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Templar Succesor


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Hi all. This is my first post on B&C and im wondering if you could help me with my new DIY chapter.

So far this is the only stuff that i have thought of.


- What geneseed are they? most likely Black Templars

- What founding were they?

- What is their chapter symbol/colour scheme?

- What is their Homeworld like, and what is the culture of the homeworld? (ie is it a Hive World, a Feral World, a Death World etc) i want to make them fleet-based with no real homeworld

- Where in the Imperium are they based? (It may help define the kind of enemies they face most often.) area of space near the maelstrom. mostly fighting chaos

- What is their Combat Doctrine like? (do they prefer Close Combat or ranged fighting?) ranged combat is favoured

- What is their Organisation like (do they follow the Codex or are they a bit different?) they are Wise with *heed the wisdom of the ancients* and *honour your wargear* with the major drawback *eye to eye*

- What is their Belief System?


so thats all ive got so far. Any help with names, colour schemes, iconography and beliefs would be appreciated.



-- Panthro Wants You --

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The Black Templars are successors of the Imperial Fists so it the Geneseed of Rogal Dorn they will be using.


I'm not sure what you are asking? You need to think up what YOU want your chapter to be like, atleast having base information about your guys - then we can give you advice on how to progress.

i was thinking of changing the geneseed from black templars/Imperial Fists to a more shooty army as it seems weird to have a shooty army come from assault orientated marines like the Templars.


Any way i was thinking that they have a huge trust in machines and weapons hence the *honour your wargear* which gives them more devastators. also more dreads and less fast attack. basically a very heavy army but i cant think of a name or colour scheme. probably a very dark scheme.


so if u can help me with sum name ideas and a colour scheme i would appreciate it

They seem like Iron Hand successors to me, but the Fists seed isnt a combat gene-seed, the Fists themeselves are more balanced, with a slight tilt towards range. You could do with offering us a theme, such as an ancient culture, emotion or anythign really.



thanks for the help thus far..

the basic idea of the army is that they were created to protect regions of space around the Maelstrom. They found that mostly facing power armoured Chaos Marines that ranged heavy weapons were much more effective and so use Heavy Weapons far more than assault weapons. a great number of devastator squds line their ranks and an increaded amount of dreadnoughts helps them if things get to close for comfort.

I have an idea for colour scheme but am still unsure. its halfed black and white but as i said im still unsure (hmmm a test model seems to be in order)


C&C welcomed



-- Panthro Wants You --

its halfed black and white


Maal!! ...sorry


Seems like a good basic start. You know where, who and why they are fighting. The colour scheme seems ok, maybe show how you plan to do the black/white.


So 3 dreads and 3 Devs. Maybe think about taking Heed the Wisdom and Honour Wargear, then take Dreads as Heavy's and Devs as Elites. This way you can get vet skills on your devs and take more then one ven dread.


Names, something either Metallic or Solid (Fist/Rock/Hammer/Shield)



*Heed the wisdom of the ancients* and *honour your wargear* are a must i think for this army so i will be taking them. and *eye to eye* (very few fast attack)


i havent done a test mini yet but it will basically be white on one side and black on the other... unless i take a name using 'Metallic' in the title at which point ill be changing it to some thing.... mettalic ^_^


I was thinking (maybe) Iron Hammers. just a thought at this point. but thats all i got sooo...


:lol: i hate mental blanks

*Heed the wisdom of the ancients* and *honour your wargear* are a must i think for this army so i will be taking them. and *eye to eye* (very few fast attack)


Sorry, didnt see that :lol:


The split system could look good


Iron Hammers seems good as well


*runs off*



I'm guessing the scheme will look something like this




Personally, I would swith the pads around, thus having an inverse pads.



Orright i think ill stick with Iron Hammers then.

and yeah thats pretty much the scheme i was after. So do u mean having a black pad with white rim on the white side of the model? if so, one of my friends tried that with his quartered marines and it didnt look too good.. but thats just my personal oppinion.


Rite well thanks for all the help thus far. And i was wondering if u knew the names of any areas near the Maelstrom (just for fluffs sake... need to add some names in there i think)


Thanks agen




Try do some rigging with the GW painter, copying them into paint to get the half-scheme. I think the inverted pads look pretty good and adds a bit more life to the model, but thats just my view. Actually, looking at all the GW splits and they do a whole side the same colour, not even the trims are different



Orright since i have some new things now i have come up with the following....




- What geneseed are they? Iron HAnds


- What founding were they? 19th (around M.38 so im not sure wot founding that is)


- What is their chapter symbol/colour scheme? chapter symbol i think will be a hammer with wings (maybe) and colour scheme is halfed black and white.


- What is their Homeworld like, and what is the culture of the homeworld? Space-based


- Where in the Imperium are they based area of space near the maelstrom. mostly fighting chaos


- What is their Combat Doctrine like? ranged combat is favoured


- What is their Organisation like (do they follow the Codex or are they a bit different?) they are Wise with *heed the wisdom of the ancients* and *honour your wargear* with the major drawback *eye to eye*


So thats my army so far. ive been thinking about some characters (i.e chapter master) and will post a test mini soon.... along with sum more informative fluff



- What founding were they? 19th (around M.38 so im not sure wot founding that is)

A quick glance at the Confirmed Founding Dates sticky at the top of this forum will tell you that the 21st Founding occured in M36, so the nineteenth would have to be before that, or you'll have to pick a higher number if you want M38...

