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Cannibal marine chapter

soldier of Fenris

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oK for my as yet unnamed DIY chapter im having trouble picking a geneseed, they are a cannibalistic chapter that consume the flesh of their fallen brothersand enemies


i know BAsare the obvious choice but im not the biggest fan of the chapter so any alternative geneseed suggestions would be much appreciated

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Hmmm... Why not be based off the Space Wolves geneseed. How you got it is going to be an interesting bit of fluff, since the High Lords don't release that geneseed at all (Correct me if I'm wrong). Somehow, I see another Cursed Founding Chapter here. Combining Blood Angel with Space Wolf to stop each others's mutation and the reverse happens.


The basic premise is the Wulfen or Ogryn Marines, while being primal in most ways. They still have the cunning tha makes a Marine more formidable and they still know how to use weapons. A very close-combat oriented force.


Belial Out.

the DIY creation thread says a no no to SW geneseed but i could do a cursed founding chapter. Its a great idea thanks. Perhaps i could justify it by saying they attempted to marry the SW and BA geneseed like you said. The BAs fair features to offset the SWs mutations and the SWs knack of being able to control the raging beast within were supposed to offset both chapters flaws. But it went wrong leaving a chapter that is obsessed with consuming the flesh of the fallen


The chapter name: Curiasi lords


colour scheme: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v357/phe...iuet/xcxvcb.bmp

A BA/SW hybrid chapter that got the bad parts of BOTH? Oh God-Emperor! :)


Just because they are a Blood Angels successor (sort of) they don't have to be red. It's also hard to paint blood-splatters on red armour so I suggest a lighter scheme that goes well with red...

The Mortifactors are a very savage, skulls and death kind of chapter... I can't remember off-hand if they actually go cannibal at the moment (check Warriors of Ultramar), and they come from the Guilliman geneseed, so culture and homeworld can give you the leeway to use any geneseed you want.


Too overt signs of cannibalism from any geneseed will probably get a lot of unwelcome interest from the imperial authorities... perhaps they could keep it behind closed doors unless you want yet another renegade chapter on your hands. :)

Don't the flesh tearers have fluff like this? The feast of the fallen or something?


Anyway I like the idea as it is a almost untouched theme with D.I.Y. As for geneseed I would go for BA (or nightlords but you cant do that :) ). I don't think it matters if you can't decide on a geneseed as you can just use the tried and tested method of "unknown".

As I recall, Mortifactors aren't cannibalistic yet. They DO have a lot of blood rituals, usually involving their own vitae or a fellow Mortifactor's.


As for the Chapter heritage, a mix of Blood Angels and Space Wolves sounds workable. If they're going to be cursed founding anyways, you can even use geneseed from a traitor legion, like the aforementioned Night Lords. It really depends on why they're cannibals. If it's a terror tactic or pyschological warfare gone bad, Night Lords definately fits. If it's a compulsive urge or geneseed failure, maybe World Eaters or the BA/SW combo.

As I recall, Mortifactors aren't cannibalistic yet.


Oh yes they are! :)


The process of consuming flesh is more of an act of purity and respect for them though,as opposed to the Flesh Tearers,whose cannibalistic tendencies are caused by a heightened form of the Black Rage..

Flesh Tearers are very similar, i play them. But as for your chapter, SOF, i agree with most here and make them a blood angel successor. But watch out if you make them too blood thirsty and insane ect! Good luck on the rest





ill just go with a BA succesor, would the curse of sanguinius be present? If so could i represent it by having my marines go into a lusting for flesh in the midst of battle and do not pursue a fleeing enemy but stop and feed on flesh?


I was thinking of giving them the "we stand alone" drawback as the whole flesh eating thing wouldnt sit well with other imperial organisations as you said


what traits would be good

Due to the omophagea implant, that enables a marine to aquire the genetic memories of what (or who...) he eats, any chapter is at danger from cannibalism. If your recruits come from a planet that already has a culture of cannibalism... well that spells bad news :tu:

Any geneseed could be used, the Mortifactors are an Ultramarines successor as mentioned.


You say tribal, do you want barbaric also or civilized barbarians?

More feral then the flesheaters? They are a real bloodthirsty chapter, after all, they eat flesh to sustain themselves. I think your chapter would be great being like the flesheaters, but then again its a DIY and you want them to be different.

To represent it in the fluff, you could say: they come from a deathworld, where some of the local forms of life have very strange practices (think Alien). The native warriors despise the idea of their flesh being used to create another one of such monsters, so they entrust their brothers to get rid of it if they die - but, being feral and all that, they don't really have access to flamers or meltas, so they get their brother warriors to eat them, as a gesture of sanctification - if their flesh is eaten, it cannot be tainted. This could carry on through to the marines, and over thousands of years of doing this, their omophagea has mutated so that they actually need to eat flesh, although they still regard it as a holy process...

You could use a sort of dark green colour scheme both to represent their deathworld roots and to offset any red blood spatter you might want, maybe mixed with bone, although that might end up looking too much like the dark angels.

Just some thoughts...

I know you're going for a feral, amazon feel for your models, but amazon doesn't always mean using greens. You could use a tan/brown mix, something akin to the 'Old One Eye' model in the US WD307 page 77. It has a more 'hide/skin'-like appearance. Your marines may be like an amazon version of the Dune Freman, 'Spice is Life' sort of thing. Only, they consume the bodies of their fallen brethren because...you ARE what you EAT afterall! What better way of passing the 'spirit' of your brother warriors along in your company then by eating them. What greater honour can their be when they are laid to rest? The blood of their brethren lives on in their veins! As for enemies, I love this quote: "Their blood shall be spilt on barren stone, nourishing NOTHING!"




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