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I need Help with DIY !

major buzzmore

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OK im stuck !!!


I have been playing marines for 19 years, ive had all the big chapters at some point, and i want to do a nicely converted, painted DIY marine army, but i am totally brain dead !!!!!!


Can you guys please help - i need ideas for fluff really, from that I can work out colours, markings etc


Can you help by posting some ideas for fluff - ancient civilisations, themes from novels etc


Please help out an old gamer




PS - i dont want to paint black, or have any 'Wolfy' stuff

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Well, your asking a lot, and we cant tell you the answer.


If we say do a "Greek" army, you might be drawn for a while, but soon it will not be intresting because you dont have an intrest in it yourself. What you need to do is sit down and think what your intrested in. They dont have to be human civilization, it could be a certain personality which attracts you such as pride. It could be a myth, such as vampires etc.


Deep Inside Yourself The Answer Lies :rolleyes:



Read the sticky threads at the top of this forum. There's some great stuff in there, especially the "Ultimate D.I.Y Chapter Creation Thread". That's a good one.


Also, you can just read some of the regular threads in this section. Other people's ideas can help fuel your ideas.


Some possible hooks for coming up with a Chapter idea include:


* Does the chapter have an unusual/interesting fighting style/tactic?

* Does the chapter have a particular special enemy?

* Does the chapter have an unusual event in its background?

* Is there a name out there that just grabs you? Sometimes names alone can lead to interesting ideas.


Anyway, read up and let things percolate. Good luck!

I'll toss out a couple themes to get ya started. Since I have a few atm.


Do a comical army, one that will get ork players jealous. Paint logos all over them like they're sponsored nascar racers.


Do a serious realistic military army. Missile Launchers and Flamers only. Using See but dont be Seen and Trust in your battle brothers. Painting them in camo.


Since you've played all of the major codex armies as you've mentioned might want to try something off-beat for once.

I agree, it would be nice for you to give us some more direction on what you're into, or at the least what you've done and what you're trying to avoid. I'll put out a few ideas myself, though. Once in a while spray and pray works!


* An Aztec/Mayan army. The lizardmen range should provide some conversion bits.


* Pick and obsucre ancient civilization that most people know little, if anything about. Research them and their military history in some depth, and go from there.


* Choose a famous military unit from history or modern times. In the Kilted Marine topic we mentioned the Black Watch. Another possibility might be the Nepalese Ghurkas that have long fought for the British. Don't forget the kukris! Perhaps a Zouave style unit as in the American War of Southern Secession. (Commonly and improperly referred to as the Civil War.)


* No wolfy stuff eh? Try picking another animal! Maybe one you like, or just a really interesting one. Beware the wrath of the Imperial Pangolins!


That help any?

* No wolfy stuff eh? Try picking another animal! Maybe one you like, or just a really interesting one. Beware the wrath of the Imperial Pangolins!



If I were you, I'd firstly look at what type of army you would like to play. I.e.; tired of assaulty armies, go for shooty, or maybe it's the other way around. Perhaps you want a gaming challenge so go nutz on the traits and get yourself some nice limiting drawbacks. Want a modelling challenge, go all out on whatever theme you come up with (Look at me; I just took my national heraldry as a base and went on from there). It doesn't have to involve anything martial either; choose your favourite animal, era or color and biuld on from that.


It's your army so mould it to your wishes!

picking famous units is a good start. My little DIY in progress is based off a modern marine unit. Lots of Razorbacks with heavy bolters and krak missles. It looks good with dry brushed digi camo.


best place to start, go down to a book store and find a military history boot and start leafing through it. Look for ideas that really stike you.

Thanks for the imput guys - ive been letting the ol grey cells do there work

and ive come up with :-


"The Sons of Ursa" - kind of a Russian, kossack type feel (obviously Bears will feature for icons etc)


Im gonna go for a 'Heavy' look to the power armour using the new studded shoulder pads, modified helmets and torsos (similar to the Tyranid hunter marine with the big armour plate on the fron of his torso)


I might make them come from a High gravity world (hence the heavier look) fluff wise


Colour scheme - well im thinking a light grey, with a dark grey and white details (do you think that this will be to space wolfy ??)


