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The Qara Qoyunlu - A Very Unusual Army


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Greetings, B&C. I am the LionofTheBegs and I come here with an Space Marine army that I would like to do. However it is ery unusual so if you would be kind enough to read it, I would be grateful.


This is a chapter made up of my family tree and will be made up of names from my family past and present.


Basically it is a Trader/Raider force with not much tanks/speeders but an impressive space fleet. Considered to be trators to the throne, the Ultramarines tried to destory them when they appeared off their space in a Trading vessal. However the vessal escaped and the soon after the wrekage of the ship persuing them was found blasted with holes and utterly non-salvagable.


Soon after there were reports of the Qara Qoyunlu attacking outer settlements of the Imperium. Sending the Ultramarines and a couple of Guard regiments found nothing but a burnt out shell of a forge world. Undetered by the calls to come back, the Ultramarines pushed forward trying to fine them and destory them. In the battle of Altush VI, the Ultras and the Qara's came face to face and in a battle which no one claims defeat, they stood to a standstill. The Ultra's were the first ones to withdraw based on the Tyranids that had entered thier system once more.


Interest has gone down on them with the Tyranids in the way between them, yet the horde never seems to be moving towards their planets but towards the Imperium more. Many would claim that the Qara's would be in league with them, this has proven not to be the case as a recent report of a raid has found a burnt out world with millions of Tyranid and Guard bodies and yet no Qara bodies. It is seemed that the Qara's will always raid no matter what is in the way.


This will be a rogue chapter and colours are White and Black, in which white is the main colour of the regular troopers with the Black Sheep symbol on them, and there are a varity of colours that signify rank and position within the Empire and the army. However Black is not used as the army colour.


I haven't thought of a doctories yet, so any ideas on a Foot, fast based elements would be welcome. As for thier genes, think I shall make up a new one based on the famous 2nd Unknown Legion, after all the Imperium has no ideas where this Qara Qoyunlu came from.


Any other comments or suggestions would be welcome.


For the Qara!

This is cool. A very different style, i like it, but a few things.


Basically it is a Trader/Raider force with not much tanks/speeders but an impressive space fleet. Considered to be trators to the throne, the Ultramarines tried to destory them when they appeared off their space in a Trading vessal. However the vessal escaped and the soon after the wrekage of the ship persuing them was found blasted with holes and utterly non-salvagable.
I wouldn't say they were near ultramar, because its one of the most heavily defended areas, and ultramarines don't just attack ships, usually, they board or take the ship hostage if it isn't registered. Even then, a trading ship would be destroyed, believe me, the ultramarines have a strong and exstensive fleet.


Interest has gone down on them with the Tyranids in the way between them, yet the horde never seems to be moving towards their planets but towards the Imperium more. Many would claim that the Qara's would be in league with them, this has proven not to be the case as a recent report of a raid has found a burnt out world with millions of Tyranid and Guard bodies and yet no Qara bodies. It is seemed that the Qara's will always raid no matter what is in the way.


So your chapter has a homeworld, but the tyranids stay away from it? I think you should say the chapter lost most of its tanks fighting nids, and thus they defended their homeworld also. You didn't really tell us how they became traitor also. Good start, fix a few things, and give us more details. :unsure:

I haven't thought of a doctories yet, so any ideas on a Foot, fast based elements would be welcome. As for thier genes,  think I shall make up a new one based on the famous 2nd Unknown Legion, after all the Imperium has no ideas where this Qara Qoyunlu came from.

I'm not to sure of that you should do that :unsure: other that this, awsome ;)


// Darkie

I wouldn't say they were near ultramar, because its one of the most heavily defended areas, and ultramarines don't just attack ships, usually, they board or take the ship hostage if it isn't registered. Even then, a trading ship would be destroyed, believe me, the ultramarines have a strong and exstensive fleet.
Yes, I know of thier heavly fortified worlds. However the ship was orbiting one of the fringe worlds that were bordering on thier space. Technicallay the Ultramarines took premeptive action on them.


On the matter of being destoryed, I wouldn't believe so, because first of all the Qara Qouynlu chapter information is extermely small and very little has been said about it. The only contact that came from them is that the Ultramarines battle with them, and even they could not reconize what they are using or wearing. Technically nothing is known except that they are traders and raiders with what look like pre-Imperium Suits and weapons. Most of thier technology comes from thier homeworld and not from any forges.


