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Loyal Fallen Army


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I have been wondering if it is possible ot have a fallen army loyal to the emperor, but have had a falling out with the Dark Angels? Kind of on a quest or something? Is it legal both fluff and rules wise? I've been thinking of creating an army for sometime and have even written a little bit of fluff about it. Can somebody help me? :)
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The motivations of the Fallen have always been... ambiguous... to say the least.


Is Cypher a bad guy? Is he a good guy? Why does he have the Lion Sword? Ect, Etc.


So, you could make a small warband (an 'army' would seem to be pushing it in terms of numbers IMO) of fallen that are 'nice', but they would still be renegades to Imperial justice, and would be constantly on the run from the Unforgiven. Check the renegades post in the Ultimate DIY chapter creation thread for some things to think about.


However, rather than overtly making them 'nice' keeping their motives shrouded in mystery would be better... explicitly stating their motivations may detract from their power and mythos.

I have been wondering if it is possible ot have a fallen army loyal to the emperor, but have had a falling out with the Dark Angels? Kind of on a quest or something?  Is it legal both fluff and rules wise? I've been thinking of creating an army for sometime and have even written a little bit of fluff about it. Can somebody help me?  :wacko:


I'm doing a Fallen army right now. I am building so that it can be either a Chaos or Loyal army.


As Aurelius Rex said, the Fallen are ambiguous. I agree that I don't believe all the Fallen are bad just feed bad information so that they'd fight their brothers. After the destruction of Caliban, they saw the error of their ways. They decided to disappear and rejoin the Imperial society or try to live an honorable life.


With the appearnce of Cypher in the 13th Black Crusade, the Fallen have been drawn toward Cypher. Forming a small guerilla attack force, they help fight towards Cypher's goals. However, his disappearing acts have a habit of breaking the chain of command. So then the guerilla force is led by its commander to continue the fight as they know it. Each force can be led by a Chaotic Lord or a Loyalist that want's to repent their sins and go on a self-imposed crusade. Some Marines that take an opposing view will leave the force to follow their own ends.


Using this interpretation, I can justify a Fallen Angel army Fluffwise and I can follow the rules with it.


Self imposed restrictions means that the bulk of the force is Power Armoured Marines. Scouts and Terminators are rare (Scouts are very rare). Think, get in and get out fast!


I hope this helps.


Belial Out.

Well, hmm.... the only reason DA's chase cypher is cause they aint got nothing else to do, apart from getting the sword, but hey, finders keepers. :wacko: Are you sure it is legally (rule wise) possible for cypher to be used by a loyalist army following conventinal DA rules then?
Well doesn't it say in his rules that he can only be used in chaos or IG armies?


As per WD280, Cypher can only be used in Chaos or IG Armies as an Elites choice.


To be used in a Loyalist Fallen Angels army, you have to build him as your standard HQ choice as established in Codex Space Marines.


Master w/ Master Crafted Bolt Pistol and Master Crafted Plasma Pistol, Iron Halo, etc...


It will NOT be Cypher (with the neat rules), but it is close enough to allow you to use the mini legally and be in the spirit of Cypher. Otherwise, you'll have to ask for permission every time.


Belial Out.

I was going to make a Fallen Army once, but not going for a Cypher lead one. He was going to be the leader, but wasnt the face leader. Instead of making him gathered lots of fallen, he had made a chapter fall and be ruled by him. This way, Cypher could be your leader fluff wise, but on table top he let some else take charge so not draw attention to himself



When you are refering to WD280, where would it have been published (country). I am guessing in the US. If so, does anyone have an idea which WD it was published in, in the magical land of Oz.


My apologies. Yes WD280 in the US and WD281 in UK. I believe the Australian one was patterned of the UK but it's been over a decade since I was last down under.


(waxes nostalgic)


Belial Out.

Well I've got some rough notes for an army of the Fallen with me. It's based on the fact that the Fallen aren't pro-chaos but they fight alongside rebels mainly, and they have their hatred of corruption that the dark angels have, but to a lesser extent obviously, so I've based the army on latd. The finished version will be on my website in a few weeks tiem if you want me to finish the codex soon.


Codex: Fallen Angels


The intention of this codex is to represent the fallen angels, the dark angels that turned to chaos shortly after the horus heresy. These marines then either regretted their actions and stopped being devoted to chaos, or became fully devoted chaos space marines. The chaos fallen can be represented by using black legion codex, this codex focuses on those that seek redemption, led by Cypher. This army is mentioned in codex: dark angels and index astartes: dark angels, as well as the fluff from the eye of terror campaign.


Special Rules: no marks of chaos, no daemon weapons, nothing daemonic at all, except for oblits and possibly raptors. Atsknf. Alter weapon options for dreadnought and havocs. Still allowed veteran skills.


HQ: 1 Cypher, Space Marine Hero, Chaos Lieutenant, Dark Angels Librarian

Elites: Chosen Chaos Space Marines, 0-1 Obliterators, Dreadnoughts

Troops: Chaos Space Marines, Traitors

Fast Attack: 0-1 Chaos Raptors, Chaos Bikers, Hellhound*, Sentinel Squadron*, Rough Riders*

Heavy Support: Land Raiders, Predators, Havoc Squads, Leman Russ Battle Tank*, Leman Russ Demolisher*, Basilisk*


*1 per Traitors squad (see latd for details)




Dreadnoughts same as chaos dread except that not insane (and obviously no daemonic upgrades). Aren


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