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MY DIY Chapter, Legio Deficio


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First I can say that I would like to have C&C on this DIY, and also feel free to ask questions about different things and I will try to answear them as good as I can.

Next I can say is that I plan to use The 13th Company rules for them and I think that I have explained things pretty good about the Chapter so that I can use them B) ... Also it might be a "little" long :P


Now, on to the IA :(



The Crimson Brotherhood. (Now known as the Legio Deficio.)


Current Location:

At the fortress world of Degasius somewhere within the Maelstrom.



21th, Cursed Founding.



During the 36th Millenium alot of Chapters where created as part of the Gene-seed mixing tests of the Adeptus Mechanicus. One of all these Chapters created was the Crimson Brotherhood. The Crimson Brotherhood was created as a guardian Chapter to the Maelstrom, and was as soon as the creation and training was compleated there. Over the years in training they recived help with the training from more than one Chapter. The Chapter which helped with the training in close combat was the zealous Black Templars, while the Black Consuls helped with the training of Command, and the Raptors teached them the ways of surprise and sudden strikes, and it's hard to belive but even the Space Wolfes where there and teached them the way of useing the technice of bolter and chainsword combo. During 800 years the Chapter was air-borne with the Strike Cruiser Salvation of the Lost as their base of operations. But then it was just weeks left of their service to the Imperium, becouse one day there came an Inquisitor from the Ordo Hereticus. And after his visit their official existance could be counted in days. For as all Chapters of the Cursed Founding also the Crimson Brotherhood had suffered from mutation. And the mutation of the Legio Deficio made the older Battle-Brothers grow horn like spikes from the head, but the worst of the flaw was that as the Bretheren became old they suddenly could have their mind breaking down and turn them into madmen trying to kill everything they could.


As the Inquisitor saw this after comming to investigate the problems the Chapter had reported to them he wrote a report and declared the Crimson Brotherhood yet another failed Chapter and pledged the High Lords to preform an Exterminatus of the Chapter. And the High Lords heard the plea and sended the Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle to the planet the Crimson Brotherhood had claimed for their own, Terranus. But what the Inquisitor didn't know was that the Librarians of the Crimson Brotherhood had intercepted the message and realised that their doom was at hand. And as all marines they couldn't accept their failure and decied to fake their death. So as the Grek Knights and the Sisters of Battle was gathered Chapter Master Ivanius' second in command, Captain Danius, took half of the 1st company, all of the 4th company, half of the Chapter Librarians, half of the Chapter Apotecaries and half of their Gene-seed stock and fled into the Maelstrom to a secretly seized planet they had taked centuries ago in case of that anything would happen. So while the chosen members escaped to once again secure the planet and start rebuilding the Chapter, the rest and the Chapter Master gathered and but away their Weapons and Armour in the Armoury and then amased and waited for the Inquisitions chosen to arive. The massacre of the Chapter members is one of the massacres of Space Marines that the history books don't talk much about, even if the Space Marines that was killed had been declared Excummunicate. In a report by the Inquisitor this is told:


"When we arived to the system of the cursed Crimson Brotherhood we recived a message from them, they said that we could arive and that they where waiting and ready to recive their punishment. At first we didn't belive them but then as we scanned the planet we found that it was as they had said. All of them, every singel one, stood down at the landing bays waiting for their judgement, and they had all put away their weapons and armour to make it easier for us. The Crimson Brotherhood was loyal to the Emperor to the end, even if their bodies had rebelled and mutated in a way that not is acceptable. Still today when I think about the massacre of the Crimson Brotherhood I shudder. Becouse the liking of the slaughter of them is nothing I ever have seen. The Grey Knights just walked around praying with the Bretheren, and then one by one the Grey Knights walked around and put a bolter shell in the head of the members of the Crimson Brotherhood. Hunderds of the Emperors loyal servants died within a couple of hours and yet today I am hunted by the nightmares of the deed, when I declared an Exterminatus of the Chapter. When I followed the Grey Knights of the Ordo Malleus checking so that everything had been done propely I could see the ghosts of the Space Marines of the Crimson Brotherhood, they all watched me with empty eyes and with sorrow and shame upon their faces, shame, for not been able to serve their Emperor."


Meanwhile the new master of the Chapter, Captain Danius, made sure that survivors where in full work of founding new initiates to the Chapter, and building a new Fortress for the Chapter. After the almost total destruction of the Chapter the Organisation of the Crimson Brotherhood changed totally. And then, nothing was to be heard from them for 2000 years. Then suddenly, as an Imperial Guard army was pinned down becouse of an Ork army and calling for help as everything seemed to be lost they appeard from nowhere attacking the Orks in the backs, and of course the Orks turned around and started to attack the new enemy but instead of winning in the heat of mel

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I like your ideas, but they sound a lot like the legion of the damned. But i do like the sacrificial part of the chapter, that showed real loyalty to the emperor. The part about them disapearing is like the LOTD, but the different warbands they are divided into sound like a good idea. Good start!



You know ... IMO ... if it hits the second page then it is accepted. OR maybe it is so radical there is not much to say about it.