So your chapter has a homeworld, but the tyranids stay away from it? I think you should say the chapter lost most of its tanks fighting nids, and thus they defended their homeworld also. You didn't really tell us how they became traitor also. Good start, fix a few things, and give us more details. :unsure:


Yes, because of some reason. The Imperium has little idea where it is or even if it is a world. All they know is that they can navigate the Tyranid space, evade or even destory them and come through. Huge number of wrekage and bodies were found near the Qara Qoyunlu Space, all of it Tyranid and all of it heavly damaged. There are reports that they killed a Tyranid Queen though the Imperium does not have any evidence of it being so. Some rumors from the near by Rogue Planets that trade with them report that the Qara's will fry electric devices if they are unprotected or if they are left near them too long. Wheater this is true or not really depends on the person you are talking to. It is also reported that the Tyranids shy away or run at the site of anything Qara, though this has yet to be explained.


Others have described them as tall, or taller than the Space Marines, however they are not as much mussle-bound as them, although they are as strong. Thier language is completely unrecongizable and they only utter them to their own. Reports also have been made of women being part of this and one rogue trader does report of seeing one is the same armour as a man.


They are considered a Traitor because they are not in any books or databases, are extermely dangerous if encounted by Space Marines, and no one even knows when they will strike next. Up till now, 3 Inqusitiors have disappeared in rogue space, no reports or anything found. Traders that supported them have been found on fringeworlds with nothing on them and very badly beaten. They have no recollection of thier voyage except that they were punished for being traitors. The only reason to find out that they were space machines was a banner that was found in the field which was a very batter "imperium" lettering. There are no records of anybody going into this area nor anything imperium every entering or passing by. This information was kept and classified by the Inquisitiors and they are currently investigating this. Rumors state that they may have found the 2nd Legion Genes, though most of those who said this have meet unexplained deaths.

They can only be traitor, if they a. kill many imperial citizens or attack planets, b. are delcared excommunicate by an inquisitor, so for now, your chapter would be more of a rogue chapter. As for it defeating a hive queen itself, it had to have faced a massive fleet to do so, so the chapter can't have escaped with low or no losses at all, it just doesnt make sense. Keep it comin! :unsure:
They can only be traitor, if they a. kill many imperial citizens or attack planets, b. are delcared excommunicate by an inquisitor, so for now, your chapter would be more of a rogue chapter. As for it defeating a hive queen itself, it had to have faced a massive fleet to do so, so the chapter can't have escaped with low or no losses at all, it just doesnt make sense. Keep it comin! :unsure:


Ehm, I wonder if you every have watched Star-Trek? Remember Species 8472? Think of them as the Human Equvilant to the Tyranids. Can't be corrupted and can't be conquered. The Tyranid Queens know this and thats why they will not go where they are there. Rogue worlds where they trade, they will go, but thier own cluster of stars they won't. The Tyranid fears them and knows that any attack on them, may led to thier destruction. Thier queens know information on them and fears them herself. For now they have an uneasy peace which was made by the leaders talking in thier ships from far away to the queen, for they fear what might happen should they appear in thier sections. The peace deal was that they will not attack the Tyranids as long as the do not attack anyone of thier Empire's dependances and stay away from thier space as well as grant them space through thier fleets. Though the queens hate them, they accepted this for the goodness of the Brood. This information is not known by the Imperium, though there have been tries to get the Imperium's attention on this matter.


An except from the Qara Pir Volume [note: Imperium Has no Information, and this is a one in a million chance of seeing this so read on]:


My Grandfather made peace with the beings for they do cause a depleteion of weapon ammo by just firing at them. They do not dare attack as, and it is barely a fight. Many who have tried before the peace have died before they can get to us. For now we have no reason to go anywhere. Slaves have been captured and are being used to do stuff which I dare not metion for it is far benith me. Recently, my father found out that a Queen had led a group of men into our sector which broke into our library with the intent to steal our knowledge. It is appearent that Humans can be immune to us. She tried to make a getaway and before she good be gone into the brood space, we caught up with her. Although they ships are fast, we are faster. Our soldiers destoryed any army she brought agianst us and Saif hunted her down like the worm she is, and now she is dead. My Grandfather taking the imperial fleet began destorying the Brood until they stopped and let us through. The queens realised that they would next be appearing in thier space and made ammends by offering an apology and by allowing us to harvest the next planet they fell upon. He accepted this offer and left. The planet was rich in genetic material which would have been used for thier army. My Grandfather laughs at this and marks it as another victory. Should the queens plan another such thing I guess my grandfather shall destory them all, though it might take all of our army and with the humans appearing on the borders of the brood we might have to be distracted. The Rogue says that we should not be alarmed, since the Imperium is slow but I still fel we should attack and cripple them......


End except

Hey guys I got more fluff this time from an Imperium Veiw:




To: Inquistior Vargun


From: Terra


Your request for information on the Girmorth from from Gir is heavly restricted and closed to most normal eyes. However you have been signed this information since your mission is to that Quadrant.


The Qara Qoyunlu were first encountered at Girmorth, a forge world. Records remaining indicate that they had arrived for trade, eger to get our technology. They also asked about the Imperium, and it is our estimate that they were there for more than trading.


