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Different sides of the same coin.


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I have posted this in LIBER ASTARTES and in CHAOS UNDIVIDED as I belive my post falls in to both if not then I am sure that the incorrect post will be deleted.


Recentley I have been playing a lot of games with my D.I.Y chapter the shadow claws and after beating Estragors blood ravens and greyknights I was treated to his ramblings on the subject of the shadow claws and there many heresies. There deviation from the codex, there beleifs on the emeperor and death, there unatural senses, and there ability to "shadow walk" (open up small warp portals allowing them to infiltrate close to or even behind enemy lines but not of world but keep that quiet from the =][= B) ).


All this got me thinking that as I wanted to get a undivided chaos army (but couldn't decide which) why not do an alternative chaos version of the shadow claws? Samish list, same characters, but warped by chaos. I think it would be a great opertunity not only from a fluff point of veiw, as both armys could be the result of different outcomes during a pivotal point in the shadow claws history. I also believe that it is a good idea from a conversion stand point, recreating my commanders and sergeants corrupted by chaos.


My questions are what do the bretheren of legio B&C think? Should I go for it? Has any one else done somthing similar?


All feed back is welcome.

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Should the Shadow Claws become Excommunicate Traitoris Battle-Brother Yuri,who has been Seconded to the Deathwatch:Zero Company shall be summarily executed. B)


JK. :P


I think it's an interesting idea,but I agree that you would basicly have to start from scratch,model and painting-wise,just to ensure people know "which" Shadow Claws they are facing.

Damn! My brothers our plan to infiltrate the inquisitorial lapdogs and destroy them from within has failed!




... anyway, I am planing to start from scratch and have two seperate forces. The pure shadow claws all gothic and imperial and the obviously warped alternative version. We are talking skulls, chainaxes, defilers. The works.

Would there be any change in the colors or just same scheme in Chaos?


Belial Out.


you see this is the thing I can't decide on. Whether to use a noticeably diferent scheme or stick with the same scheme on chaos bits and splater the marines with healthy supplies of blood and dirt.

you see this is the thing I can't decide on. Whether to use a noticeably diferent scheme or stick with the same scheme on chaos bits and splater the marines with healthy supplies of blood and dirt.


Here's a couple of suggestions I've used in my armies.


Take your loyal paint scheme and shift in one shade darker for Chaos. They'll be similar enough to blend and yet different enough to know that they are tainted.


Another Suggestion is to mix another color into the scheme. If you have a Red scheme and to show that they are corrupt you mix in a Gray/Brown/Black to subdue the color scheme.


To mix ideas, add red to your color scheme. Fluffwise, this can suggest that the Marines add blood of their victims to the paint to christen their suits with the blood of their victims.


Belial Out.


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