the ground in the Sol System, but I guess this hasn't gone down very well, maybe I'll revise it a bit.


In application they patrol all of segmentum solar, in small squads, at most two to a world (but by no means do they have one per planet - now that would be ridiculous fluff)


Giving the thread the subtitle 'defenders of sol' was a bad idea, i wanted to pull in some readers, rather than just another DIY name on the list, have some sort of hook, i chose a bad one, oh well, I can't change it now.


I'm not changing the location of Hyperios though, its staying as jupiter, but as a chapter of squads ranged across hundreds of worlds, it doesnt really matter where their base is.


++Changes made to original post, hope you like better++


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