+++Additional Information: It is most likely they did come for information and to scout out the Imperium as shown in records 8793827x892xxx


However, when they refused to sell them weapons, and forcefully made to load their transport with junk. They were kicked out of the planet with threats of vilance. It soon became apparent that in a weeks time, a fleet was moving rapidly towards the planet at incredable speeds. The sensors did pick them up but were presumably destoryed. The world was bombarded and invaded a day after with the records indicating that they moved fast and deadly destroying most important points and bypassing the others.


With the loss of Girmorth, they sent another trade ship near the Yubi System. This time the Ultramarines where there and they fired on the ship, envoking preemptive strikes agianst them. The blessed weapons of the emperor failed to hit the ship and for 5 years nothing would be heard from them. Ultramarines were sent to investiage Girmorth which the reported back as empty of life and nothing remaining that would be any use. Recent Tyranid attacks in the Gir sector have left Girmorth alone, and there is some reason why they are not consumed. Destruction of the Tyranid force by the Ultramarines have found that Girmorth stripped of any steel and non-Tyranid life on Girmorth. Current explorations have left a Ultrmarine cruser destoryed, presumably they have gained a base on Girmorth.


Girmorth is sceduled to be cleanzed once the Tyranid investation on Miroth sector have been cleared.


---++++----End Transmission-----++++

Ok big no-no here, you say the nids won't attack them if they don't!!!?!? Tyranids do not make deals, they are there to destroy, the queen would not fear them, she would be too busy pumpin out new nids :D


It is appearent that Humans can be immune to us.


So your race the marines draw their recruits from aren't human? Thats also a big no-no, i am very sorry. Other than that, your fluff talks very little about the space marines themselves, describe their beliefs, combat doctrine, and more of why they were founded, because a marine chapter isn't made to trade :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Here is some more new fluff about them, most of it from the Qara Qoyunlu Point of Veiw.


The Book of Yar Ali: The Founding of Sects


The Sects are all designed for a specific way and it is not common for any of the sects to diverge from their path. Most of the sects are divided based on three principals: Combat, Stealth and Mercenary.


Combat: Combat Sects are primarlly designed for the the attacking, besieging and combat duties. 70% of the army is made up of Combat sects and each are different in thier tatics and weapons.


Stealth: Stealth Sects are not known very well nor how many are documents. There are at least 5 to our knowledge that are active. 1 is in Tyranid space monotering them. The other 4 are speard across the Qara Qoyunlu empire in various stations and order. Almost nothing is known about the orders as they come straight from the council. The Qara's are even kept in the dark about thier movements.


Mercenary: Mercenary Sects are few in numbers and most are non-active in thier sects prefering to be lumped in with the Combat Sects. A few others are active in other Human worlds primariliy fighting for control over the world. They are also used to scout out the usefullness of the world. Many who have hired the Mercenary Sects are in suprise when we come down and capture it from them. Of course none are felt alive to tell the betrail, so we are safe for now. In the future the Mercenary Sects maybe finnished depending on our meetings with the Imperium.




On the questions of marines: They are not from any known chapters nor are they answerable to the Imperium. The best guess would be that they found some marine armour, and modified it to look like marines but they are not. Or I might go with the 2nd Legion since it is more open to interpertation. As well, they do not know about the emperor and don't worship him.


The rest is hidden as they are very mysterious and the Imperium knows so little about them.

Your fluff's quite different to say the least...


On your last notion; I very much like the idea of having a totally alien race mimicking marines. Maybe they conquered a marine homeworld and took the equipment present there? Some sort of shapeshifters or doppelgangers with sinister and as of yet unknown goals...


Excellent! They might even be a very advanced kind of Genestealer brood that somehow evolved its way out of Hive control? In real-life earth evolution you can see that evolution does not creep forwards but sometimes makes a big jump in a couple of random directions, with the best one remaining in the end. These guys might be evolved in one of those freakish bursts and could therefore pose a threat to the 'Nids as they are now. They might be left alone by the hivefleets for now, simply till the fleets catch up with thm, evolutionary speaking that is. Their 'Nid decendancy might have allowed them to get close to a Norn Queen or higher Hivenode and kill it, then their superior genes allowed them to escape the fleet?


DO NOT go with the 2nd legion idea, period. It's just one big no-no and I'm surprised to see nobody mentioned that fat to you. It's just one GW crafted mystery we want to keep; so much more fluffier this way. besides, just scan through the Liber Astartes and see how many have chosen to walk the path of the lost legions; not half as original as the idea of having aliens pose as marines! Now that's original!


Just model them as marines (helmets on) with a surreptitious tentacle here and there, a bared green or purple, taloned hand without glove, you get the idea.


This could be a masterful idea, just think out your steps carefully...


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