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Angels Of Lighting

Librarian Bander

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Hi guys... just made this up yesterday. I might even consider it a new army for myself.


These are based on the Blood Angels Gene-seed or the Space Wolves Gene-seed. So im still thinking about which one.


Ok lets see


A Servant carried a batch of gene-seeds to the lab to be inplanted into the newly formed space marines.(BA OR SW)As he carried it, he tripped and dropped it into a newly discovered chemical founded off of a discovered planet. He quickly took out the gene-seeds and noticed that they glowed blue and it earthquaked as sounds of lighting came from with in. One was tested to see if the gene-seed was still good. ALl procedures went well. The space marine arose from his lair. His painted (im still working on this) half blue and half bone color(or half red and bone, Not too sure) and lighting sounded from within is armor as he walked. His eyes glowed blue and his anger was strong within him. He was tested on 20 captured kroot, he slashed and hacked with ease. No scratches left on his armour after the experiment. He was tested again, this time against30 dark eldar captured off a planet. Again, with ease he slahed away, firing his bolt pistol and hackin' and slahin' away with his chainsword. No scratches on his armour. He ate off the bodies after he defeated them. From this moment on they called him an angel of lighting.(still fighting on the name) More gene-seeds were produced untill there were 100 sm. The first one was granted as a master of the newly formed chapter. The rest were granted sergeants and veterans. They were given a ship and soon the enemies of the emperor feared them.


Motto:"Never Forget,Never Forgive"


Traits, Zealous. Blessed be the warriors and take the fight to them.

Disadvantage: flesh over steel




any suggestions would be nice



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Ok here is the roster for them




Master Bander Vaanes


Thunder Hammer. Bolt Pistol, Iron Halo, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Frag+krak+melta Grenades, Term Honours, Master crafted weapon, bionics- total 188


Chief Librarian Kranez

Thunder Hammer,Bolt Pistol, frag+krak, master crafted weapon, bionics, artificer armour, powers: Storm of the emperors wrtah, and fear of the darkness-total 203



Assault squad x5

krak+melta, 4 ccweapons, 2 plasma pistols, 2 bolt pistols

Vet sergeant, power fist, combat shield, plasma pistol, term honours, bionics

total- 180


Assault squad x5

krak+melta, 4 ccweapons, 2 plasma pistols, 2 bolt pistols

Vet sergeant, power fist, combat shield, plasma pistol, term honours, bionics

total- 180


Term Squad, 4 PF,3 Storm bolters, 1 assault cannon

Serg, power weapon and storm bolter.



Tactical Squad X9

7 marines with ccweapon and bolt pistol, one with plasma gun

serg with term honours, bionics, bolt pistol, and pf 189 pts


Tactical Squad X9

7 marines with ccweapon and bolt pistol, one with melta gun

serg with term honours, bionics, bolt pistol, and pf

Mounted in rhino,extra armour smoke launcher, 247 pts


Grand total, 1497


some suggestions on this would be nice too. Thanks

If you want help on the army list, post it be itself in the armylist section.


As for the fluff, seems to be a weird place to start. Most people look at the chapter in general, then work themselves into the detail. If you want SW or BA geneseed, then your going have to go 13th or 21st founding. The SW seed is unstable, and only known successors have been destroyed (Wolf Brothers). The BA seed, you will need to have some type of Death Company or a reason they have beaten it (not the best idea) as this is the seeds curse.



Ok, a few problems.


First off, weird new chemicals would not be allowed anywhere near geneseed. Secondly, if geneseed was contaminated, it would have been discarded, and the servant eliminated. Even if he snuck it through, the marine would be considered deviant and be culled after or during his testing....and the servant would be branded a heretic.


Secondly, Angels of Lightining? If you're going to do ANOTHER angels chapter, at least do it a bit more cleverly. How about the Blitz Angels? Btw, if they're gonna be angels, why would they use SW geneseed?

I have to agree with Gator and Ferrata about the points they made.


SW geneseed cannot be used due to its instabilities. And BA geneseed has the curse of the Black Rage and Red Thirst so your army would have to include (providing that u use the BA rules) a Death Company.


And Geneseed would never be kept near dangerous or experimental chemicals due to the risks involved.


Again, with ease he slahed away, firing his bolt pistol and hackin' and slahin' away with his chainsword.


I think using Hackin' with the apostrophe(?) is wrong and personally i think it looks bad.


Please dont take these comments too hard... i just think that a few things need to be changed if u want ur chapter to be believable.




The chemically 'contaminated' geneseed does seem odd... as has been alluded to above geneseed is supposed to be a holy connection to the primarch, so spilling mysterious xenos chemicals on it? You might be able to get away with it if you go Cursed founding, but that opens up a whole other can of worms.


In effect, the background is a chapter given superpowers by having Chemical 'X' dropped on them, which seems OK if you are doing a Powerpuff Girls chapter, but sits uneasily for me for Astartes.


The seemingly boosted abilities don't seem to have any downside. It would be far more interesting to see that an unforseen disadvantageous side effect arose, be it physical, mental or spiritual, which would explain why the experiment was seen as a failure, and would also explain why if it was so great, why everyone was not using the practice.


Overall, I would consider carefully the whole chemical X origin, but ultimately it is your choice.


On the name, do you mean 'Angels of Lightning' indicating fast, dangerous, or a force of nature? The word 'Lighting' could have different connotations, like they illuminate the darkness, but it doesn't sound as good as the first name.


Similarly, going for a name with 'Angels', it would make sense for them to come from Blood Angel or Dark Angel geneseed.


There is a very useful list of things to think about in the Ultimate Chapter Creation thread which is stickied at the top of the forum. :rolleyes:

On the name, do you mean 'Angels of Lightning' indicating fast, dangerous, or a force of nature?  The word 'Lighting' could have different connotations, like they illuminate the darkness, but it doesn't sound as good as the first name.


Similarly, going for a name with 'Angels', it would make sense for them to come from Blood Angel or Dark Angel geneseed.


The name is similar in the naming convention GW uses for Dark Angels successors.


(Angels of Vigilance, Angels of Redemtion, etc...)


A Blood Angel name would be Angels Lightningus :rolleyes:


Belial Out.

Well thanks alot guys. Really appreciate it. I just made this the other night at 1 in the morning. So i didnt know what to write. And as for the chapter, i decided to go for black templars and make them a crusading army(add chainmail and other cool details). I really thank you guys for looking out though.


Thanks Alot :cuss


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