Oh right cool. thanks for that ill have a look.


But yeah so what do u think of the ideas so far?


I have some ideas for the Chapter master (yet un-named) and have come up with the following....


-Terminator Armour (since my dreads and devastators will be taking the elite sections i have decided that terminator command squads are a must so i fitted the lord appropriatly)

-Master Crafted Thunder Hammer

-Storm Bolter

-Adamantine Mantle


Totalling around 185 points...


I am planning on using Lysanders thunder hammer and alot of Greenstuff to give this guy the right feel...


SO thats about it so far and i am currently finishing their fluff so that will be posted soon.



Here is the Emperors Hammers first piece of fluff... this is in no way fully complete and i have a fair amount left to add... such as the destruction of Vaulkan and the rest of the fluff up to the present (40K) year...




The Emperors Hammers come from deep within Imperial history, first appearing in 998 M.36. It is thought that they had been created to protect Imperial Space around the Maelstrom as this is the location of the Chapters fortress-monastery and where the majority of the Chapter is currently stationed.

Exact records have been lost regarding the Chapters history though it is believed that they were created only decades before their first engagement using the Iron Hands gene-seed. The first war that the Hammers fought in saw the destruction of three of the Chapters battle companies. Seemingly off to an unlucky beginning the Chapter was taken out of the immediate situation and stationed on the Hive World of Vaulkan.

Here they trained and slowly regained a small amount of their strength. One of the destroyed company

  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds ok, i always find though that in the fluff / background part of a DIY chapter, you need a detailed incident involving your special units (yours are white knights?), so perhaps explain why they are called that, any dramatic conflicts they have engaged in. Other points to consider;


1) Does your army have any "un-marked" rules, e.g. your vet sergs must have plasma pistols or whatever.


2) Do your devastator squads favour any type of weapons? e.g. plasma cannons and heavy bolters for mass troop removal


3) Do you have any characters that stand out within the chapter, e.g. lysandar from IF's, Dante from the BA, Ragnar from SW etc. If so do they use a certain weapon with a history behind it and why that type of weapon?


4) Do your veteran units (White knights?) prefer any type of weapons? e.g. my DIY Palace Guard MUST use power swords if they are able to, etc.


I hope those points help, you've put a lot of thought into it, so dont stop now, take the comments you'll get and make a great chapter with a superb history!




Ok thanks for the comments now to clear it all up.


- White Knights are not actually linked to the chapter in any way. they are another chapter that fought with the Hammers during that war. (however, since i came up with the name White Knights i may actually use them as Hammers Veterans or some such... thanks for the idea :) )


- i havent thought of any "un-marked" rules yet but ill let u all know if i come up with any thing!


- Emperors HAmmers devastator squads favour the Missile Launcher over other weapons and every squad must have at least two missile launchers in it.


3) Do you have any characters that stand out within the chapter

yes. The only Veteran of the First War that is not piloting an ancient dreadnought is Ancient Achilles (kinda lame i kno... i might change his name depending on what u guys think)

Armed with Terminator Armour, Master Crafted Thunder Hammer, adamantine mantle, and a storm bolter. He has the same profile as an Ultramarine Honour Guard Champion and i think he weighs in at around 185 pts!


- If i decide to put in a special unit... hell i have no idea :P

thanks for the help



They seem like Iron Hand successors to me, but the Fists seed isnt a combat gene-seed, the Fists themeselves are more balanced, with a slight tilt towards range. You could do with offering us a theme, such as an ancient culture, emotion or anythign really.




Ferrata, I wouldn't have expected this from you... I'm disappointed :). Do you really think that gene-seed determines combat doctrine? I mean, the Black Templars are a Fists successor, and they certainly are a combat chapter. Such things tend to be nurture far more than nature.





Two main points for now:


The Badab War was in 901.M41. Before that, the Astral Claws (Tiger Claws) were assigned as guardians of the Maelstrom. I think you might have to find a patch of turf that's not detailed in GW history.


Apart from that, I'm curious why you resort to "records expunged" every time you need a name or to establish firm details? I mean, you go so far as to give an exact year when the chapter was founded, but then you can't find anything else out? I just find it peculiar.


- As Levett stated, you might need to justify your decisions. They prefer missile launchers? Why? Just try to get into the chapter's mind-set.

Ok ill have to find a way around that Maelstrom problem.




Apart from that, I'm curious why you resort to "records expunged"
I said that coz at the time i couldnt think of a name for the planet that was destroyed... ill come up with something though.


I mean, you go so far as to give an exact year when the chapter was founded

The year i wrote down was not the year the Chapter was founded. It was the year of their first known engagement (the 'First War' as the Hammers call it) and it is believed they were founded many decades before that date.



They prefer missile launchers? Why?

I chose the Missile Launcher coz its fairly strong and still has the potential to take out a few troops at a time. Since they face Chaos Marines they need a heavy weapon capable of piercing tough armour and dwindling the enemies numbers.


Hope that cleared a few things up for you





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