When it comes to DIY most stear clear of the Cursed Founding, so it is rare or not done at all. Maybe since there are not many of them there is no blueprint for how it is done.


Having said that, since you want to use 13th Company and you feel you have explained things well enough to do it, then I doubt your mind could be changed anyways :tu:


But I do have some questions - and I am sure I am nitpicking - but I am curious ...


During 800 years the Chapter was air-borne with the Strike Cruiser Salvation of the Lost as their base of operations.
So, they were fleet bound?


Captain Danius, took half of the 1st company, all of the 4th company, half of the Chapter Librarians, half of the Chapter Apotecaries and half of their Gene-seed stock


Wouldn't the Inquisitors have noticed this? The most logical course of action to me would be that the rest were considered renegade and hunted down to receive their punishment. No amount of fighting for the Emperor would be enough salvation.


and fled into the Maelstrom to a secretly seized planet they had taked centuries ago in case of that anything would happen


So, they willingly and knowingly went into the EoT and claimed a planet anticipating their excommunication from the Imperium? Did they have a security detail or supplies sitting on the planet?


Where do they get new initiates? Should I read more on the 13th Company before asking such questions? ;)


Anyways, no matter what I think you made a decent case to use 13th Company rules for your DIY so my musing are just that.


But you may want to consider breaking apart the paragraphs you have - the BIG blocks of text were challenging to read through and at first I didn't want to give it a chance. Sure it looks longer, but it is easier to read.



Yay! A new post :D

So, they were fleet bound?

Yup :tu:

Wouldn't the Inquisitors have noticed this?  The most logical course of action to me would be that the rest were considered renegade and hunted down to receive their punishment.  No amount of fighting for the Emperor would be enough salvation.

Ehm, well, I was thinking on adding a part which said that the Chapter send out alot of transport cruisers which wasn't transporting any troops just to make the inquisitor think that they was fleeing, and that these cruisers was shot down making the inquisitor belive that alot of battle-brothers had died in the escape,

So, they willingly and knowingly went into the EoT and claimed a planet anticipating their excommunication from the Imperium?  Did they have a security detail or supplies sitting on the planet?
Ahem, well, for the first the planet is the the Maelstrom :P and second, they claimed it to make sure that they had something to retreat to if, for example, a great chaos host or so would attack them and destroy the planet.
Where do they get new initiates?  Should I read more on the 13th Company before asking such questions?  ;)

Hmm, intresant one, I got to think some more of that before I answear :)

Anyways, no matter what I think you made a decent case to use 13th Company rules for your DIY so my musing are just that.

Thanx :)

But you may want to consider breaking apart the paragraphs you have - the BIG blocks of text were challenging to read through and at first I didn't want to give it a chance.  Sure it looks longer, but it is easier to read.

I'll try and fix that ;)


// Darkie

First off, I think you've made a good job justifying the 13th Co rules for these guys, but a few things just bother me.


Over the years in training they recived help with the training from more than one Chapter. The Chapter which helped with the training in close combat was the zealous Black Templars, while the Black Consuls helped with the training of Command, and the Raptors teached them the ways of surprise and sudden strikes, and it's hard to belive but even the Space Wolfes where there and teached them the way of useing the technice of bolter and chainsword combo
Kinda overkill on the aid there, isn't it? I know GW has never outright said how a new chapter is trained, and the current consensus is that marines from other chapters are attached as mentors, but from that many?

Perhaps if you had them being mentored by one of those chapters and learning stuff from the others after serving with them it might sound better, but this is just one frater's opinion.


pledged the High Lords to preform an Exterminatus of the Chapter

Any =][= can do this, using any nearby force, often just sending one astropathic message to a nearby astartes base, or sector fleet port, or chamber of their own order militant. As long as it contains Digamma decimatio duodecies, that world is dead. In the case of declaring the chapter Excommunicate Maleficia (as opposed to Traitoris), it would have to be copied by a message to the Sub- and Sector Ordos of the Inquisition (based on extrapolation from various BL sources).


and sended the Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle
Why would the GK be sent? Their purview is the daemonic, not the abhuman. THe GK would only be sent if the Ordo Hereticus had reason to believe the chapter also harboured daemonic practices, and believed that their own chamber militant would not be up to the job. Given that they were there to
investigate the problems the Chapter had reported to them
it is unlikely they thought the chapter would suddenly rebel and need more than a preceptory of the SoB to exterminate.


Captain Danius, took half of the 1st company, all of the 4th company, half of the Chapter Librarians, half of the Chapter Apotecaries and half of their Gene-seed stock and fled into the Maelstrom to a secretly seized planet they had taked centuries ago in case of that anything would happen
All of 4th Co? Wouldn't the GK/=][= notice an entire company was missing and try to track them down? IMO it would be smarter to simply take a handful of marines from each company and claim they had fallen in battle.

I know, that was covered before, but your explanation:

Wouldn't the Inquisitors have noticed this?  The most logical course of action to me would be that the rest were considered renegade and hunted down to receive their punishment.  No amount of fighting for the Emperor would be enough salvation.


