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DIY Chapter Armor


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A while ago I used the GW interactive painter to create a series of color schemes for the various ranks and roles in my DIY chapter, the Platinum Dragons. Since they come from Salamander geneseed but specialize in urban/siege warfare, I wanted a look that was half Salamander, half Imperial Stormtrooper. I think I was able to recreate the basic scheme from memory. What do you think?


Paint Scheme


P.S. The light gray is supposed to be silver or thereabouts.

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It does look quite similar to the Mentor Legion colourscheme, which I personally really like and painted up a squad of them back in the late 80's when the original IA article came out.


However, if your intention was to make them look like an urban warfare salamanders / stormtrooper army look, then the current colourscheme does not impart that message to me.


You could emphasise the urban warfare side with a white / grey style camo look, and make them look very battleworn with paint-chips and scrapes. Some people get upset about marines having camo colours, but here is a long tradition of them having it stretching back to the Badab War article circa WD100 (102?) and coming right up to the Revilers (IIRC) vehicles colourschemes in the Imperial Armour 2 book.


If you go camo, then it might be difficult to support the 'Platinum' part of the name...


Some thoughts. :)

While I didn't intend it at the time. I don't mind the similarities to the Mentor Legion since I want my Chapter to also be buddy buddy with Mechanicus. The Dragon's green is lighter than the Mentors', though.


As far as camo, chips, etc. .... I think camo is for Scouts, not Marines. My scouts WILL be urban cammoed, but I think having a marine in camo is like trying to camoflauge a knight in armor. Indeed, they feel the same way. I plan to use them with *see, but don't be seen,* but the regular Mariens are close in view to *have pride in your colors.* They feel it's good to be sneaky....until you charge in screaming at your enemy, armor gleaming in the glow of your muzzle flashes. Plus they feel that an army that lives in full dress uniform is more impressive to the locals. They feel that showing the flag is important to keeping the locals in line. Imagine my chapter leading a military parade through the Red Square and you get the idea. Some people like a battle damaged army, and while I may do some Mantis Warriors for that, but my guys feel that wargear should always be in tip top shape and shiny. Like their Salamander progenitors, they work to maintain it.


"The kilt was only for everyday use, in battle, we wore a full-length sequined gown. The idea was to blind your oponent with light!" -Groundskeeper Willie.


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