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DIY chapter. Night Crows

Midnight Hunter

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Well here is my first go at a DIY chapter. The Hammers of Charon, Enjoy!


To Inquistor Lord Syri,


My lord this is all the information I have been able to find on the traitors the Shadow Wraiths. My investigation into the Traitor Lurcetia Borgiu has severly hampered, more information about her may shed more light on the motives of the Shadow Wraiths.



Information Prior to becoming Traitors:


++NAME++ Hammers of Charon


++GENESEED++ Unknown

++HOMEWORLD++ Charon

Segmentum Tempestus

Volcanic Death World with few inhabitants.

Local population incredibly violent but well versed in architecture.

++FOUNDING++ Unknown signs point to 13th

++COMBAT DOCTRINE++ Combat engineers with a preference for heavy weapons when attacking fortifications, bolters for entering the breach. Similar preferences when defending friendly fortifications. Also heavily favored use of land mines and explosives.

++CHAPTER COLORS++ Black with dark blue shoulder pads.


++CHAPTER SYMBOL++ Tower with hammers crossed behind it


++BATTLE CRY++ "Into the breach. Let no Live!"




What little remains of the records concerning the Hammers of Charon points to their being created to combat a growing threat of the Iron Warriors in the Segmentum Tempestus. Although capable at siege game they were never a real match for the Iron Warriors. As they learned Zeal and faith doesnt make up thousands of years experiance. The first crusade the Hammers of Charon went on lasted for several decades and they were only able to remove the Iron Warriors from one of the four planets they had captured. The losses to the chapter were massive only enough of the Hammers remained to form little more then a single company battle ready. Over the time it took to rebuild the chapter the Hammers of Charon combat doctrines changed from the slow and deliberate advance that the Iron Warriors favoured to a more aggressiv attack. Picking a single point and throwing their entire might to break it open with the chapter Terminators leading the assault into the breach.


Evidence Damning the Hammers of Charon:


Inquisitorially Review of the Hammers of Charon and disappearance of their Battle Brothers



Inquisitor Lucretia Borgiu,


The files kept the by the leaders of the Hammers of Charon tell of fewer numbers then that of the files on Holy Terra. Having had a chance to enter the Fortress Monastery of the Hammers of Charon on several occasions I made careful note of the Space Marines I spoke with. In a two month period I noticed the disappearance of the several of their Liberians, the chapter was fully present on Charon during that time. I also noted that their numbers appeared to be visibly down as if they had suffered minor losses in battle. When I questioned the Chapter Master as well as several others non of them acknowledged that the missing had every existed. Latter when I checked their files against those on Holy Terra the Librarian in question was not even mentioned in the files of the Hammers of Charon nor was it present in the files of Holy Terra those had a different name one that couldn

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I have been thinking of change the name but Im lacking Ideas you guys have any ideas?


Any particular direction you would like to go?


I'm half tempted to suggest something Serpentine or Reptilian since their the species most likely to ambush their prey. Maybe, they change their name after they become renegades to match the change in Combat Doctrine.


Are they still explosives experts in their new role?


Belial Out.

Actually on my way home from work I was thinking of something along a reptilian line myself. I was thinking mabye something like Shadow Serpents myself.


Yeah they are still supposed to be demolitions experts. (Im thinking of making melta bombs standered equipment where I can).

Very Good :D


Not totally sure on the total change from heavy to stealth, seems a bit extreme. Maybe include a slow change from one to the other.


The name does say fast attack, which I dont think is what your going for. The name which first came to my mind was Praying Mantis, so try some name involving Mantis.



Not totally sure on the total change from heavy to stealth, seems a bit extreme.  Maybe include a slow change from one to the other.


The name does say fast attack, which I dont think is what your going for. The name which first came to my mind was Praying Mantis, so try some name involving Mantis.


I guess taking and giving a pounding to the Iron Warriors for decades would make any Marine think that there has to be a better way.


I tend to like the Shadow Serpents idea. The Mantis Warriors have been taken recently. I'm racking my brains to find a neat way to link Crocs into the name. The best I have so far is the Silent Predators. (Croc Marines sounded too much like Crocodile Hunter and, well... I just won't go there.)


Belial Out.

A new name?


Strong, forceful blows make me think of weapons, things like "hammer" or "fist".


Swift attacks make me think of fast predators, like "falcon", "raptor", "serpent".


Stealth makes me think of things like "shadow", "phantom", "darkness", "ghost"


So, mixing and matching some of those, I get pleasing combos like:


Fists of Darkness

Phantom Raptors

Ghost Serpents

Shadow Hammers


Ghost and Phantom seem particularly pleasing, as they also feed into the history of a lost chapter that acts now almost like the Flying Dutchman, never anywhere, but occasionally appearing to wreak havoc.


Given the history, I'd recommend two names: one for the original chapter name, and one for the name they go by now. In other words, I'd recommend adding a bit to the history that after their disappearance, they changed their name (and possibly even their symbols - since you have reports of their helradry being defaced).

Well I have changed the name of the chapter to something more fitting. Their name before becoming traitors was Hammers of Charon (named after their home planet) and have chosen to name them the Shadow Wraiths after their disappearance (I edited the IA for them to reflect this). Thanks for the help guys I plan on adding more to their background. I have to work on my Inquisitors background as well to complete theirs. Well if you guys have any more ideas feel free to let me know.


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