Keep the ideas coming though - your help is appreciated

Well, as long as everyone is throwing out ideas:

  • A Thousand Sons army; Only this army has taken the geneseed from it's head sorcerer and created more marines so you won't be limited to just rubric marines. Everyone has to have the TS heads of course.
  • Everybody's doing Tau marines now, why not you :)
  • An army based on a famous chapter, but themed after company. A 9th company Ultramarines army for example, with two small tactical squads and devastators as heavy support and elites. Or a 1st company army, always a classic.
  • A Lost and the Damned army with as many beastmen as possible, backed up with chaos marine elites converted to look as bestial as the mutants. Minotaurs as big mutants (with heavy stubbers =), traitors with ungor heads as in the abhuman WD article, etc.

The list is really too long without a few pointers on where you want to go :P



Oops, that's what I get for taking too long with my posts B)


Personally, I think brown would look good for a bear chapter, or at least a lot of brown pelts. You don't see many brown chapters either.

Not bad! Just two things to mention. While the studded shoulder pads are new to us, fluffwise, they are from the time of the Horus heresy. Secondly, the colors sound a bit drab. have you ever seen the red/green/white uniforms worn by the Russsians under Peter the great? Maybe that or another Russian uniform scheme would be more interesting.
A Lost and the Damned army with as many beastmen as possible, backed up with chaos marine elites converted to look as bestial as the mutants. Minotaurs as big mutants (with heavy stubbers =), traitors with ungor heads as in the abhuman WD article, etc


Im doing one of them!



For your commander, you've got to make him holding a bottle of vodka, make it count as a power weapon.

Major,I am in many cases where you are exactly.

You have my sympathy.

I like your Russian theme so far.

Stick with it.

You might want to consider the capes/robes from the new Chaos warriors WFB sprue.

Nice big fur collars.

Colour wise,you don't want to be bright,but as was mentioned the red/green and very light grey /off white.


Bloodwraith I think your in luck.

Nobody's using that one yet. :tu:


If you like more subdued colors, I'd say go with Russian WWII color schemes. There's some good inspiration both from Osprey Books and for something more fanciful, there's The Red Star.


However, if you like color, then the Napoleonic era offers a wealth of opportunity, as well as some very cool standards.


For figures, you can go with some of Gebann's ideas, and perhaps supplement them with elements of Privateer Press' Khador figures, which are good and Russiany. :tu:


Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Ok rethink time - I think that the Grey colour scheme is a bit drap, and with all the fur, will look to much like a SW !!


How about this:-


A terracotta/brown colour scheme, with the bottom have of the lower legs in a cream/bone 'jagged' /\/\/\ pattern ( and the feet) a bit like the Kislivite horses



All the Bear pelts will be in white


Im thinking of sculpting several torsos and then casting them (thats the only reference to that I will make Mods ;0))


I think the Studded pads will make them look 'heavier' ( theres also a nice LOD shoulder pad that has a rim at the bottom and 3 studs around the top.



Army feel:


Im think very infantry base (bit like deathguard)


Of course I will have to have a dread in the called 'Kodiak'


Thanks for all the advise, I know I was very vague to start with, but you really have helped. Keep em coming though, and I will get test pics up ASAP

On the DAKKA DAKKA site (apologies for the plug if I've offended any rules...) there was an army profile for the "Storm Bears" if I recall correctly. They were tied in with the Ecclessiarchy, though, but had some nice conversions using a bear motif. Might be worth a look.


(BTW- the site is at dakkadakka.com)



The Kodiak sounds like it could be a nice name for a Land Raider :rolleyes: Sounds very nice, I was actually looking into a semi-irish themed DIY but didn't have enough time to do a lot with it. One think I looked at was using Latin for names or units and stuff and the chapter name too, it might be a good idea to dig up an online translator or russian dictionary and costomize it even more.




not yet, Im thinking odf a 'bear paw' or a side profile of a bear head. either way I will make a couple and then cast em !! (got a little side tracked at the weekend with me Pre heresy Emperors children !, they are a side project that I work on from time to time, when I have accumilated enough studde pads, MK6 beakys, Aquila torsos & MK6 legs)


I May work on the torsos tonight - and hopefully have a test fig by the end of the week


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