Ehm, well, I was thinking on adding a part which said that the Chapter send out alot of transport cruisers which wasn't transporting any troops just to make the inquisitor think that they was fleeing, and that these cruisers was shot down making the inquisitor belive that alot of battle-brothers had died in the escape,

just reminds me of the start of Star Wars Ep IV. Imperial frigates have sensors which can tell if a ship is carrying people on board (above and beyond the crew of course), so unless all those transports had uber-thick armour I doubt people were fooled (because, as we know from Xenos "Good armour can rob away signals"), especially as the large ships likely to have been commandeered by the =][= for the job will have better sensors.


Aside from that (and a few minor, can be ignored-type spelling issues) I think it is pretty sound. I'm sorry if that sounded (if that can be considered to apply to a typed response) a bit harsh, but it's that time of year when I need to submit nit-picking reports to keep my license (see the sig V)


And don't be worried if this doesn't get many replies. Liber is a fairly slow board (with the current exception of the Odion thread), and a lot of people don't have time to go through every thread to give it C&C. Not to mention as Race posted earlier: it might simply be good enough to be accepted straight off, or too radical for people to want to go near it (in case of accidentally starting a flame war, possibly? In any case, I don't think that applies here).

Thanx for replying ;)


Kinda overkill on the aid there, isn't it? I know GW has never outright said how a new chapter is trained, and the current consensus is that marines from other chapters are attached as mentors, but from that many?

Perhaps if you had them being mentored by one of those chapters and learning stuff from the others after serving with them it might sound better, but this is just one frater's opinion.

Maybe :D


Any =][= can do this, using any nearby force, often just sending one astropathic message to a nearby astartes base, or sector fleet port, or chamber of their own order militant. As long as it contains Digamma decimatio duodecies, that world is dead. In the case of declaring the chapter Excommunicate Maleficia (as opposed to Traitoris), it would have to be copied by a message to the Sub- and Sector Ordos of the Inquisition (based on extrapolation from various BL sources).
They can? :) Didn't know that.


Why would the GK be sent? Their purview is the daemonic, not the abhuman. THe GK would only be sent if the Ordo Hereticus had reason to believe the chapter also harboured daemonic practices, and believed that their own chamber militant would not be up to the job. Given that they were there to
Hmm, you got a point there... Better change to a space marine legion instead.


it is unlikely they thought the chapter would suddenly rebel and need more than a preceptory of the SoB to exterminate.
Doh, I'm afraid that I don't really understand that :tu:


All of 4th Co? Wouldn't the GK/=][= notice an entire company was missing and try to track them down?
Yet again you got a point, gonna change it to just half the 1st company.


// Darkie

it is unlikely they thought the chapter would suddenly rebel and need more than a preceptory of the SoB to exterminate.

Doh, I'm afraid that I don't really understand that


An =][= will only use astartes or his chamber militant, unless he believes that the task will be seriously too hard for just one force to deal with, in which case he will summon the nearest forces of SM/GK/SoB (delete as applicable).

Because he was invited by the chapter to test their purity (or at least, that is the way I read the implications), it is not very likely that the =][= will think that they will try and fight their punishment, or at least, not hard enough that he will need more than one force (be it a preceptory of SoB or a battleforce from a SM chapter).


Yet again you got a point, gonna change it to just half the 1st company.

I don't think that is a particularly smart idea. 50 marines, plus librarius and apothecarion is not enough for the Legio Deficio to get themselves back up to fighting strength (I have read somewhere that some chapters will even disband if their numbers drop below a company of battle brothers, because that is not enough geneseed to sustain the chapter). 150 marines, however, may well be viable (if only barely).

Just don't have an entire company disappear: take the same number of marines, but from different companies of the chapter (eg: 12 from 2nd, 9 from 8th and so on), with the largest numbers coming from the battle companies, then blame the low numbers on battle losses.

An =][= will only use astartes or his chamber militant, unless he believes that the task will be seriously too hard for just one force to deal with, in which case he will summon the nearest forces of SM/GK/SoB (delete as applicable).

Because he was invited by the chapter to test their purity (or at least, that is the way I read the implications), it is not very likely that the =][= will think that they will try and fight their punishment, or at least, not hard enough that he will need more than one force (be it a preceptory of SoB or a battleforce from a SM chapter).

Ahh, now I understand, well, the Inquisitor had been there and checked them, and then, as he had founded out about the flaws, he had left to summon the sisters of battle.
I don't think that is a particularly smart idea. 50 marines, plus librarius and apothecarion is not enough for the Legio Deficio to get themselves back up to fighting strength (I have read somewhere that some chapters will even disband if their numbers drop below a company of battle brothers, because that is not enough geneseed to sustain the chapter). 150 marines, however, may well be viable (if only barely).

Just don't have an entire company disappear: take the same number of marines, but from different companies of the chapter (eg: 12 from 2nd, 9 from 8th and so on), with the largest numbers coming from the battle companies, then blame the low numbers on battle losses.

Oh, well, then it will be an odd total of 125 marines drawn from various battle companies, and the devastor company. and just 25 marines drawn from the 1st company :cuss


// Darkie


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