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The Shadowwatchers


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This is the IA of my Renegade Space Marine DIY Chapter, the Shadowwatchers ^_^



The Shadowwatchers.


Current Location:

At the fortress world of Degasius somewhere within the Maelstrom.



The founding date of the Shadowwatchers is not wholy confirmed and/or known. Tough many schoolars belive the Chapter to be of the Twenty First foundings. Mostly the belives are becouse of the Chapter Gene-seed.



There is a Chapter, a watching and cold Chapterm whos name is only whisptered in the daylight, and only then by the most all-knowing. It is the Chapter of the Shadowwatchers. A Chapter whos history and purpose to the most is forgotten, and only can be found in the deepest vaults on Ancient Terra. And only then, if you are lucky, you will find the history and answears of the Chapter. The Shadowwatchers was created in the 36th millenium as one of the 21st Foundings, as yet another Chapter to guard the infernal gates to the Maelstrom. For many decades they was not many reports about the Chapter, the Inquisiton never came around doing a totaly investigation as they didn't think it to be nesesery and especialy not since the Gene-seed was pure an without flaws. But then the other Chapters of the Founding one after one started to show off major flaws and one by one was declared Excummunicate and one by one was hunted down and driven out of the Imperium. And as the Shadowwatchers was part of the Cursed Founding as is came to be known also they was investigated, and what the Inquisition founded out was two things. First, that the Chapter had no flaws or currupted Gene-seed, and two, secrets so horrible that also the Shadowwatchers had to be declared Excummunicate and driven out. The horrible secrets that was founded out was these: The way new recuits where gathered, by that brothers of the Chapter when rampage on the planets in their possession taking every male child of the age of 11 and bringing them to Degasius where they was turned into Space Marines, and those who survived where then sent to a death world where they had to survive for almost three decades without contact with anyone else; The very unorthodox way the prayers was done in, through ritual callings on an earlier unknown Enity; and the main reason for the Excummunicate: That they openly was worshiping this Enity, and had thrown of their oaths to the Imperium and the God-Emperor. And so it came that they nerby Space Marine armies was called upon and summoned to clear out these Heretics. But when the Space Marines and Inquisitors and Grey Knights ariveed to what the Imperium thought to be the Shadowwatchers homeplanet, and the sector, all that they founded was 7 burned and dead planets, with no live at all, left and already abandoned. After that the Grek Knights and Inquisitors followed the Shadowwatchers into the Maelstrom where it had been founded out that they had escaped into, but the space marines of the Shadowwatchers Chapter was never to be sighted by them. After that all the troops returned to their own busniesses and nothing was heard of the Shadowwatchers until almost 4000 years later. When they started to rampage and raid nearby Imperial Worlds taking slaves, plundering and looting supplyes.


Home world:

Most information about the Chapter tells about a fortress world named Degasius. Although most information is lost or too currupted to give any correct amswear, the litte information that can be given tells about a cold and brutal bastion world inside the Maelstrom, almost impossible to reach unlease you know where it is.


Combat Doctrine:

The Chapter follows unorthodox teachings and weigh heavily on traditions and resiliance. Also only the very best of the best are chosen to become Marines, this together with the tradition of leaving the new initiates alone on a death world from one decade before bringing them to the fortress world of Degasius for the training, have given the Chapter an army of elite warriors that is not easily to be matched. But also they show a Zeal and hate, which hardly can be matched, against Daemons and the like, and a bitterness toward the Imperium which only the bitterest of the Traitor Legions can match.



The Organization of the Shadowwatchers are non-codex, they seem to follow a chain of command where the oldest and wisest are in the top and the younger and more newer are in the bottom. They also relly heavily upon Traditions and teachings.



The Chapter belives is that the Emperor is not good enough for them and not worthy their prayers or service, so therefor they had to find someone els to give their prayers to. But the Chaos Gods was not good enough either and was not even something to think about as they hated the Chaos powers after one of the greatest battles in their history which had ended with that the Chapter Master had been killed by a Daemon Prince from the Word Bearer traitor Legion, which later where banished by the Chaplains which turned upon it in vengence. And then, after this battle, they had lost their fate in the Imperium and despited the Chaos Gods, so how could this go except how it went? They started to give their prayers to an to the Imperium unknown enity, an ancient god of Vengence, Sargonnas, who orgined from the homeworld of most of the Chapter initiates.


Gene-seed: Tests of the Chapter Chapter Gene-seed of killed Brothers have been showing almost equal parts of Gene-seed from the Blessed Primarchs known as Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, and Roboute Guilliman, Ultramarines. And even with the fact of living in the Maelstrom and cut of from the blessings of the Imperium the Chapter gene-seed is very pure, to many schoolars it is hard to belive this becouse of the "special" circumstances.



A chanting of "From the darkness of betrayal, Unto the blood of revenge!".


Chapter Colors:


I'm thinging on something like this but I'm not set on it, :tu:


Feel free to comment and ask questions on things you don't understand an so :lol:


// Darkie

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A few things that might bear further thought:


It appears from your fluff, that the chapter is more than merely Renegade, but practically CSM. While you state that they revere neither the Emperor nor the Ruinous Powers, but if they live in the Maelstrom, the tendrils of Chaos would be virtually impossible to evade.


IIRC, all chapters of the Cursed Founding suffered from defects; having one that did not would contradict canon.


Who or what is this Entity. The "gods" of the W40K universe are pretty much set in stone, and creating a new one is problematic. If it's one of the existing ones, it would tend to place your chapter in one camp of the other.


How did your chapter "fall from the Emperor's light?" Remember that Space Marines are some of the most heavily indoctrinated warriors in existance, and it would take a significant event for them to change their ways.


Mixed gene-seed is pretty much impossible if you're following established fluff; I'd suggest choosing one of your mix and sticking with it.


I'll look forward to the next "draft." ^_^

It appears from your fluff, that the chapter is more than merely Renegade, but practically CSM. While you state that they revere neither the Emperor nor the Ruinous Powers, but if they live in the Maelstrom, the tendrils of Chaos would be virtually impossible to evade.

Eee... eeee.... eeee.... How did the 13th company of the space wolfes survive in the Eye? *runs away trying to find a place to hide*



IIRC, all chapters of the Cursed Founding suffered from defects; having one that did not would contradict canon.



Who or what is this Entity. The "gods" of the W40K universe are pretty much set in stone, and creating a new one is problematic. If it's one of the existing ones, it would tend to place your chapter in one camp of the other.

Eeee... eeee.. eeeee... As it said, ahem, no one really know what it is. :P


How did your chapter "fall from the Emperor's light?" Remember that Space Marines are some of the most heavily indoctrinated warriors in existance, and it would take a significant event for them to change their ways.

How they fell is very like to how the Word Bearers fell accualy, I gonna work some more upon that later :rolleyes:


Mixed gene-seed is pretty much impossible if you're following established fluff; I'd suggest choosing one of your mix and sticking with it.

Ahem, they are one of the curse founding, right? Wasn't it the Cursed foundg


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